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On a more positive note.Had the grandkids over this morning for a socially distanced visit in the garage.Warm fuzzy feelings and a few boot scuffs on the bikes.Lol.


Good to see the beta getting some love. Is it their mom that got the old trials bike?

Canada daily new cases looks like it is levelling off around 6000 per day and 100 deaths per day ... but who knows what Christmas and New Years is going to do - although, plenty of people including myself are going nowhere and only doing virtual parties online. Fingers crossed. Currently at 408 deaths per million citizens. It's adding around 2.5 daily deaths per million citizens.

USA is at 1057 deaths per million citizens, daily new cases looks like it is levelling off around 220,000 per day (ugh), deaths are around 2700 per day (7-day average) and not levelling off yet; holidays have messed up the numbers a bit. If Canada's proportions are any indication then the deaths per day would end up around 1 in 60 of the daily new cases, at that rate it's heading for 3700 deaths per day (very close to today's 3880). That's about 11 daily deaths per million citizens. Ugh.

UK is at 1066 deaths per million citizens and they are ramping up vaccinations very quickly. They're struggling with the new more-infectious variant; daily new cases has spiked in the last couple weeks. Deaths looks levelled off around 500 per day, which is about 7 per million citizens. That might not reflect the latest spike but it also won't reflect that they've gotten a good start on their vaccination campaign. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Spain is at 1084 deaths per million citizens and is under partial lockdown/curfew. Deaths per day is going down, currently the 7 day average is 142 deaths per day, about 3 per million citizens. The USA may overtake both the UK and Spain in about 4 days.

Italy is in bad shape but the daily numbers are heading down. Belgium as well. Bulgaria is in bad shape but levelling off. Slovenia is in bad shape period. The EU is starting its vaccination campaign in earnest just now. I'm hopeful that in these countries, which all have central health care systems, they won't have the vaccination distribution squabbles that the US is having, and to some extent we're having (although I think our squabbles will be easier to sort out).
All passenger...unless exempt....useless.

lock them down in hotels at first point of entry. Not cheap but necessary.
Ive said this a bunch of times but until they get serious about quarantine and proper contact tracing Canada will never shake covid. Canada right now has 1.5x the population of Australia yet has 18x the covid cases and 17x the covid deaths. The island thing can be argued but right now most states in Australia don't even have mask mandates and life is pretty normal, people can go out and spend time with family and friends freely with some social distancing at shops etc.


The first spike in Australia was a screw up in nsw when some infected cruise ships were allowed to disembark and the second spike was the screw-up in Melbourne were the private security the govt paid to guard the hotels were banging all the guests... while the fed gov offered army members to guard it like every other state had but Melbourne refused.

Also note the scale is different, Australia's top line is 800 while Canada's bottom one is 2000. So Australia's highest spike is less then halfway up Canada's lowest graph line.
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One thing I noticed recently is even some of the Canadian friends have made an exception for Christmas Eve and Christmas, but for New Years are scolding anyone saying they'll do the same thing that was the exception for Christmas to it's ok for Christmas to cheat a little in their heads, but NYE is TOTALLY wrong and immoral and they're endangering everyone and not following the rules and but but but but but.....FML. Make up your mind and stick to it.
One thing I noticed recently is even some of the Canadian friends have made an exception for Christmas Eve and Christmas, but for New Years are scolding anyone saying they'll do the same thing that was the exception for Christmas to it's ok for Christmas to cheat a little in their heads, but NYE is TOTALLY wrong and immoral and they're endangering everyone and not following the rules and but but but but but.....FML. Make up your mind and stick to it.
That is a big problem and is reinforced by out dbag leaders. Everyone sees most others dodging the restrictions and think they deserve their own cheat as well because why should they suffer if everyone else is having fun. It snowballs and soon you have what we have now.

There should have been a much larger hammer coming down on thousands of idiots for a long time. Government inaction at all levels (or them outright ignoring the rules they say are supposed to be followed) actually reinforces the opinion that this is overblown/control etc. There should have been flexibility at the beginning, but this have been well understood for a long time. Zero tolerance should have been enforced starting ~september imo.

If douggie doesnt immediately fire Philip's, he is completely done. At that point he will have cemented us vs them and nobody will follow anything he says. Douggie has already screwed up a few times with Philip's. He doesnt deserve a face to face, he should have been immediately whacked via whatever means of communication was available.
Don’t worry @GreyGhost .... Douggie will have a ‘tough’ conversation with the minister lol.
Oh how it reminds me of our leaders that will have a ‘tough chat’ with the contractors LoL.

I’m honestly losing faith in this govt more and more each day.
also consider Australia's flu season is the reverse of ours, winter here/summer there
Australia didn't have a flu season this year, the quarantine of incomming visitors, social distancing and frequent hand washing/sanitizing i think effected the influenza virus just as much as covid. Problem is the protocols in place in canada aren't effective vs covid so I doubt the flu will have any trouble spreading here.
Happy to say I would not know an uber even if I ran over it.

You'd have to come out of the woods and be part of modern society to experience all those new fangled technology things.

All passenger...unless exempt....useless.

lock them down in hotels at first point of entry. Not cheap but necessary.

Lets remember that there are legitamate exemptions, but the problem seems to be that theres too many of them. Healthcare worker travelling to a remote site? Sure. Family member travelling on compasionate leave or whatever returning home? Perhaps. Sports teams and company CEO's who just want to stroll through their manufacturing facilities because they're bored or they didn't feel like having that meeting through Skype instead? GTFO and head for that hotel and quarantine there, talk to us when your 14 days is over.

Also note the scale is different, Australia's top line is 800 while Canada's bottom one is 2000. So Australia's highest spike is less then halfway up Canada's lowest graph line.

Comparing places like Canada and the USA (or any other large land mass) to island nations isn't particularly fair. The biggest reason places like Australia and New Zealand have had such great success containing things is....island nation, and remoteness. It's easy to tightly control the borders when the entirety of your in and out traffic comes through a handful of major airports and seaports. Having actual strict rules without a million exemptions and such surely helped a lot as well, but just being a remote place with only so many ways in and out (as opposed to North America where there's a million ways in and out has made it easy.

Face it, all they needed to do was turn off the taps on 3 of the most major airline routes to and from their country, and they're golden.

Problem is the protocols in place in canada aren't effective vs covid so I doubt the flu will have any trouble spreading here.

Who'd have thunk it that high demand for the flu shot and masking and heightened awareness and precautions against Covid19 that also has an effect on the flu as well....would almost eliminate it.

If we'd have had the Covid vaccine back in the fall when people were lining up for it and it was difficult to find due to such high demand (which was great to see, not everyones a crazy antivax whackjob) we'd be in an entirely different situation with Covid right now.

Who'd have thunk it that high demand for the flu shot and masking and heightened awareness and precautions against Covid19 that also has an effect on the flu as well....would almost eliminate it.

If we'd have had the Covid vaccine back in the fall when people were lining up for it and it was difficult to find due to such high demand (which was great to see, not everyones a crazy antivax whackjob) we'd be in an entirely different situation with Covid right now.

My take away from this is that if I continue being an antisocial bugger I’ll be healthier!

One of my biggest issues about my job are my office hours with students. On the whole they are fine but every year there’s always some that turn up looking like extras from a documentary on TB, coughing and spluttering all over the place. They get a bit miffed when I ask them to leave and probably would be upset to see me Lysol the crap out of everything after they left. I’m hoping after all this is over people will think a bit harder about whether they really need to attend an event/lecture/meeting if they are displaying symptoms of any flu or similar. Somehow though I don’t think that will happen.
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