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Even having the vaccine do you still need to isolate for 14 days?

What they are talking about here is no change until April... don't travel unless its really necessary and you should still self isolate for 10 days after coming home.

Assuming the vaccine works, and is as effective as claimed, public health will issue you with an e-vaccination certificate (which actually sounds very Big Brotherish, or like the Mark of the Beast). If you have that e-certificate then, at least here, quarantine restrictions will be eased and there will be limited restrictions for short haul flights

It looks like that it will be a pre-requisite for international air travel. Qantas, BA, Cathy have already said that they will only accept passengers who have taken a vaccine. Makes absolute sense if you and an island like Australia as they want to keep it out, but I think it would be less effective for connected destinations in European Countries. If you fly from Paris to Amsterdam its similar to driving or taking the train.

I think to make it work though, every country has to be on the same page

It will be interesting to see exactly how effective this all is. The Flu shot seems to be <50% effective. In fact, the last 2 times I got the flu shot I also got the flu. I haven't had a flu shot since 2016 and have not had the flu... LOL

For me I'm still planning a trip up to Northern Canada in the summer so I assume that I will need that cert.
I would expect disruptions in testing, reporting, and so forth due to Christmas and New Years just about everywhere. The WHO-Europe graph looks suspiciously like someone fat-fingered a data entry and then adjusted for it a few days later, or something of that sort.
Just Europe.... Looks like a bunch of WHO-Europe countries had that or similar spike around the same time.

Also highlight Scandinavia just because...

There were lots of them, this list is just who got caught. It wasn't illegal to go, just really poor optics.

One of the guys in our social circle pilots for Air Canada , he's working a lot less these days but still working. 1,000's travel weekly.
Covid times are tough.My grandson Harley made $10 yesterday.
Covid times are tough.My grandson Harley made $10 yesterday.
So awesome. I love to see kids with hustle. I normally support them to reinforce the behaviour even if I dont want whatever they are selling.

Next time try to get him to go with kickstarters model to extract more money. If I get $5 I will get a t-rex, $10, t-rex and a brontosaurus, ,$30 t-rex, brontosaurus, allosaurus and donate $10 to food bank. Almost guaranteed to get $30.
According to this doctor on Twitter, Ontario has received 150k vaccines and only given out 40k, leaving 110k unused...

I get that there is a ramp up to distribution + the holidays, but really disappointed we have 75% of our stock sitting in freezers when we've be begging for this for 10 months. I hope by the end of January we are giving 50k+ vaccines a day like we are now with tests.
According to this doctor on Twitter, Ontario has received 150k vaccines and only given out 40k, leaving 110k unused...

I get that there is a ramp up to distribution + the holidays, but really disappointed we have 75% of our stock sitting in freezers when we've be begging for this for 10 months. I hope by the end of January we are giving 50k+ vaccines a day like we are now with tests.
My wife showed up 20 minutes early for her shot. They told her to leave and come back in 20 minutes. It went quickly when she came back. I wonder how many people would just say f this if sent away?
My wife showed up 20 minutes early for her shot. They told her to leave and come back in 20 minutes. It went quickly when she came back. I wonder how many people would just say f this if sent away?
So regular people can get one now? Or is she a frontline healthcare worker?
My wife's grandmother got her first shot in the nursing home last week apparently. Just in the nick of time because apparently several staff members just tested positive - unclear if outbreak in the home itself or not yet. As I understand it though the first shot should yield about 50% immunity as is, and if she still contracted should make it more survivable regardless.

Looking forward to her getting the second shot and then she can safely come and spend a few days with us over a weekend or whatnot without any fears.
So awesome. I love to see kids with hustle. I normally support them to reinforce the behaviour even if I dont want whatever they are selling.

Next time try to get him to go with kickstarters model to extract more money. If I get $5 I will get a t-rex, $10, t-rex and a brontosaurus, ,$30 t-rex, brontosaurus, allosaurus and donate $10 to food bank. Almost guaranteed to get $30.
He wants a Spinosaurus. This is serious stuff.
Which vaccine takes 29 days to start working ? is that the blue pill people one or the other one?
So awesome. I love to see kids with hustle. I normally support them to reinforce the behaviour even if I dont want whatever they are selling.

Next time try to get him to go with kickstarters model to extract more money. If I get $5 I will get a t-rex, $10, t-rex and a brontosaurus, ,$30 t-rex, brontosaurus, allosaurus and donate $10 to food bank. Almost guaranteed to get $30.

I used to deal with the TD bank in Woodbridge and one teller in particular was really cute. One day I guess the manager let a kid into the bank to sell chocolates for a school fund raiser. He stood by the hottie's wicket and a lot of the guys that came in bought her boxes of chocolates. She must have had a dozen or more before she told the kid to buzz off.

I've often wondered what company that kid is running now.
Which vaccine takes 29 days to start working ? is that the blue pill people one or the other one?

None of them. Seems that the protection ramps up over a couple-weeks-ish after the first shot then ramps up again for a week or two after the second one.

Folks have to remember to still be careful during that interim period.
None of them. Seems that the protection ramps up over a couple-weeks-ish after the first shot then ramps up again for a week or two after the second one.

Folks have to remember to still be careful during that interim period.
Nothing changes with my wifes behaviour. This just pushes the odds more in the good direction. The studies for transmission risk after vaccination are quite immature but from what understand vaccine doesnt have a huge affect on transmission (which seems strange to me as you would think with less viral load you would transmit less freely).
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