Cheaper housing on the horizon?

I didn't say that. The existing Greenbelt is 2 million acres, about 1/3 are biologically sensitive protected lands, 2/3rds 1.4m acres) are not, they were arbitrarily included to meet the 2005 2m acre goal, they could gave been in or out at the time lines were drawn. . Swapping theses lands would be changing 4 quarters for a dollar.

GTA needs more affordable housing, converting a sliver of land that is adjacent to existing infrastructure ( around Milton or the Pickering airport site ) to meet housing and economic needs of Ontario seems practical. What are we talking about, .005% conversion?

Save the salamanders and salmon.
I would argue that the GTA needs more people that can afford the housing. People that realize that the GTA isn't Beverly Hills 90210 and they don't need 5000 square feet with a pool and hot tub full of babes.
I think the standard recovery is to leave a pit to mother nature. She'll do the work, it takes her 200 years.

If quarries could be repurposed, owners can rehab in a few years (lots of this done in Markham and Uxbridge). They take clean fill to refill the pits, then sculpt and replant from the perimeter inward. Scortched earth to urban landscape in no time.
What can you build on disturbed soil?

Any garbage has the potential of hazardous gases needing monitoring for ages.

It used to be open a gravel pit and run it to depletion making fortune number one.
Turn it into a fill site and make fortune number two.
When full, make it into a golf course and make fortune number three.
I'm talking about the collection of water for personal consumption. And I'm still firm that nestle is evil.

Speaking of replenishing the water table. I see farmers systematically tiling 100s of acres. Heavy rain is scooted off into drainage ditches and not allowed to seep down and fill the aquafers. Can that be a good thing??
If I understand correctly the tiling allows the fields to dry earlier in the year, letting the farmers get on the field earlier and / or plant different crops.

The tiling allows the water to drain into the streams and rivers faster creating flooding down stream / river. Fertilizers and cow poop turn the lakes into pea soup. We boated through Rice Lake one year and never saw the water.
Considering one of the major things coming up with all these Toronto tunnels is the massive amount of clean fill coming out.

Each contractor has problems finding a location to accept all the soil. If there is a place that takes it for development and will accept it everyone would jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat.
Considering one of the major things coming up with all these Toronto tunnels is the massive amount of clean fill coming out.

Each contractor has problems finding a location to accept all the soil. If there is a place that takes it for development and will accept it everyone would jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat.
I believe old quarries take clean fill. Not sure if the charge, most are a good hike from downtown.
Being selfish, but this is good for us north of the GTA. (Though Alliston is probably now considered GTA?) Keep the development down there. Less up here. Works for me.
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