Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

PS, I didn't realize getting hit by bare hands warrents killing with a hand gun in "self defence". The cop is trained in subduing people, that's his damn job. Not only is he weaponized but he has lethal and non-lethal training. This sounds to me like a cover up.

I wonder if next time someone is in a fight they can bust out the line "I was almost about to pass out", then unload a clip!

Why does everyone insist on spouting out this line? Have you ever had 2 guys on you giving you an *** kicking? Try that while you have broken bones and a dislocated shoulder. What magical training was he supposed to use in this scenario, PLEASE tell me. I've taken most of the same classes LEOs in Ontario have, you tell me which class teaches you "Non-lethal Self Defence While Seriously Injured and Outnumbered"

You're acting like this was a fist fight with an able-bodied guy that decided to pull a gun. He was on the ground, with TWO very ****** off men PROBABLY kicking and/or stomping him while he was down. In that scenario even while 100% healthy it's almost impossible to get up. I know, I've been on the receiving end of something similar.

If I'm at work getting my *** beat I'm most definitely going to try to stop it ANY way I can. If that means I use my baton I do so, if that means I put the guy through plate glass, I do so. If I use my multi-tool (impractical as hell, but nobody is making sense anyway) I WILL DO SO.

If there was ever a justified off-duty shooting, THIS IS THE ONE. And it's a magazine, not a clip.
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PS, I didn't realize getting hit by bare hands warrents killing with a hand gun in "self defence". The cop is trained in subduing people, that's his damn job. Not only is he weaponized but he has lethal and non-lethal training. This sounds to me like a cover up.

Jesus H Christ, do you think that being a cop gives you special ninja powers?? Super-human strength? Ability to withstand pain and injury?

He's a frickin' human being who's already injured, getting his *** beaten by two grown men! I understand that not everyone is trained in self-defense tactics, but comments like these defy even common sense.
jesus h christ, do you think that being a cop gives you special ninja powers?? Super-human strength? Ability to withstand pain and injury?

He's a frickin' human being who's already injured, getting his *** beaten by two grown men! I understand that not everyone is trained in self-defense tactics, but comments like these defy even common sense.

no he's a cop!11! He's superhuman when it suits my case and subhuman when they do something i don't like!!22@!@!@! Murder!@!@!!!

I fail to see how people manage to be so completely blind when it's convenient.

And to your point, common sense is uncommon.
Jesus H Christ, do you think that being a cop gives you special ninja powers?? Super-human strength? Ability to withstand pain and injury?

He's a frickin' human being who's already injured, getting his *** beaten by two grown men! I understand that not everyone is trained in self-defense tactics, but comments like these defy even common sense.

Um, aparently it gives you MORE than "ninja powers". It allows you to kill a man with a single strike, from what seems to be a weaker position and make your (legal) escape under the cover of a shadowy order with other highly specialized skills (cops, judges, and lawyers...all in black uniforms too I might add).

Ever wonder why martial artists face heavier punishments when they defend themselves using their training? Which is actually unavoidable once they have learned it! Yes that's right, because they are trained above the average lay attacker and have increased responsibility to unleash a trained kick or punch, let alone a fire arm!
Jesus H Christ, do you think that being a cop gives you special ninja powers?? Super-human strength? Ability to withstand pain and injury?

He's a frickin' human being who's already injured, getting his *** beaten by two grown men! I understand that not everyone is trained in self-defense tactics, but comments like these defy even common sense.

It appears you have never been in or seen a school yard fight ever have you? You think every attack is a Bath Salts zombie fest? Never seen a bar fight eh? Never seen a punch up outside a night club? Yeah I am sure every time a fist flies, life flashes before everyone's eyes and we all draw weapons like Mexican stand off. Grow up.
pretty sure its standard for police to be trained to aim for the largest center of mass when using a firearm.... I don't think the guy could realistically be expected to draw his gun and pick his shot in a non-lethal location when he was in the midst of being beaten half to death by 2 men

This is exactly true. When you shoot, you shoot to kill. This is not the movies where your partner is in the clutches of a bad guy using him as a body double and you make that perfect head shot, or shooting the gun out of his hands. When the gun is pulled, its for deadly force.
This is exactly true. When you shoot, you shoot to kill. This is not the movies where your partner is in the clutches of a bad guy using him as a body double and you make that perfect head shot, or shooting the gun out of his hands. When the gun is pulled, its for deadly force.

If they are trained to shoot to kill only, then he made a choice to kill that father. Period! He did NOT make the choice to "defend" himself. He must now prove how his life was in danger. That's where witnesses or video comes into play. Fact is, we have all seen dozens of fights in our life, and 99% of fist fights DO NOT END IN DEATH or even appear to be life threatening. I have seen group beat downs that dont come anywhere near fatal situations. It is dangerous precedent to argue a beat down was life threatening and warrented chosing to kill the other man!

The cop cannot argue an accident happened in this case. No manslaughter. He made a choice to kill the other man by relying on his "shoot-to-kill" training; his on/off, 0 to 100 in 1 second, Bourne Identity training.

You sissies never been in a fist fight before?

PS the cop was a tool for "lay down his bike", yet another retarded choice he made.

And for those of you who say the girl should never have run out onto the street. Yeah, that's why you're screwed in a school zone eh? When there is an official body and building charged specifically with supervising children, with fences and everything. And in residential zones speed limits are reduced? Why is that then? Ever reported a lone accident to the cops...ever notice they come on by and issue you a ticket for driving without due care? You can down your own bike, alone on the road in the rain, and yes you will get penalized for driving beyond your means. So unless buddy was driving along a highway, how is it he can argue he wasn't able to "drive within his means"? Laying the bike down? Come on, that's retarded!

The limit on this street was around 55kph....that isn't very fast. His reaction was ridiculous and extreme in both cases, both on the bike and drawing his weapon.

By the way, where are the witness statements?
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And for those of you who say the girl should never have run out onto the street. Yeah, that's why you're screwed in a school zone eh? When there is an official body and building charged specifically with supervising children, with fences and everything. And in residential zones speed limits are reduced? Why is that then? Ever reported a lone accident to the cops...ever notice they come on by and issue you a ticket for driving without due care? You can down your own bike, alone on the road in the rain, and yes you will get penalized for driving beyond your means. So unless buddy was driving along a highway, how is it he can argue he wasn't able to "drive within his means"? Laying the bike down? Come on, that's retarded!

The limit on this street was around 55kph....that isn't very fast. His reaction was ridiculous and extreme in both cases, both on the bike and drawing his weapon.

By the way, where are the witness statements?

um, maybe you did not read the same article I did? yes the cop was a tool for "laying it down" no argument there. But I did not see any mention of a school zone? and school zone speed limits apply during hours children are present. I also noticed the kid was 6 years old, It was 10:00 P.M. and was not being properly supervised. So everything else you said has no bearing on this incident.
If they are trained to shoot to kill only, then he made a choice to kill that father. Period! He did NOT make the choice to "defend" himself. He must now prove how his life was in danger. That's where witnesses or video comes into play. Fact is, we have all seen dozens of fights in our life, and 99% of fist fights DO NOT END IN DEATH or even appear to be life threatening. I have seen group beat downs that dont come anywhere near fatal situations. It is dangerous precedent to argue a beat down was life threatening and warrented chosing to kill the other man!

The cop cannot argue an accident happened in this case. No manslaughter. He made a choice to kill the other man by relying on his "shoot-to-kill" training; his on/off, 0 to 100 in 1 second, Bourne Identity training.

You sissies never been in a fist fight before?

PS the cop was a tool for "lay down his bike", yet another retarded choice he made.

And for those of you who say the girl should never have run out onto the street. Yeah, that's why you're screwed in a school zone eh? When there is an official body and building charged specifically with supervising children, with fences and everything. And in residential zones speed limits are reduced? Why is that then? Ever reported a lone accident to the cops...ever notice they come on by and issue you a ticket for driving without due care? You can down your own bike, alone on the road in the rain, and yes you will get penalized for driving beyond your means. So unless buddy was driving along a highway, how is it he can argue he wasn't able to "drive within his means"? Laying the bike down? Come on, that's retarded!

The limit on this street was around 55kph....that isn't very fast. His reaction was ridiculous and extreme in both cases, both on the bike and drawing his weapon.

By the way, where are the witness statements?

This wasn't a one on one fist fight in a bar. This was an attack on the street. One or two guys come at me in an apparent attempt to do me bodily harm and I'm gonna use any force available to me to defend mysefl. And it will be legal. In Canada or the US. Whether I'm a cop or not. The only factor here is that the victim of the attack was legally carrying and so was able to shoot his attacker. I wouldn't have legally been able to do that because I can't legally carry.

The fact the victim here was a cop is irrelevent.

And by the way, I'm one of the most critical people of excessive use of force by the police and of the police getting special treatment by the justice system when they step over the legal line. This is not the case from what we know of this situation.

EDIT - and crashing to avoid crashing is just bad riding. Regardless of who you are.
you have no clue.

Nah he has a clue. The cope didn't intentionally lay the bike down...he is lying through his teeth. Most likely he was speeding, f'ed up on the braking, and plowed into the kid. Him "choosing" to lay the bike down is either, stupid, lame, or a lie.

The truth is not out on this story that's for sure.

I'll put money down this cop was being reckless, popped the father and is now trying to cover his **** they all do!

The story just sounds fake as hell so far...pffft...laying the bike down...tending to the little girl...insane bath salts zombie mortal danger father kills little girls father...not buying it.

More than likely this pis$ poor trained cop (as evidenced by his choice to present the largest possible target to the small child) made 1 **** backwards choice after another.

Let's see you fight a charge for mowing down a little child, and admit nooooooooooo responsibility what so ever, let alone kill her father. Let's see average Joe pull that off in court or the media!
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If they are trained to shoot to kill only, then he made a choice to kill that father. Period! He did NOT make the choice to "defend" himself. He must now prove how his life was in danger. That's where witnesses or video comes into play. Fact is, we have all seen dozens of fights in our life, and 99% of fist fights DO NOT END IN DEATH or even appear to be life threatening. I have seen group beat downs that dont come anywhere near fatal situations. It is dangerous precedent to argue a beat down was life threatening and warrented chosing to kill the other man!

The cop cannot argue an accident happened in this case. No manslaughter. He made a choice to kill the other man by relying on his "shoot-to-kill" training; his on/off, 0 to 100 in 1 second, Bourne Identity training.

You sissies never been in a fist fight before?

PS the cop was a tool for "lay down his bike", yet another retarded choice he made.

And for those of you who say the girl should never have run out onto the street. Yeah, that's why you're screwed in a school zone eh? When there is an official body and building charged specifically with supervising children, with fences and everything. And in residential zones speed limits are reduced? Why is that then? Ever reported a lone accident to the cops...ever notice they come on by and issue you a ticket for driving without due care? You can down your own bike, alone on the road in the rain, and yes you will get penalized for driving beyond your means. So unless buddy was driving along a highway, how is it he can argue he wasn't able to "drive within his means"? Laying the bike down? Come on, that's retarded!

The limit on this street was around 55kph....that isn't very fast. His reaction was ridiculous and extreme in both cases, both on the bike and drawing his weapon.

By the way, where are the witness statements?

Sissies? Have you laid down your bike, hit a 4 year old, been injured and had 2 adults attack you when you are trying to help the 4 year old? This isnt one healthy man against another, this is an injured man, with an injured child. He identified him as a cop, the article states he was trying to help her. Furious hulk dad attacks the injured man, and the 18 year old joins in as well. This is not your standard street fight. His reaction and riding skills are not really an issue here. The issue is the shooting. I think he was justified. He identified himself as an officer, was injured and attacked. Would you just lay and take it?
I'll put money down this cop was being reckless, popped the father and is now trying to cover his **** they all do!

The story just sounds fake as hell so far...pffft...laying the bike down...tending to the little girl...insane bath salts zombie mortal danger father kills little girls father...not buying it.

So in your mind. Cop hits kid.. Farther says hey you hit my kids...Cop pulls gun and shoots father...because?Witness?
I am concerned that the public isn't more skeptical of these self defense claims. After all, its always incredibly one sided.
Sissies? Have you laid down your bike, hit a 4 year old, been injured and had 2 adults attack you when you are trying to help the 4 year old? This isnt one healthy man against another, this is an injured man, with an injured child. He identified him as a cop, the article states he was trying to help her. Furious hulk dad attacks the injured man, and the 18 year old joins in as well. This is not your standard street fight. His reaction and riding skills are not really an issue here. The issue is the shooting. I think he was justified. He identified himself as an officer, was injured and attacked. Would you just lay and take it?

This story comes on the back of the recent story of the man who killed the man who was abusing / molesting / kidnapping his child...this comes as a balance to vigilantism. But the flipside is, that the father could have seen the retard biker who recklessly crashed into his child as a threat to her life! If we are to take people's clouded accounts of what constitutes a legitimate threat than anyone of us can kill the other when a fist is thrown or an accident happens. The man father over reacted yes, but he was not killing or going to kill the officer. The officer over reacted TWICE, both to initiate the whole mess and then to end it! The officer f'd up all around! Trying to present him as some hero is a farce! "Laying the bike down" is a lame spin on a reckless accident.

As I say....try doing this yourself here in down, hmmm let's say Burnhamthorpe, near celebration sq at 10pm, and down your bike before you plow into a child, and then tell the cop that arrives and arrests you for stunting / careless / reckless / whatever....tell him that you intentionally laid the bike down in a 50kph zone because some retard parent let their kid run onto the street. Also tell him you killed the destraught parents who just saw their 4 year old mowed down because they punched you a few times.

I am suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure the police will go light on you, no arrest, no tickets, no trial, and even put in a good word for you in the papers.
I am concerned that the public isn't more skeptical of these self defense claims. After all, its always incredibly one sided.

We can only go on whats presented in the article. If its accurate they its a resonable use of force. Anything else hasnt been presented. Its well within the realm of posibility that the circumstances were different than presented however nothing has been presented to suggest this. I would like to follow the case as it progresses.
This story comes on the back of the recent story of the man who killed the man who was abusing / molesting / kidnapping his child...this comes as a balance to vigilantism. But the flipside is, that the father could have seen the retard biker who recklessly crashed into his child as a threat to her life! If we are to take people's clouded accounts of what constitutes a legitimate threat than anyone of us can kill the other when a fist is thrown or an accident happens. The man father over reacted yes, but he was not killing or going to kill the officer. The officer over reacted TWICE, both to initiate the whole mess and then to end it! The officer f'd up all around! Trying to present him as some hero is a farce! "Laying the bike down" is a lame spin on a reckless accident.

As per the article it was not just 1 person assaulting the officer. It was 2 adult males beating him while he was already injured from the bike incident.
We can only go on whats presented in the article.

Does your brain not work properly? what makes a news article gospel such that people can't be skeptical of it?

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