chinese human flesh pills.... now this is nasty chit

i dont know why its racist to point out a fact of life in a certain country. racism is the easy accusation to throw when you dont want to dispute the facts

since when in this thread did i dispute facts. I am calling out your use of facts to justify racist views while ignoring equally abhorrant things from other countries.

the basic premise is I look at the facts and think "wow those guys are ****ed up"
you look at it and think "Chinese people are ****ed up"

And thats racism, simple.
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Since no one else seemed to want to do it, I reported myself.

Just as I thought. All hat, no cattle.

Oh, and......

to smear all of the people in one country based on the acts of some, and then further compound that error by insisting that all people from that entire continent are somehow debased, is ludicrous to all but the most irrational or hell-bent on being 'correct'.

however, mods function as representatives of the site itself. by extension, the views of mods can be interpreted by readers as the views of the site in whole.

Nothing to see here.....
That goes both ways. No one is forcing you to read what's posted on this forum. You can always take a long walk.

But what would you do with your soapbox, then?

well, duh.

what does that have to do with the role that mods play?

if paul is okay with the crap that gets posted here, and he and his mods won't do anything about it, then it reflects on this site.

i still stand by the fact that if its all so wonderful and amazing and steeped in culture....why is the stream of immigration going this way not that way? and it isnt just money. lets switch this up leave the asians alone and talk about english peoples bad teeth, pastey bloated skin and jamaicas gun, baby daddy and murder problems....go!

if you had an understanding of push/pull factors and the fact that we're talking about communist china here, then maybe you wouldn't have to ask why the pattern of immigration flows are the way they are. if you think it simply is a reflection of culture, then you need to keep reading, and maybe, just maybe, let go of your euro-centric view of causation.

Then, by extension, mods should keep their mouths shut and never say anything, on the off chance that someone is offended by it. Completely muzzle people and you don't get a lot, who are willing to help out.

My comment could have as easily been made of any nation, not just China, or in fact any group at large. It just so happens that a story about China was the topic of discussion. You saw a racist comment. I didn't make a racist comment.

it's paul's site. . .you work for him. whatever you guys do, reflects back on the site. it's up to you guys.

if you don't think your comment was inappropriate or racist, well more power to you then.
Sounds like everyone has agreed to disagree. Let's leave it at that.
Nothing to see here.....

hey, if you can't see that these two circumstances are different, and that by having someone with elevated forum status make these comments is fundamentally different, then what can i say.

your call.
however, mods function as representatives of the site itself. by extension, the views of mods can be interpreted by readers as the views of the site in whole.

at the very least, it encourages and perpetuates those who post hate and ignorance because not only is nothing being done about those posts, it apparently is a joking matter.

what people say in the privacy of their basements or with drinking buddies at the cottage is up to them, but when you put it up in public on the internet, there's a different standard.

whatever paul and his mods want on this forum is up to them, ultimately. . .
How can you claim that you don't give a damn about filtering when you're trying to say that someone shouldn't be saying certain things? Why can't it be a joking matter? Some people deal with things by laughing. Some people just don't care about the issue and joke about it. It's like saying you don't want to see something being posted because you don't agree with it. And if that's the case, then the internet isn't the place to be. lol

If you're expecting the most serious discussion EVER in the romper room of a motorycle forum, then it seems like you're going into it with high expectations. There are plenty of amazing philosophy forums with a solid ethics sub-section if you don't want any funny posts thrown in the mix.

i lol'd at braveheart's post about the effect of baby age on potency. It would suck if he got mod & stopped posting stuff like that just because of it. But then again, Yetti...whoops, I mean braveheart would never be a mod
How can you claim that you don't give a damn about filtering when you're trying to say that someone shouldn't be saying certain things? Why can't it be a joking matter? Some people deal with things by laughing. Some people just don't care about the issue and joke about it. It's like saying you don't want to see something being posted because you don't agree with it. And if that's the case, then the internet isn't the place to be. lol

If you're expecting the most serious discussion EVER in the romper room of a motorycle forum, then it seems like you're going into it with high expectations. There are plenty of amazing philosophy forums with a solid ethics sub-section if you don't want any funny posts thrown in the mix.

i lol'd at braveheart's post about the effect of baby age on potency. It would suck if he got mod & stopped posting stuff like that just because of it. But then again, Yetti...whoops, I mean braveheart would never be a mod

i don't care if mods choose not to filter anything written by members. that's what i'm saying. if they are going to allow hate speech, then they should be consistent about it and expect flak for allowing it. that's just to be expected in a country that explicitly forbids it in the criminal code of canada, and limits it in section 1 of the charter.

that's not the same as what i was saying about mods themselves. if mods are not neutral, and won't filter any comment (even if they are offensive) then they better be ready to take the hand off the ban hammer if someone goes after them, no?

you're not suggesting that this forum is improved by allowing racism and hate speech, are you?
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hmm so the holocaust denial thread is not ok

But this one is just agreeing to disagree..

I guess same with the mexico one, ragu's thread and the kite string thread.

Maybe you should just make a list of the ethnicities that its ok to make racist comments about in the rules just so everyone is on the same page.

Did you report any of the posts? I don't read those threads....Believe it or not..I don't read every thread on GTAM.

If there is something that is in there that you find it...and I'll read the questionable parts and make a decision.

If you don't report it....then you're part of the problem...not the solution.

To expect me to read through every post is just plain crazy.
Maybe you should just make a list of the ethnicities that its ok to make racist comments about in the rules just so everyone is on the same page.

Scottish, but that's a given. I'm pretty sure I know what sonny's ancestry is, and it's ok to make slurs about them too. Hell, I've even seen someone on here who is uber quick to the draw with his race card when you say the least little thing about his ethnicity make slurs about them.
its not about infractions, its about having rules that make sense.

You can't call someone a tard, but you can make asinine racial comments.
You can say that everyone in a certain country is 3/5s of a human being, but you can't talk about religion?

This thread, the mexico thread, that kite wire thread, its just the same thing over and over.

We can't talk about religion? That's like perpetuating stupidity by not acknowledging that stupidity exists. Problem->Denial->Problem, instead of Problem->Awareness->Solution.

Censorship of any speech or topic or idea or even random insult is pure intellectual weakness. If someone wants to stoop to name-calling or racism or what have you, let them. We're all grown-ups, we're not obligated by laws of physics to react to mere words or ideas. We can handle our own minds, and thoughts, can't we?
you're not suggesting that this forum is improved by allowing racism and hate speech, are you?
No, but being able to discuss it does improve the forum. If you allow it, it can be discussed. Outlandish statements usually still contain premises. Some of them are even valid or have enthymemes in them(ie kellen's one-liners)

I get what you're saying, but it seems like the easier fix is to just not be so offended than to expect so much out of everyone else.
Did you report any of the posts? I don't read those threads....Believe it or not..I don't read every thread on GTAM.

If there is something that is in there that you find it...and I'll read the questionable parts and make a decision.

If you don't report it....then you're part of the problem...not the solution.

To expect me to read through every post is just plain crazy.

no one expects the admins/mods to read every single post. . .i never did/do.

however, it is reasonable to expect that admins/mods will read the posts in the threads that they are actively participating in.

No, but being able to discuss it does improve the forum. If you allow it, it can be discussed. Outlandish statements usually still contain premises. Some of them are even valid or have enthymemes in them(ie kellen's one-liners)

I get what you're saying, but it seems like the easier fix is to just not be so offended than to expect so much out of everyone else.

but if we choose to expect less out of everyone else, then we get a lot of the crap that has appeared in this thread. is that really better?
We can't talk about religion? That's like perpetuating stupidity by not acknowledging that stupidity exists. Problem->Denial->Problem, instead of Problem->Awareness->Solution.

Censorship of any speech or topic or idea or even random insult is pure intellectual weakness. If someone wants to stoop to name-calling or racism or what have you, let them. We're all grown-ups, we're not obligated by laws of physics to react to mere words or ideas. We can handle our own minds, and thoughts, can't we?

nah, sorry, can't agree with you there.

there's a limit to free speech.

banning hate crimes and child pornography are not examples of pure intellectual weakness.
but if we choose to expect less out of everyone else, then we get a lot of the crap that has appeared in this thread. is that really better?
Absolutely. Some of the best posts come out of outrage for the worst. If you ever saw 4chan when it was any good (probably a debatable adjective for the place lol), it had some of the most disgusting **** that you'd ever see on the internet (including opinions). But it also had some of the most intelligent debates that I've ever seen in my life. And you can't forget that humour also requires intelligence.

tbh I think rob's entitled to as many "useless" posts as he wants...he's had way more helpful ones (so it also seems irrelevant that he's a mod).

Personally, I've been on a couple of forums before (including super serious ones) and I think that gtam is a pretty good mix of clashing characters & opinions
no one expects the admins/mods to read every single post. . .i never did/do.

however, it is reasonable to expect that admins/mods will read the posts in the threads that they are actively participating in.

You won't see me actively participating in these know what they say about arguing on the internet.

The only reason I came into this thread is because it got reported. I start reading from the offensive post and go from there. That isn't active participation....that's moderating. :)

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