That makes me wonder. Let's say you hit someone with a bike head on with the bike upright or low side the bike and hit that person in the legs with sliding bike. What would do the least damage to the person you're hitting and you? I'm guessing the sliding as their legs would take the whole impact and probably break instead of hitting them square in the pelvis/chest. YOu would also only hit the ground instead of potentially flying over the handlebars and later, possibly being hit by your own bike. Wat are your thoughts?
If the cop was going at the proper speed, lets say 50kph, he could have easily scrubbed off 20kph with basic braking. Hitting anyone on a motorcycle at 30kph (upright) presents far less of a impact zone than a LAID DOWN HUNK OF STEEL (the bottom of the bike - the engine!) At least upright you have some aerodynamic crumply plastic than can deflect a person to the side!
I had two people jump out in traffic at me at 50 kph. 1 was an old lady! I managed to drop down to about 15 kph, and I hit her. She bounced off, fell on her bum, got up, cussed at me and I cussed at her and she ran off (continued her jaywalk)!!!
The other time, a cyclist ran a red light in the "cold november rain" literally. I managed to drop from 60kph down to 30kph-ish, and T-boned him. We both went down and we both got up within seconds, where by I cussed him out and made him pay my damages!
Something sounds fishy when the cop said he
had to "lay it down". That's BS!
Whenever a biker dies, 75% of the time, cops release a statement to the press..."speed was a factor". Funny that wasn't the case here!
I don't buy the nicey nicey cop line their peddling.
PS, I didn't realize getting hit by bare hands warrents killing with a hand gun in "self defence". The cop is trained in subduing people, that's his damn job. Not only is he weaponized but he has lethal and non-lethal training. This sounds to me like a cover up.
I wonder if next time someone is in a fight they can bust out the line "I was almost about to pass out", then unload a clip!
A buddy of mine plowed into a little girl on Blue Mountain once...we were both recklessly blasting down a blue run, possibly upwards of 30kph. My buddy just blasted into this little girl, catching her and taking her down the hill about 40m or so. The girl was crying and screaming, then out of no where he father comes and lays a beating on my friend. My friend tried to fight back, but got smacked around pretty bad. Afterwards he was ****** I didn't help him. I told him "you (we) deserved it, you did after all mash up his little girl cause we were being reckless. You weren't in any serious danger, just take your lumps."
We were both banned from Blue Mountain that day. And there is no way in hell my buddy would have been right to pull a gun!!!!! Block? sure. Punch back? ok sure. Shoot and kill the father??!?!?!?!