PS, I didn't realize getting hit by bare hands warrents killing with a hand gun in "self defence". The cop is trained in subduing people, that's his damn job. Not only is he weaponized but he has lethal and non-lethal training. This sounds to me like a cover up.
I wonder if next time someone is in a fight they can bust out the line "I was almost about to pass out", then unload a clip!
Why does everyone insist on spouting out this line? Have you ever had 2 guys on you giving you an *** kicking? Try that while you have broken bones and a dislocated shoulder. What magical training was he supposed to use in this scenario, PLEASE tell me. I've taken most of the same classes LEOs in Ontario have, you tell me which class teaches you "Non-lethal Self Defence While Seriously Injured and Outnumbered"
You're acting like this was a fist fight with an able-bodied guy that decided to pull a gun. He was on the ground, with TWO very ****** off men PROBABLY kicking and/or stomping him while he was down. In that scenario even while 100% healthy it's almost impossible to get up. I know, I've been on the receiving end of something similar.
If I'm at work getting my *** beat I'm most definitely going to try to stop it ANY way I can. If that means I use my baton I do so, if that means I put the guy through plate glass, I do so. If I use my multi-tool (impractical as hell, but nobody is making sense anyway) I WILL DO SO.
If there was ever a justified off-duty shooting, THIS IS THE ONE. And it's a magazine, not a clip.
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