if I put myself in their shoes...
as the father, i'd probably do the same thing
as the cop, i'd probably do the same thing.
That makes me wonder. Let's say you hit someone with a bike head on with the bike upright or low side the bike and hit that person in the legs with sliding bike. What would do the least damage to the person you're hitting and you? I'm guessing the sliding as their legs would take the whole impact and probably break instead of hitting them square in the pelvis/chest. YOu would also only hit the ground instead of potentially flying over the handlebars and later, possibly being hit by your own bike. Wat are your thoughts?
IF you look at the physics of it,
-braking upright is better than sliding for slowing down.
lets say he was traveling at 50 kph
-by lowsiding, lets say he slows down to 20 kph at the point of impact. The bike is 400 lbs roughly, traveling at 20kph... so the girls legs would recieve a force of more than 226lbs. lets say shes 4ft tall. center of gravity is at 2ft. 220lb at 2ft from C.O.G. = 440 ft-lbs . She would rote like a fan. this means her head would fall at 440 ft-lbs plus the force of gravity from 4ft. when her head hits the pavement... ******.
-by hitting her upright, or head-on, lets say the bike slows down to 15kph or even 10kph at the point of impact. force of impact would be roughly 133lbs. The impact would be very close to C.O.G. so her head would fall mainly from the force of gravity alone. Plus you would probably clip her, cause riding upright, you'd still have some swerve control lessening the impact.
-you can always get a new heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, or liver, but not a new brain.
Anyone else in the world who brought a gun to a fistfight and used it would still be charged with murder, for using excessive force.
I guess if you're a cop you can use lethal force if you want, but the rest of us are limitted to equal and neccessary force.
This was an exercise of resonable force. Resonable force is force plus +1 in Canadian Police terms.
IE someone comes at you with a knife or other weapon you can shoot them. In this case. Two adult Males with beating him senseless at what point would have this become resonable force to use the weapon?
Excessive force is a real gray area. The way it works is "would a reasonable person in the same situation, fear for their life". If yes - not excessive force. If no - it is excessive force. A jury of people sitting in a safe court room use their imaginations to make that decision. Still, two against one and your loosing... i'd fear for my life.
If I'm not mistaken, even people on gun clubs are only allowed to have the gun on them when going to or from the event. ( I could be wrong)... But regardless. Just knowing to shoot a gun does not make you a trained professional.
To me..... Once you've gone through field simulation with fire arm training etc.. Then you've been trained to have a gun on your hip.
To have a hand gun legally, here in ontario, you get a level three security check (you + family + plus friends and associates) and you have to agree that the cops can search your home at any time without a warrant. There are travel restrictions and there's some other rules too. No ammo in the house or something.
Moral of the story...
as a father... watch your kids
as a rider... leave your helmet and gear on until cops and paramedics show up.