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Maybe it's just another thing that's eroding in society. Vicseks collective motion claims that a crowd of people moving in random directions subconsciously plot a route that will avoid collision no matter how dense it is.

If that's true then the only reason to not step around another person to the right (the accepted norm in Western society) is because you naturally move left or, you come from another society that moves left as the norm. The children of immigrants will learn their behaviors from their parents and then adapt to the conventions of their new environment over time.

I don't know if I used to move left (British immigrant) and re learned. I's been so long since I lived there but I know it's hard for me to not automatically move right now.

It's also a presence thing. Smaller people normally yield to larger ones heading toward them as a defense reaction. Even to the point of moving the "wrong" way because they calculated that motion as the easiest path of avoidance. Sometimes people that would naturally yield consciously do not, in order to prove a point to themselves I guess.

Maybe it's a Napoleon complex?

I would think that it's more about something that I have remarked upon frequently; "the new sociopathy." People are all about themselves now, with no day-to-day consideration for their fellow man. I say this because of the number of people who walk right at me when there is plenty of other room available while they're tapping at their cell phones, pretending to be tapping at their cell phones, or making a point of looking anywhere but at me.
I would have to go with people in construction zones or any place where a lane or two ends. Instead of simply merging like a normal human being, they will all go in the lane that ends and then last second squeeze their way in, making everyone else wait.

I'm with everything said so far, but this tops the list - ignorance/selfishness/uncivilized behaviour... all wrapped up in one ****ball.
I would think that it's more about something that I have remarked upon frequently; "the new sociopathy." People are all about themselves now, with no day-to-day consideration for their fellow man. I say this because of the number of people who walk right at me when there is plenty of other room available while they're tapping at their cell phones, pretending to be tapping at their cell phones, or making a point of looking anywhere but at me.

You may well be right. There used to be this consideration that whoever's need was greater would dictate the probable outcome. For example, going through the doorway to a washroom. Generally, incoming has the right of way because their need is greater - when you gotta go, you gotta go. Likewise, when approaching a door, if one of two people is loaded up with parcels, the other would offer to open the door and hold it open until the other passed through.

The texting thing baffles me. Why would anyone want to do this while walking?
You may well be right. There used to be this consideration that whoever's need was greater would dictate the probable outcome. For example, going through the doorway to a washroom. Generally, incoming has the right of way because their need is greater - when you gotta go, you gotta go. Likewise, when approaching a door, if one of two people is loaded up with parcels, the other would offer to open the door and hold it open until the other passed through.

The texting thing baffles me. Why would anyone want to do this while walking?
though quite often washrooms are designed that the person coming in can't get in til the person going out exits
I would have to go with people in construction zones or any place where a lane or two ends. Instead of simply merging like a normal human being, they will all go in the lane that ends and then last second squeeze their way in, making everyone else wait.

That's wild stuff. I have a situation like that everyday commute same place. I'd bet 99% there drive the same route everyday. So the merging isn't catching them unawares. Full credit to the dozens or hundreds who get over early. But there's always a bunch who roar to the front then dive in. (hey thats how far the lane goes, got a problem with that?:D) I'd be mortified to pull that stunt. No eye contact for sure. Lately I've been riding the bumper of the car ahead not allowing dick to merge. (sorry, looking ahead, don't see you:D)
That's wild stuff. I have a situation like that everyday commute same place. I'd bet 99% there drive the same route everyday. So the merging isn't catching them unawares. Full credit to the dozens or hundreds who get over early. But there's always a bunch who roar to the front then dive in. (hey thats how far the lane goes, got a problem with that?:D) I'd be mortified to pull that stunt. No eye contact for sure. Lately I've been riding the bumper of the car ahead not allowing dick to merge. (sorry, looking ahead, don't see you:D)

The keep doing it, because someone always lets them in.Reward bad behaviour and you perpetuate it.
Middle-aged or elderly women that walk into a store - or a department of a store - and stop dead for 30 seconds, right in the middle of the door/aisle/walkspace. Oblivious and uncaring. It rarely fails.

I have had men do it too, but far less frequently.
It annoys me when I'm in the queue & someone is so close to me I can't reach my back pocket without hitting them.
It annoys me when I'm in the queue & someone is so close to me I can't reach my back pocket without hitting them.

I stand sideways in lines...I hate giving anyone my back lol. If someone is that close I ask them if they wanna see what colour my boxers are
Middle-aged or elderly women that walk into a store - or a department of a store - and stop dead for 30 seconds, right in the middle of the door/aisle/walkspace. Oblivious and uncaring. It rarely fails.

I have had men do it too, but far less frequently.

Odd you should mention that. It happens quite frequently downtown, and it's usually women. They'll finish crossing the street and then stop right at the edge of the sidewalk, or step off an escalator and then just stop dead in their tracks. Check phone, look in purse, start looking around for a store or something.....
odd you should mention that. It happens quite frequently downtown, and it's usually women. They'll finish crossing the street and then stop right at the edge of the sidewalk, or step off an escalator and then just stop dead in their tracks. Check phone, look in purse, start looking around for a store or something.....

silent rage.
You may well be right. There used to be this consideration that whoever's need was greater would dictate the probable outcome. For example, going through the doorway to a washroom. Generally, incoming has the right of way because their need is greater - when you gotta go, you gotta go. Likewise, when approaching a door, if one of two people is loaded up with parcels, the other would offer to open the door and hold it open until the other passed through.

There's another basic consideration, other than need; space. When entering a place with limited space you allow the person who is leaving it to exit, so that there is space inside for you. When getting on an elevator, for example, it just makes sense to allow those who are leaving to get off, before you try to get on. This simple logic seems to escape many people, these days. I would say that this also applies to places like washrooms.

The texting thing baffles me. Why would anyone want to do this while walking?

I really have no idea but I see it every day. People even walk out into traffic while staring raptly at their personal, portable idiot box. The Zombie Apocalypse has come!
People blocking the way
That's a big one for me.. 2 extra special examples..
1) At the airport, just got back from working in the bush up north where the Sun don't set (was the summer), dead tired, dirty, smelly, clothes caked with sweat and bug juice, sporting a case of bronchitis.. A couple of suits decided to have their chat while totally blocking the exit. May have been because I was sick or tired and it's possible that I may or may not have notice them, but I did say "excuse me" after busting right between them while dragging 2 suitcases :cool:
2) Downtown Toronto, some intersection with Yonge. A bunch of hipsters decided to congregate right where people would wanna step off the sidewalk and cross Yonge, completely blocking the crosswalk. I walked right through the middle while muttering "effing hipsters" (well the real f-word, but it would get filtered out here) - shows contempt and also identifies them as part of a herd, which they try super-hard not to be ;)

People trying to beat the traffic by milking the merge lane for all its worth
Blocking position and modulate your speed so they can't get in front of you and can't get behind you either, enough said ;)

Selfish pricks blocking shopping aisles
Come right up to them, literally within inches and loudly say "EXCUSE ME MA'AM". Most of the time they apologize. You can't correct bad behavior without a dose of public shame :cool:

Left lane bandits
Swerve, honk, turn on the flashers.. Not much you can do.. 1 percent will "get it", the rest will honk back. I also like to stick the hand out the window and point for them to move over to the right as I pass them. On 2 wheels, I turn around, look them in the eyes and point for them to move over (not recommended technique for new riders)
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Left lane bandits
Swerve, honk, turn on the flashers.. Not much you can do.. 1 percent will "get it", the rest will honk back. I also like to stick the hand out the window and point for them to move over to the right as I pass them. On 2 wheels, I turn around, look them in the eyes and point for them to move over (not recommended technique for new riders)

You have any idea how annoying it is when I'm doing 130-140 passing a truck or some traffic cruising in the middle lane at 95-105 and one of you asswipes is riding my bumper (or rear wheel) doing that ****? Only to then get in front of me in the middle lane and slow to 120? If not for modern day electronics (wires) I'd have a collection of passenger mirrors
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You have any idea how annoying it is when I'm doing 130-140 passing a truck or some traffic cruising in the middle lane at 95-105 and one of you asswipes is riding my bumper (or rear wheel) doing that ****? Only to then get in front of me in the middle lane and slow to 120? If not for modern day electronics (wires) I'd have a collection of passenger mirrors

That's extremely annoying behavior.. But I only pass people going slower than my cruising speed... If you're passing a truck with a 35-45km/h differential, you'll never even know I'm there as long as you get outta the way. If you're snoring in the left lane, going side by side with the said truck while cars are lining up behind you, that's a different story.. With that being said, my cruising speed is closer to 120 than to 130, but regardless of how fast I'm going, if I see a faster car approaching, I find the first opportunity to get outta the way and get back in the left lane once they pass me (if needed).
That's extremely annoying behavior.. But I only pass people going slower than my cruising speed... If you're passing a truck with a 35-45km/h differential, you'll never even know I'm there as long as you get outta the way. If you're snoring in the left lane, going side by side with the said truck while cars are lining up behind you, that's a different story.. With that being said, my cruising speed is closer to 120 than to 130, but regardless of how fast I'm going, if I see a faster car approaching, I find the first opportunity to get outta the way and get back in the left lane once they pass me (if needed).

Try riding out of downtown Toronto, on The Gardiner, during rush hour. You'd be pounding the handle bars after coming over a rise and seeing a truck in the right lane, a truck in the centre lane, a car too scared to pass in the left lane, and then empty road in front of them for a half a mile.
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