Candidates for

I really hate when people come into my place of work asking for bike parts/info and after I tell them what they need to know they proceed to look at my male employee and ask the same thing/confirm what I said. Thankfully he's pretty good about it and tells them I actually know more about it than him and such. Thankfully it's not too often, maybe once every week or two

I discovered while at college that people like to stop in big groups and chat at the bottom of the stairs. Needless to say, I didn't like it one bit. Since I'm bigger/taller than most girls and guys I just put my hands in front of me, and pushed everyone out of the way as I shouted excuse me. My friend who was following said they all looked ****** and were asking saying "is she drunk?" nope, just fed up with your stupid poop, get out of the way, I have classes to get to.

Not really an annoyance, but just something I find dumb. Girls who go to the gym wearing full make-up!! I've also seen one getting help from a guy while she was in her yoga pants and she acted completely useless.

People who can't keep a constant speed in the highway. I cruise past you in the left lane, then pull back to right. suddenly you go faster move into the left and then slow down right beside me, eventually blocking me in with the person I was about to pass. grrrrr
People who, when making a right hand turn, require ALL lanes to be free, even if that means 3+ lanes of clear traffic, not jut the right lane, noooo, the ****ing road has to be deserted before they feel comfortable to pull out....GO **** YOUSELVES!!!
I really hate when people come into my place of work asking for bike parts/info and after I tell them what they need to know they proceed to look at my male employee and ask the same thing/confirm what I said.
Can a male member please confirm what Amazon just said!

I'm annoyed by people who whine too much. Life isn't the way you want it to be or is the way you perceive it should be. Everyone is different so grow up and deal with it.
People who, when making a right hand turn, require ALL lanes to be free, even if that means 3+ lanes of clear traffic, not jut the right lane, noooo, the ****ing road has to be deserted before they feel comfortable to pull out....GO **** YOUSELVES!!!

Since they're going to make an illegal turn across all of those lanes into the fast lane, they need to have all of them free first ;)
Rudeness and lack of manners do it for me. I work with the public and it's frightening how many people think it's perfectly acceptable to physically grab, pinch or HIT you to get your attention - vs. oh, I dunno; PUTTING ON THEIR SERVICE LIGHT for assistance. Someday someone's gonna get smacked back... Just sayin'.
People who, when making a right hand turn, require ALL lanes to be free, even if that means 3+ lanes of clear traffic, not jut the right lane, noooo, the ****ing road has to be deserted before they feel comfortable to pull out....GO **** YOUSELVES!!!

That's because they are about to cross all 3 lanes and hug the left one at 39km hr.
I prefer to drive my winter beater for this reason, when i'm making a turn into the proper lane and some freak comes barreling across all lanes , i hold my ground and hope they have good avoidance skills.
You wouldn't believe how certain types of people get ****** off, even though they are completely clueless and in the wrong.
Rudeness and lack of manners do it for me. I work with the public and it's frightening how many people think it's perfectly acceptable to physically grab, pinch or HIT you to get your attention - vs. oh, I dunno; PUTTING ON THEIR SERVICE LIGHT for assistance. Someday someone's gonna get smacked back... Just sayin'.
I really don't see a Canadian Person doing any of the above? we learn not to touch anyone from a very early age! I wasn't born here and I understand that.

I am surprised you don't have security get their ***** out the door
I really don't see a Canadian Person doing any of the above? we learn not to touch anyone from a very early age! I wasn't born here and I understand that.

I am surprised you don't have security get their ***** out the door

I'm betting proper safety practices for such ejections would involve parachutes, flotation devices and sat phones :cool:
I really don't see a Canadian Person doing any of the above? we learn not to touch anyone from a very early age! I wasn't born here and I understand that.

I am surprised you don't have security get their ***** out the door

You might be surprised about that. I've seen quite a few people, many of them obviously from here, do just that sort of thing.
Rudeness and lack of manners do it for me. I work with the public and it's frightening how many people think it's perfectly acceptable to physically grab, pinch or HIT you to get your attention - vs. oh, I dunno; PUTTING ON THEIR SERVICE LIGHT for assistance. Someday someone's gonna get smacked back... Just sayin'.

Who knows? Maybe they're trying to find an excuse to touch you.
Sounds kinky
You might be surprised about that. I've seen quite a few people, many of them obviously from here, do just that sort of thing.
really? I am surprised, working on a big office building I observe things like 3 people entering an elevator, each take a corner so not to invade the others personal space
really? I am surprised, working on a big office building I observe things like 3 people entering an elevator, each take a corner so not to invade the others personal space

Things change, when someone wants something NOW.
People who, when making a right hand turn, require ALL lanes to be free, even if that means 3+ lanes of clear traffic, not jut the right lane, noooo, the ****ing road has to be deserted before they feel comfortable to pull out....GO **** YOUSELVES!!!

I always keep 2 open lanes when making a right hand turn since I almost got clipped when an ****** decided to change lane in the middle of the intersection.

Oh, by the way, here's my candidate for Asshats that change lane in the middle of the intersection.
I just had an altercation with a workplace bully. He kept verbally harrassing me after I kept ignoring him. I asked him if he wanted wanted to tussle, he told me no, so I asked him to leave me alone. He kept talking, I told him to F off! I told my supervisor about this. HR will know if this continues.

What a f'ing moron idiot
What fresh hell is this? Bad music, bad reception and low grade speakers for starters. My local Timmies (3rd or 4th of the chain, not bragging just saying) to their credit, put in a patio a few years ago. It took until a month ago to get the umbrellas installed but never mind that. They just installed a "sound system" for outdoor listening pleasure. Now we can scream at each other inside AND outside. What is it with eating establishments and their loud cr@p music? Are studies showing this a profit booster? Now I have to go down the road to sit on a park bench.
What fresh hell is this? Bad music, bad reception and low grade speakers for starters. My local Timmies (3rd or 4th of the chain, not bragging just saying) to their credit, put in a patio a few years ago. It took until a month ago to get the umbrellas installed but never mind that. They just installed a "sound system" for outdoor listening pleasure. Now we can scream at each other inside AND outside. What is it with eating establishments and their loud cr@p music? Are studies showing this a profit booster? Now I have to go down the road to sit on a park bench.

Yes, it is a profit booster. The music is designed to make you leave instead of loitering and taking a seat away from another paying customer.
Yes, it is a profit booster. The music is designed to make you leave instead of loitering and taking a seat away from another paying customer.

You're joking, of course. I was just there. Imagine Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindy Lauper blaring at 7:30 am on a quiet holiday morning. Who thinks this is a good idea?
You're joking, of course. I was just there. Imagine Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindy Lauper blaring at 7:30 am on a quiet holiday morning. Who thinks this is a good idea?

He's not necessarily joking. Turnover at tables is money.
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