Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

This story reminds me of a similar situation. Back in 1980 John Gotti's youngest son was 12 years old and playing around on the street on a mini bike when he was stuck and killed by a car driven by John Favara. Favara was a neighbor of Gotti's and their kids hung out and played together while growing up. The kids death was found to be accidental and Favara was never charged. Within 6 months he had disappeared never to be seen again. Speculation is that Favaras body was chopped up and disolved in acid by mafi hitmen.
As per the article it was not just 1 person assaulting the officer. It was 2 adult males beating him while he was already injured from the bike incident.

Did Rondey King die? I seem to remember several trained armed men beating him senseless with batons. I wonder if a black man in that situation could pull off the same argument when opening fire on police?

How about the Polish guy who got stunned at the airport in BC....seems any use of physical force means we can open fire eh?

Get ready for some shootings in the bar / night club district in TO in the coming years if this is the new attitude.

So let me get this straight....I can recklessly mow down your 4 year old daughter, take a few punches from you, then decide to kill you? Hmmm makes sense.
We can only go on whats presented in the article. If its accurate they its a resonable use of force. Anything else hasnt been presented. Its well within the realm of posibility that the circumstances were different than presented however nothing has been presented to suggest this. I would like to follow the case as it progresses.

True, and on that note, much of the current press here is in a hurry to spin any news in a way that makes it the most sensational, so if there was any indication that the cop did something wrong, you can bet the media would have been all over it. (Not that I am a fan of Law enforcement) They want to sell papers and get people to watch thier news station. If the cop had been drunk, drove off the road, started the fight, you can bet they would be all over it.

I too will be watching the case and seeing what else comes out in the long term.
Does your brain not work properly? what makes a news article gospel such that people can't be skeptical of it?


I dunno does your reading comprehension stop working after the first sentence of a response?

"If its accurate then its a reasonable use of force"

"Its well within the realm of possibility that the circumstances were different than presented however nothing has been presented to suggest this. I would like to follow the case as it progresses"

I cant work on absent information hence the rest of the statements in the response. I'm completly open to any new evidence and have not made a judgement call on anyones guilt or innocence. I have no dog in this fight
Did Rondey King die? I seem to remember several trained armed men beating him senseless with batons. I wonder if a black man in that situation could pull off the same argument when opening fire on police?

How about the Polish guy who got stunned at the airport in BC....seems any use of physical force means we can open fire eh?

Get ready for some shootings in the bar / night club district in TO in the coming years if this is the new attitude.

So let me get this straight....I can recklessly mow down your 4 year old daughter, take a few punches from you, then decide to kill you? Hmmm makes sense.

You are building strawmen and using Reductio ad absurdum
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I'd like to hear the other people's sides to the story and know all of the facts, before I made any judgement.
So let me get this straight....I can recklessly mow down your 4 year old daughter, take a few punches from you, then decide to kill you? Hmmm makes sense.
Any evidence supporting recklessness vs unsupervised child running into a street?
I dunno does your reading comprehension stop working after the first sentence of a response?

"If its accurate then its a reasonable use of force"

"Its well within the realm of possibility that the circumstances were different than presented however nothing has been presented to suggest this. I would like to follow the case as it progresses"

I cant work on absent information hence the rest of the statements in the response. I'm completly open to any new evidence and have not made a judgement call on anyones guilt or innocence. I have no dog in this fight

You are the one telling me what I can or can not go on. Do you have more experience than me in looking at these types of cases?
You are the one telling me what I can or can not go on. Do you have more experience than me in looking at these types of cases?

No again you are not reading what im saying.

I DONT HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION TO MAKE A DEFINITIVE STATEMENT IN THIS CASE. I am not making a static judgment thats un changing. You Can choose to take a position based on anything you want. Im not saying thats wise however. Im only interested in the evidence you can present. I will spin on a dime and agree that its not a legitimate use of force if you can provide that. If you wish to present a reason why you think its not self defensive. Then please do so . I am open to your input.
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If the cop was going at the proper speed, lets say 50kph, he could have easily scrubbed off 20kph with basic braking. Hitting anyone on a motorcycle at 30kph (upright) presents far less of a impact zone than a LAID DOWN HUNK OF STEEL (the bottom of the bike - the engine!) At least upright you have some aerodynamic crumply plastic than can deflect a person to the side!

I had two people jump out in traffic at me at 50 kph. 1 was an old lady! I managed to drop down to about 15 kph, and I hit her. She bounced off, fell on her bum, got up, cussed at me and I cussed at her and she ran off (continued her jaywalk)!!!

The other time, a cyclist ran a red light in the "cold november rain" literally. I managed to drop from 60kph down to 30kph-ish, and T-boned him. We both went down and we both got up within seconds, where by I cussed him out and made him pay my damages!

Something sounds fishy when the cop said he had to "lay it down". That's BS!

Whenever a biker dies, 75% of the time, cops release a statement to the press..."speed was a factor". Funny that wasn't the case here!

I don't buy the nicey nicey cop line their peddling.

PS, I didn't realize getting hit by bare hands warrents killing with a hand gun in "self defence". The cop is trained in subduing people, that's his damn job. Not only is he weaponized but he has lethal and non-lethal training. This sounds to me like a cover up.

I wonder if next time someone is in a fight they can bust out the line "I was almost about to pass out", then unload a clip!

A buddy of mine plowed into a little girl on Blue Mountain once...we were both recklessly blasting down a blue run, possibly upwards of 30kph. My buddy just blasted into this little girl, catching her and taking her down the hill about 40m or so. The girl was crying and screaming, then out of no where he father comes and lays a beating on my friend. My friend tried to fight back, but got smacked around pretty bad. Afterwards he was ****** I didn't help him. I told him "you (we) deserved it, you did after all mash up his little girl cause we were being reckless. You weren't in any serious danger, just take your lumps."

We were both banned from Blue Mountain that day. And there is no way in hell my buddy would have been right to pull a gun!!!!! Block? sure. Punch back? ok sure. Shoot and kill the father??!?!?!?!

So you don't mind being attacked and potentially killed, good for you. For the rest of us with even the slightest bit of common sense and the law on our side we will protect ourselves.

I noticed that in both your examples you still hit the people, so I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly the point is you're trying to make. Are you suggesting that you were speeding since that's what you're accusing the cop of doing?

Your comment about him not "subduing" people has no relevance to the situation. Did you not read about him having a broken ankle and dislocated shoulder? How exactly do you subdue two people under those circumstances?

It's scary to think that there are actually people with your mindset that you shouldn't be able to defend yourself. Oh whoever made that comment about shooting the gun in the air, my god was that ever a stupid comment. I guess it would be better in your eyes if an innocent got hit withthe stray bullet that came down rather than someone who it was meant for.
Maybe in this case you can speak to the misconception that's been popping up in the last few pages "Shoot to kill". That seriously annoys me. I've never been in, seen or heard any BASIC professional training that covers "shoot to kill". You're trained to aim for the center of the target - paper, plastic, people. Over and over. Go for the center. End of story. The choices before and legal/career ramifications after the shot are not what I'm debating. Who the hell wrote that shooting an extremity is cruel so they're advised not to do it?

Why does everyone insist on spouting out this line? Have you ever had 2 guys on you giving you an *** kicking? Try that while you have broken bones and a dislocated shoulder. What magical training was he supposed to use in this scenario, PLEASE tell me. I've taken most of the same classes LEOs in Ontario have, you tell me which class teaches you "Non-lethal Self Defence While Seriously Injured and Outnumbered"
No again you are not reading what im saying.

I DONT HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION TO MAKE A DEFINITIVE STATEMENT IN THIS CASE. I am not making a static judgment thats un changing. You Can choose to take a position on anything you want. Im not saying thats wise however. Im only interested in the evidence you can present. I will spin on a dime and agree that its not a legitimate use of force if you can provide that. If you wish to present a reason why you think its no self defensive. Then please do so . I am open to your imput

I didnt' input theories. I said people should be more skeptical of the article and you responded with "thats what the article says".

If you can't see why that was a stupid response. I can't help you.
Does your brain not work properly? what makes a news article gospel such that people can't be skeptical of it?


HEY GUYS IF I TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND MAKE BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS DOES THAT MAKE ME RIGHT? Noone is saying that this is exactly what happened, but until we hear contradicting testimony from other people who witnessed it you can't really be sure that was is presented is false. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?
I didnt' input theories. I said people should be more skeptical of the article and you responded with "thats what the article says".

If you can't see why that was a stupid response. I can't help you.

I can see why thats a stupid responce. But can you see thats not what i said.

here is what i said. "If its accurate then its a reasonable use of force"

Let me put in another way.. "If the events described in the article are an acurate reflection of what happened it is a reasonable use of force"

Thats all i said ever... If you cant read what im saying...I cant Help you
I can see why thats a stupid responce. But can you see thats not what i said.

here is what i said. "If its accurate then its a reasonable use of force"

Let me put in another way.. "If the events described in the article are an acurate reflection of what happened it is a reasonable use of force"

Thats all i said ever... If you cant read what im saying...I cant Help you

Your words - "We can only go on whats presented in the article."

So bascially. I said people should be more skeptical of the article and you respond by assuming that all the facts in the article are true. what a joke.
HEY GUYS IF I TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND MAKE BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS DOES THAT MAKE ME RIGHT? Noone is saying that this is exactly what happened, but until we hear contradicting testimony from other people who witnessed it you can't really be sure that was is presented is false. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?

And hes not saying its false he's just asking us to be aware that witness testimony is not the best evidence. Especially when it comes from someone with motive to distort the events. Gambits not stupid he just thought i was saying the article is gospel.. a posistion i do not hold
"We can only go on whats presented in the article."

So bascially. I said people should be more skeptical and you respond by assuming that its true. what a joke.

No...i didnt post my entire responce and stop quote mining

Hang on I think i know were the confusion is coming from ...I said ]"We can only go on whats presented in the article."

What i should of said is "Going only on whats presented in the article.. it seems like a reasonable use of force"

Sorry if that was the sticking point Gambit
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HEY GUYS IF I TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND MAKE BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS DOES THAT MAKE ME RIGHT? Noone is saying that this is exactly what happened, but until we hear contradicting testimony from other people who witnessed it you can't really be sure that was is presented is false. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?

Sure, lets take Zimmerman at his word until Trayvon says something otherwise.

Yeah I assume that the guy doing the shooting has a motive to make himself sound better. ARE YOU SAYING THATS BASELESS? if you are, then you should really just hand in your high school diploma.
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if I put myself in their shoes...
as the father, i'd probably do the same thing

as the cop, i'd probably do the same thing.

That makes me wonder. Let's say you hit someone with a bike head on with the bike upright or low side the bike and hit that person in the legs with sliding bike. What would do the least damage to the person you're hitting and you? I'm guessing the sliding as their legs would take the whole impact and probably break instead of hitting them square in the pelvis/chest. YOu would also only hit the ground instead of potentially flying over the handlebars and later, possibly being hit by your own bike. Wat are your thoughts?
IF you look at the physics of it,
-braking upright is better than sliding for slowing down.
lets say he was traveling at 50 kph

-by lowsiding, lets say he slows down to 20 kph at the point of impact. The bike is 400 lbs roughly, traveling at 20kph... so the girls legs would recieve a force of more than 226lbs. lets say shes 4ft tall. center of gravity is at 2ft. 220lb at 2ft from C.O.G. = 440 ft-lbs . She would rote like a fan. this means her head would fall at 440 ft-lbs plus the force of gravity from 4ft. when her head hits the pavement... ******.

-by hitting her upright, or head-on, lets say the bike slows down to 15kph or even 10kph at the point of impact. force of impact would be roughly 133lbs. The impact would be very close to C.O.G. so her head would fall mainly from the force of gravity alone. Plus you would probably clip her, cause riding upright, you'd still have some swerve control lessening the impact.

-you can always get a new heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, or liver, but not a new brain.

Anyone else in the world who brought a gun to a fistfight and used it would still be charged with murder, for using excessive force.
I guess if you're a cop you can use lethal force if you want, but the rest of us are limitted to equal and neccessary force.
This was an exercise of resonable force. Resonable force is force plus +1 in Canadian Police terms.

IE someone comes at you with a knife or other weapon you can shoot them. In this case. Two adult Males with beating him senseless at what point would have this become resonable force to use the weapon?
Excessive force is a real gray area. The way it works is "would a reasonable person in the same situation, fear for their life". If yes - not excessive force. If no - it is excessive force. A jury of people sitting in a safe court room use their imaginations to make that decision. Still, two against one and your loosing... i'd fear for my life.

If I'm not mistaken, even people on gun clubs are only allowed to have the gun on them when going to or from the event. ( I could be wrong)... But regardless. Just knowing to shoot a gun does not make you a trained professional.

To me..... Once you've gone through field simulation with fire arm training etc.. Then you've been trained to have a gun on your hip.
To have a hand gun legally, here in ontario, you get a level three security check (you + family + plus friends and associates) and you have to agree that the cops can search your home at any time without a warrant. There are travel restrictions and there's some other rules too. No ammo in the house or something.

Moral of the story...
as a father... watch your kids

as a rider... leave your helmet and gear on until cops and paramedics show up.
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