Cheaper housing on the horizon?

That doesn't mean you remove the rules and lower standards. You just make the rules for redevelopment clear and take the silly options NIMBYs use to delay progress.
Removing (or substantially altering) single family zoning as a possibility is a good first step imo. Allow three storey, up to four units everywhere single family homes are currently allowed. They'd be similar to the forest hill cubes but with four families instead of one. Parking is sticky. Probably no worse than a typical woodbridge house with parking for two and four plus cars as everyone in the family "needs" one.
I don't buy general canadian index funds. Horrible returns and if the dollar goes in the crapper (quite likely) the worldwide purchasing power of the money in the fund goes with it.
I want to support our economy....but holy **** Canada actually makes it harder every year lol
Infrastructure def cant handle it
Just drive on any major highway in the GTA and enjoy the constant traffic.
Or visit an emergency room and enjoy the long ass wait times,
Or buy a house anywhere in southern ontario

speculators"investors"/flippers/people exploiting tax loop holes are def part of the problem
But its easier to stick your head in the sand and pretend it isnt, when you yourself are involved in the housing casino
I want to support our economy....but holy **** Canada actually makes it harder every year lol
Does owning a canadian index support our economy? Serious question. I don't invest enough as an individual to have any effect on the market price nor a companies available capital. If I get good returns, I am more likely to spend more in Canada. Therefore, the more money I have in low performing securities, the less money I spend in Canada.
Does owning a canadian index support our economy? Serious question. I don't invest enough as an individual to have any effect on the market price nor a companies available capital. If I get good returns, I am more likely to spend more in Canada. Therefore, the more money I have in low performing securities, the less money I spend in Canada.

It does...but not in a way I want to.

Indices consist of the strongest companies within a scope right? The top 10 in our index are: 5 banks (banks do not appreciate fast), 2 railroad companies (who gives a ****, they're not building railroads worldwide), Enbridge (gas, who gives a ****, won't appreciate fast), and Shopify (actual winner.)

Literally only 1 out of 9 I would buy direct stocks from.

Now when you look at the US Index: 8/10 are tech focused. We know tech grows and it's not gonna burst like Y2K.

Looking at emerging markets: TSMC, Tencent, and Alibaba are there.

The biggest difference I see between Canadian index versus the others is that Canada's index holdings have very limited literal growth. The banks, for example, only have "coverage" within our country and maybe a little outside. Tencent, Google, TSMC, etc. are worldwide.
Now the question becomes, if the government cuts off this torrent of money coming into the country, does the Canadian economy crater? I'm sure we all know people that have way overextended themselves to buy a first home, or investment properties. How many businesses do we have in Canada that thrive off the foreign money coming in?

If the tap gets shut off, does that lead to a massive depression?

Of course it will.

But this is a train that's lost its brakes. Every day it picks up more speed, hurtling towards an inevitable crash. Do you derail it today when its traveling at 100 km/h or wait till it picks up more speed and then grenade the tracks at a later date when its flying at 250 km/h?
Does owning a canadian index support our economy?

Not sure if your question is rhetorical or facetious, but my answer would be: A little bit.

Even though the stock market is a secondary market and doesn't actually inject money into the corporations whose shares are being traded (that's the primary IPO market), shareholders do participate in the growth of the companies they've invested in, and that wealth potentially gets spent in consumer products and services.
Of course it will.

But this is a train that's lost its brakes. Every day it picks up more speed, hurtling towards an inevitable crash. Do you derail it today when its traveling at 100 km/h or wait till it picks up more speed and then grenade the tracks at a later date when its flying at 250 km/h?
I would argue that 100 km/h was more than 10 years ago and we are in the 250 km/h range now. Everyone is praying we reach escape velocity.
Not sure if your question is rhetorical or facetious, but my answer would be: A little bit.

Even though the stock market is a secondary market and doesn't actually inject money into the corporations whose shares are being traded (that's the primary IPO market), shareholders do participate in the growth of the companies they've invested in, and that wealth potentially gets spent in consumer products and services.

Ty for answering the question. I realized I missed the most important part lmaooooo

But this is why it makes it hard to invest in the Canadian index; banks don't really provide value.
Not sure if your question is rhetorical or facetious, but my answer would be: A little bit.

Even though the stock market is a secondary market and doesn't actually inject money into the corporations whose shares are being traded (that's the primary IPO market), shareholders do participate in the growth of the companies they've invested in, and that wealth potentially gets spent in consumer products and services.
I understand that logic and that is why I own securities but my question was why would specifically owning canadian indexes help the economy. Especially when their historic rate of return has been far lower than other options. It would seem to me that having money invested in a foreign index that generates a much higher return would be better for the canadian economy than having the same money in a canadian index. More return equals more money for me to (eventually) spend.
I understand that logic and that is why I own securities but my question was why would specifically owning canadian indexes help the economy. Especially when their historic rate of return has been far lower than other options. It would seem to me that having money invested in a foreign index that generates a much higher return would be better for the canadian economy than having the same money in a canadian index. More return equals more money for me to (eventually) spend.

I think there's a lot of variance here.

My extra money isn't spent on Canadian businesses: it's spent on gacha games so I can slap people with my wallet, and most games I play aren't made in Canada.

The biggest video game company we have is Ubisoft which, surprise surprise, has produced some of the most buggy pieces of **** (Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Division 2.) So I don't end up buying local goods.

.....also I hate to admit it, I've given China WWAAAAYYYYY too much money.
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I understand that logic and that is why I own securities but my question was why would specifically owning canadian indexes help the economy. Especially when their historic rate of return has been far lower than other options. It would seem to me that having money invested in a foreign index that generates a much higher return would be better for the canadian economy than having the same money in a canadian index. More return equals more money for me to (eventually) spend.

I agree with that.

Only other caveat is that if the foreign index fund is denominated in a foreign currency, then the investor is liable just to leave those funds intact instead of converting it back to CAD and incurring FX fees.

I speak from experience, because for a long time, I was 100% invested in US equities in USD. I just let that money roll around in NASDAQ & NYSE. Canada never saw a dime (Roosevelt, not schooner) of those funds till I basically retired many years later.

So yeah, even if there's a conversion to CAD eventually, if the investor chooses to retire here, it may be a much delayed effect.
Wow. So it says "red flag" in about 20 different transaction records in this article and these Scammers are still enjoying driving around in their 300K G wagons around Toronto and Vancouver. I would expect nothing less from our joke of a justice system/immigration agency.
North America loves money and will bend over for it. This is evident from the slew of companies and high profile individuals saying "sorry China" when asked to.

Also, iirc, birth rates are going down (mostly due to 2 income requirement.) Immigration makes the most sense for new fuel. I've heard rumors of China paying middle/high class families that have done questionable **** to move to Canada or the US...and they're paid for. If it's true, ******* genius idea: turn someone you don't like into a propaganda machine to spread China's big dick else where!
North America loves money and will bend over for it. This is evident from the slew of companies and high profiling individuals saying "sorry China" when asked to.

Also, iirc, birth rates are going down (mostly due to 2 income requirement.) Immigration makes the most sense for new fuel. I've heard rumors of China paying middle/high class families that have done questionable **** to move to Canada or the US...and they're paid for. If it's true, ******* genius idea: turn someone you don't like into a propaganda machine to spread China's big dick else where!
Not sure if true but there was another hilarious China is genius idea. Tiktok in China apparently heavily promotes productivity/people doing smart and interesting things. Tiktok in US heavily promotes people twerking. Encourage the home population to strive to do better and show the competition that you can be successful with no school, brains, effort or work. Shape a whole generation of wankers to play for the competition.
Not sure if true but there was another hilarious China is genius idea. Tiktok in China apparently heavily promotes productivity/people doing smart and interesting things. Tiktok in US heavily promotes people twerking. Encourage the home population to strive to do better and show the competition that you can be successful with no school, brains, effort or work. Shape a whole generation of wankers to play for the competition.

I'm pretty sure this is true. I've noticed/seen this before many times.

EDIT: Might be a cultural thing too. I swear North American culture doesn't give a **** about skill enough. Asian culture does.

Take this for example: Chopin created some of the most difficult pieces to play. This girl not only dresses like a sloot, but delivers an amazing performance. And no it's not porn lol
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There are currently ~65,000 empty condo units in Toronto, alone, Not sure on the houses but some estimate around 9,000+ Then there are short term rental (which will likely overlap some with the above due to COVID). Add in foreign ownership, fippers, tax dodges.... etc. It is ALL significant but of course it does not 100% solve anything, nothing does.

Sewers back-up during rainfall today. Traffic is jambed now. Transit is packed now, schools are packed where they want to develop and empty else whereon it goes.... and no real solution to any of that in this bill. Just keep piling it on until it totally fails and the developers have cashed in.

There is also a lot of industrial/commercial land sitting unused (much actually owned by developers) in the city. Some of the failing malls are also owned by developers, that is a lot of land to develop short term. Not as prime as building high-rises next SFUs. Not a 100% solution but it is just sitting there.

Also lots of empty commercial highrise space, some are looking at developing that, but not here in this proposal.

Yeah right, we need to not deal with any of that and bend down to the developers because there are no other options, don't be suckered into it "folks". Build some really poorly built high rises next to houses, overload the infrastructure and then implement MadMike's solution, just blow them up in 30 years when they are failing.... all to help out the little guy.

Crackdown on the rule bending, fraud, develop the land available now, improve infrastructure then tear apart the city. We also can't just look at densefication numbers compared to other cities that have real public transit, wider major roads, more than two sad highways into the core, etc.

We also have a changing demographic. Boomers are aging out. Some figure 20% of the current working population is retiring in the next five years.... are we just building future ghost towns?
Not sure if true but there was another hilarious China is genius idea. Tiktok in China apparently heavily promotes productivity/people doing smart and interesting things. Tiktok in US heavily promotes people twerking. Encourage the home population to strive to do better and show the competition that you can be successful with no school, brains, effort or work. Shape a whole generation of wankers to play for the competition.
this is a very western way of thinking.
Plan for the next day/week/quarter. Everything is so short sighted, and self serving

The eastern way is trying to think long term, plan for the next 100 years, and try to 'groupthink'
its is a homogeneous way of thinking...whats good for the herd/fatherland.

This kind of thinking usually triggers the average western boomer

Maybe I've just been watching too much cobra kai.
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