Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

Are you saying if you were in his situation you would've left your life in the hands of 2 adults beating you to death instead of resorting to self defense?
Maybe in this case you can speak to the misconception that's been popping up in the last few pages "Shoot to kill". That seriously annoys me. I've never been in, seen or heard any BASIC professional training that covers "shoot to kill". You're trained to aim for the center of the target - paper, plastic, people. Over and over. Go for the center. End of story. The choices before and legal/career ramifications after the shot are not what I'm debating. Who the hell wrote that shooting an extremity is cruel so they're advised not to do it?

Training is "shoot for centre of mass". On a human, typically, that's the torso. I suppose if the person is holding their arm up from behind a wall you would be shooting for the arm but generally speaking you're going to be shooting for the torso. You put a round into someone's torso the likelihood of death is high. You aren't shooting to "wound". You are very likely going to kill the person that you shoot. That is what I meant by my previous comments that people shoot to kill.

if I put myself in their shoes...
as the father, i'd probably do the same thing

I have a hard time with this. If your kid is the victim of an accident your response is to beat the crap out of the person that had the accident? Wow.

My response would be to look after my kid and, if possible, make sure the driver didn't disappear.

The only time I would even be considering going after the driver, once my child was determined to be fine and not in need of my assistance, would be if they deliberately ran them down.

People screw up, they shouldn't be beaten to death for it.
I didnt' input theories. I said people should be more skeptical of the article and you responded with "thats what the article says".

If you can't see why that was a stupid response. I can't help you.

Problem being you have to be able to help yourself before you can help others. Judging by your posts you don't seem very capable.
I have a hard time with this. If your kid is the victim of an accident your response is to beat the crap out of the person that had the accident? Wow.

My response would be to look after my kid and, if possible, make sure the driver didn't disappear.

The only time I would even be considering going after the driver, once my child was determined to be fine and not in need of my assistance, would be if they deliberately ran them down.

People screw up, they shouldn't be beaten to death for it.
Assuming you love your kid, if you were to see your daughter lying on the pavement, bloody, and not moving or crying you'd fear the worst. Included in the worst, is a drunk rider doing wheelies while speeding. This drunken drugged up idiot just killed the best thing about you. It's really hard to imagine.This is one of those situations where you don't know unless you experience it. Thankfully i haven't, so all i can do is wonder.
Sure, lets take Zimmerman at his word until Trayvon says something otherwise.

Yeah I assume that the guy doing the shooting has a motive to make himself sound better. ARE YOU SAYING THATS BASELESS? if you are, then you should really just hand in your high school diploma.

Bad example, there was more involved including a 911 call (That the news media only played cuts from) and also witnesses. Not to mention the physical damage to Zimmerman from blows to the head and from his head hitting the sidewalk. Enought evidence at the time of the incident that after they took him to the police station he was released. The media have tired to turn it into a racially motivated hate crime. The News Media also failed to tell everyone that the "Kid" involved had already been kicked out of school and what was behind that.
Bad example, there was more involved including a 911 call (That the news media only played cuts from) and also witnesses. Not to mention the physical damage to Zimmerman from blows to the head and from his head hitting the sidewalk. Enought evidence at the time of the incident that after they took him to the police station he was released. The media have tired to turn it into a racially motivated hate crime. The News Media also failed to tell everyone that the "Kid" involved had already been kicked out of school and what was behind that.

really? the call was cut once, by NBC, which was wrong and they apologized for, not "the news media" - get over the conspiracy crap.
Secondly, I probably followed it better than you did.

Lastly, I don't give a **** if he was injured or not, the point is he started the fight. What he did is the equilvent of me coming up, punching you in the face, and then shooting you when you hit me back and call it self defense. You can't plead self defense when you start the fight. Period.

And the kid was suspended. for marijuana. Big whoop. You never smoked a joint before? You think that just because someone has some weed that means that they assault people and deserve to be shot?

Who are you really defending? the guy that lied about his finances to the Court? Why the **** would I, or anyone else, take this guy at his word when he has been proven untrustworthy. The Judge for his bond hearing basically said he can't be trusted... THAT IS MY EXACT POINT

My point is. when you have a guy who kills someone else, you HAVE to be skeptical of what he is saying because he KILLED THE BEST WITNESS. That should be self evident to anyone who looks at situations objectively. Thats what the Judge has the do, thats whats the Crown has to do.
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really? the call was cut once, by NBC, which was wrong and they apologized for, not "the news media" - get over the conspiracy crap.
Secondly, I probably followed it better than you did.

Lastly, I don't give a **** if he was injured or not, the point is he started the fight. What he did is the equilvent of me coming up, punching you in the face, and then shooting you when you hit me back and call it self defense.

And the kid was suspended. for marijuana. Big whoop.

So you followed it closer than I did, Sorry I did not know you knew everything. My Apologies. But seems you are the one making conspiricy ideas about the accidetn here instead of the facts as presented?

Remember all we have is the facts as presented, same goes with court, unless something else is presented we only have what is posted. This event has a lot of attention, there are witnesses like the other person present, but I have yet to hear any comflicting reports to what has been presented, have you? (Since you follow things closer than anyone else).
So you followed it closer than I did, Sorry I did not know you knew everything. My Apologies. But seems you are the one making conspiricy ideas about the accidetn here instead of the facts as presented?

Remember all we have is the facts as presented, same goes with court, unless something else is presented we only have what is posted. This event has a lot of attention, there are witnesses like the other person present, but I have yet to hear any comflicting reports to what has been presented, have you? (Since you follow things closer than anyone else).

Please quote any post of mine where I advanced a theory of any sort. While you are looking for that, keep waving your Zimmerman fan club flag.
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I didnt' input theories. I said people should be more skeptical of the article

This Screams "There is a conspisy"

Please quote any post of mine where I advanced a theory of any sort.

You never said what you think might have happened, but this thread is based on the information presented, If you have something that says different there are a lot of people here including me that would like to see it.
This Screams "There is a conspisy"

You think being skeptical of facts presented by sources that have incentives to present facts a certain way is "conspiracy"?

Kinda like how BP saying their rigs are totally safe?
cigarette companies that say cigarettes don't cause cancer?


Sorry if you think that having a critical mind is somehow beyond the rules of the thread or this forum.
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Yes. I have a bias against people being able to carry concealed guns on their person in public.

Glad the cop didn't die, still tragic that the dad did, was he at fault for failing to supervise his child? Yes. Was he justified in pummeling the cop after the accident? Absolutely not.

You can make up all the hypothetical scenarios you want about what if he had a knife, what if he had a spoon, or a fork? No one knows what the outcome would have been in any of those scenarios.

Maybe someone was running towards them from the restaurant on their way to stop the dad when the gun went off ? We just don't know.

And then you go on to say
We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

This is why I'm glad we're not all carrying guns around in this country.

So you'd be glad if the cop got beat to death than?
You have to put aside your fear and hatred of guns on this issue and look at the facts.

Guy attacks another human being and start pummeling on him. Other guy, who also happens to be a cop is almost UNCONCIOUS and thats when he decides to resort to the last line of defence he had.

The father was the goof in this situation, i can understand why he was upset but he acted irrationally, and paid with his own life.
And the kid was suspended. for marijuana. Big whoop.

Wrong, He was suspended THREE times, and his own cousin also claims he assulted a bus driver. He was caught with tools and several pieces of womens Jewerly as well. So Suspened for Marijuana was only ONE item, He is not the perfect kid you want him to be and none of it is relevent anyway as Zimmerman knew none of this at the time, He only knew he was getting beat up. Also Please show me where it said zimmerman punched the kid then shot him? You are presenting statement with no supporting evidence.
This Screams "There is a conspisy"

You never said what you think might have happened, but this thread is based on the information presented, If you have something that says different there are a lot of people here including me that would like to see it.

Dont think he is saying that. Hes worried that people are taking this account and the gosple truth. He is 100% correct there is a chnce that the article is not as events happended.
You think being skeptical of facts presented by sources that have incentives to present facts a certain way is "conspiracy"?

Kinda like how BP saying their rigs are totally safe?
cigarette companies that say cigarettes don't cause cancer?


There is risk involved in EVERYTHING, there is nothing that is 100% safe.
Wrong, He was suspended THREE times, and his own cousin also claims he assulted a bus driver. He was caught with tools and several pieces of womens Jewerly as well. So Suspened for Marijuana was only ONE item, He is not the perfect kid you want him to be and none of it is relevent anyway as Zimmerman knew none of this at the time, He only knew he was getting beat up. Also Please show me where it said zimmerman punched the kid then shot him? You are presenting statement with no supporting evidence.

I don't care if he was a convicted felon. Trayvon Martin isn't on trial, the guy is dead, and fortunately for the legal system and rational people everywhere, Trayvon's record is irrelevant unless it is somehow similar fact evidence (which it is not).

A guy playing cop in his SUV following people with a handgun with no reasonable rationale to suspect Trayvon was doing anything wrong, and ignoring 911 dispatcher instructions should be charged and should be tried. That certainly isn't any justifiable self defence fact pattern I have ever heard of. But you can keep complaining about the "news media" if you want.
This point isnt about the risk. Its about about skeptisim how people have motives to lie.

I agree

and there are times when people are telling the truth as well. just because someone might have a reason to tell a lie does not mean that they will lie.
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