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from what understand vaccine doesnt have a huge affect on transmission (which seems strange to me as you would think with less viral load you would transmit less freely
I'd double check that. You can't transmit what you can't catch, and not catching is the whole premise of the vaccine.
I'd double check that. You can't transmit what you can't catch, and not catching is the whole premise of the vaccine.
It's mainly a lack of studies as transmission is outside the scope of clinical trials. They only assess efficacy and side-effects, they do not even consider transmission. Based on the logic below, you could still spread after vaccination even if the antibodies are helping to protect you from severe symptoms.

In short, the vaccine may be pushing most people to asymptomatic infection. Still infected, still spreading, just not dying. There have been insufficient studies to determine how the vaccine is affecting infection and therefore transmission to determine any possible effect. As the studies progress, there could be a substantial difference in transmission between vaccines (especially AZ vs Moderna/Pfizer as their mechanism of action is very different).

"We don't have the clinical trials to show that people who are vaccinated are not shedding the virus," Dr. Dyan Hes, founder of Gramercy Pediatrics in New York City, told CBSN. "They might not be getting sick, but they might still be shedding if they got it."

Dr. Joel Ernst, an immunology and infectious disease expert at UCSF, said that "in the absence of any other information," it's safe to assume that "having antibodies won't protect you from shedding the virus.

What’s more, neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine trials tested whether the vaccines prevent people from being infected with the virus. Those trials, instead, focused on whether people were shielded from developing disease symptoms. That means that it’s not clear whether vaccinated people could still develop asymptomatic infections — and thus still be able to spread the virus to others.
It's mainly a lack of studies as transmission is outside the scope of clinical trials. They only assess efficacy and side-effects, they do not even consider transmission. Based on the logic below, you could still spread after vaccination even if the antibodies are helping to protect you from severe symptoms.

In short, the vaccine may be pushing most people to asymptomatic infection. Still infected, still spreading, just not dying. There have been insufficient studies to determine how the vaccine is affecting infection and therefore transmission to determine any possible effect. As the studies progress, there could be a substantial difference in transmission between vaccines (especially AZ vs Moderna/Pfizer as their mechanism of action is very different).

"We don't have the clinical trials to show that people who are vaccinated are not shedding the virus," Dr. Dyan Hes, founder of Gramercy Pediatrics in New York City, told CBSN. "They might not be getting sick, but they might still be shedding if they got it."

Dr. Joel Ernst, an immunology and infectious disease expert at UCSF, said that "in the absence of any other information," it's safe to assume that "having antibodies won't protect you from shedding the virus.

What’s more, neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine trials tested whether the vaccines prevent people from being infected with the virus. Those trials, instead, focused on whether people were shielded from developing disease symptoms. That means that it’s not clear whether vaccinated people could still develop asymptomatic infections — and thus still be able to spread the virus to others.
Toronto adding additional requirements for workplaces that remain open. Details this afternoon. Includes the requirement to report cases as currently many are kept out of the public (and public health) eye.
What more could they possibly do, I wonder.
I wonder how all these small business owners are going to come out of this unscathed...
What more could they possibly do, I wonder.
I wonder how all these small business owners are going to come out of this unscathed...
They won’t. It’ll be a horrible experience to try and keep this up.

My buddy is in finance and they expected it to be slow....he said he’s never seen so many rich people and corporations buy up businesses at the rate it’s going at now. It’s a fire sale that’s just going to speed up with additional restrictions and limits placed on the smaller players that can’t game the system.
What more could they possibly do, I wonder.
I wonder how all these small business owners are going to come out of this unscathed...
I think this is more big business related. Likely things like increased regulation for behind the scenes areas (are masks required for offices already?) and requirement to report all employees that have tested positive and been on site as well as contact tracing info. Just my guesses.
I haven't following this thread super closely, so apologies if this has already come up. I am literally hearing these guys flying people over the border quite a bit lately:

I haven't following this thread super closely, so apologies if this has already come up. I am literally hearing these guys flying people over the border quite a bit lately:

It was mentioned before. Heli-tour companies repurposed as snowbird smuggling companies. Technically legal (which tells you how stupid the border controls implemented are). I have no problem with them heading south, but according to the constitution, we cannot stop them coming north again whenever they want. That part infuriates me. I can't believe we haven't implemented quarantine hotels yet were the morons can pay $2000+ to hang out in their hotel room for 14 days before being released back into society. Does anyone honestly think that someone that charted a helicopter to go south for the winter will stay quarantined for 14 days unless they are being actively monitored at all times?
What more could they possibly do, I wonder.
I wonder how all these small business owners are going to come out of this unscathed...
Small business don't stand a chance unless they are online and have a niche market . I have seen small business and how they implemented safety protocols . They were shut down . While Walmart and Costco carry on . Now they just back people into lines ups . When you go in it's as busy as any day . The politicians are letting medical bureaucrats run the show . When this is all over they will blame them for the shut downs . They had 8 months to lock down old age homes . They are still having outbreaks . Now Mike Harris is to blame . When food supplies start to dwindle them maybe politicians will take charge and run the cities . I know this year will start bringing in large increases in food prices . Then municipal, provincial and federal tax hikes .

Ok rant over . Let the usual crown start the pecking .
I haven't following this thread super closely, so apologies if this has already come up. I am literally hearing these guys flying people over the border quite a bit lately:

This service has been running for quite awhile now. Can't see who would use it at that cost other than snowbirds wanting to take their vehicle down for the winter. I wouldn't be going to the US even if it were free of cost, especially if I were over 65. Apparently lots are still going this year in spite of the situation. "It won't happen to me" syndrome :cautious:
What more could they possibly do, I wonder.
I wonder how all these small business owners are going to come out of this unscathed...
It's interesting to see how different ski hills have implemented covid protocols. They all closed the buildings, added signs, have people to keep lines spaced out, require masks in crowds etc. Afaik, they have also all limited daily ticket sales and require pre-booking. Then the differences start. Some have no clue when season pass holders are there, other have RFID gates on the lifts so every lap is recorded and they could identify not just people that were at the resort at the same time as an identified case, but those that were waiting for the lift at the same time.

Spending a million or more on tracing technology and then have the gov't burn 30% of your revenue based on a hasty decision would be annoying at best and could be fatal to some. The hill will probably survive but the operator may not make it. I say hasty decision because obviously something happened with ski hills as they were informally told they would be open days before and then they are their own line on the closing document with different formatting so somebody added that after the document was completed.
This service has been running for quite awhile now. Can't see who would use it at that cost other than snowbirds wanting to take their vehicle down for the winter. I wouldn't be going to the US even if it were free of cost, especially if I were over 65. Apparently lots are still going this year in spite of the situation. "It won't happen to me" syndrome :cautious:
I can't tell you who, but I can tell you they are busy. Saw three different birds in the air at the same time on an ADS-B tracker today
It's interesting to see how different ski hills have implemented covid protocols. They all closed the buildings, added signs, have people to keep lines spaced out, require masks in crowds etc. Afaik, they have also all limited daily ticket sales and require pre-booking. Then the differences start. Some have no clue when season pass holders are there, other have RFID gates on the lifts so every lap is recorded and they could identify not just people that were at the resort at the same time as an identified case, but those that were waiting for the lift at the same time.

Spending a million or more on tracing technology and then have the gov't burn 30% of your revenue based on a hasty decision would be annoying at best and could be fatal to some. The hill will probably survive but the operator may not make it. I say hasty decision because obviously something happened with ski hills as they were informally told they would be open days before and then they are their own line on the closing document with different formatting so somebody added that after the document was completed.

The American (Business) Dream

Ignore Covid and let your older workers die off............reduced benefit, wage, pension and termination costs.

Let small businesses suffer a lingering death and then buy them up at ten cents on the dollar...... Reap rewards when herd immunity kicks in or when you can get the business listed as essential.

Get the small businesses to trust the government. (Remember all the bars and restaurants that spent tens of thousands on smoking area ventilation only to be told later it was a temporary reprieve. They didn't make back the money spent.)

Enjoy travel to gated communities in your private jet or just hang out on your 250 foot yacht. Remember to have the limo's glass shield between the chauffeur and passenger areas kept up.

Social distance by having your low paid lackies do the face to face tasks.

As people lose their homes buy up the properties at fire sale prices. Sell them back later when markets return. It'll be a long wait so buy cheap. Maybe you can rent the place back to the previous owner and get your purchase money back.
This service has been running for quite awhile now. Can't see who would use it at that cost other than snowbirds wanting to take their vehicle down for the winter. I wouldn't be going to the US even if it were free of cost, especially if I were over 65. Apparently lots are still going this year in spite of the situation. "It won't happen to me" syndrome :cautious:

I know a guy that lives in his Florida trailer in the winter and his Ontario trailer in the summer. An RV trailer here isn't a good idea as they aren't usually designed for Canadian winters nor are most seasonal RV parks.

Fortunately this year he was able to stay the winter with his mother. Otherwise he would probably consider paying for a flight to the south. I don't know what six month rental accommodation would cost here but a chopper flight across the border would probably pay off.

Little things add up. How about Ontario vs Florida car insurance? Heat vs air conditioning? Sun tan lotion vs Vicks Vapour Rub.
I know a guy that lives in his Florida trailer in the winter and his Ontario trailer in the summer. An RV trailer here isn't a good idea as they aren't usually designed for Canadian winters nor are most seasonal RV parks.

Fortunately this year he was able to stay the winter with his mother. Otherwise he would probably consider paying for a flight to the south. I don't know what six month rental accommodation would cost here but a chopper flight across the border would probably pay off.

Little things add up. How about Ontario vs Florida car insurance? Heat vs air conditioning? Sun tan lotion vs Vicks Vapour Rub.
Well if you own the place in FL you are paying for AC whether or not you are there unless you like mold. Definitely some difficult choices to be made for people with seasonal residences in both locations.

Costs associated with helicopter transport to the United States are $1200 regardless of number of passengers, along with a $700 fee for vehicles – up to $1600 for larger vehicles like RVs or those towing trailers. Henderson said the helicopter transport company now has over a few hundred bookings to head to Buffalo, with the average flight limited to 3 passengers.

“Air Canada flies three times a day to Florida and they do 250-300 people at a time… I think between now and mid-January, if things go status quo, we’re likely going to fly about one carrier plane-load of people to Florida.”
Wife and I drove out to Blue yesterday as we were at the cottage for a few days away (on our own, only stopped for gas, etc). BLUE had a lot of cars in the lot at the village, but hills were closed.

Funny thing driving home along side roads it appeared the smaller areas had stores open that people were walking in and out of. Hell looked like the intersection of 27 and 89 had some restaurants where we saw people eating inside. I was driving but she mentioned that it didn’t look anything like the GTA ‘lockdown’ along the route. Roads were packed once we passed through Orangeville.
Well if you own the place in FL you are paying for AC whether or not you are there unless you like mold. Definitely some difficult choices to be made for people with seasonal residences in both locations.

I knew a lady with a place in Key West and she said she never had a problem. Her solution was to wipe everything down before leaving and then never touching anything again. Like a criminal wiping off fingerprints.

I do that with cheese and it seems to last longer.

If I had a place Florida I would at least run a dehumidifier. Cheaper than mold removal if I was wrong on the fingerprint thing.
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