Candidates for

Years ago somebody explained Wayne Gretzkys' ability on ice vis-avis anticipation. It's all very natural to him. Not to most others. This is how I view moving thru public space. Either you have it or you don't. I would consider myself the Wayne Gretzky of mall walking. You may be up at Wayne and I's level as well. You won't know what you had until it's gone.

I can predict, I just don't understand. I was taught, from the time I first learned how to walk, that you walk to the right. Ever been to Ryerson? I can be in an empty hallway, in Jorgenson hall, and as I'm walking my shoulder is almost brushing the right wall. Someone steps out of a stairway, to my left, crosses the hallway, and walks right at me on their left side. It defies logic. They have 12 feet of hallway to choose from and they choose that space, when the person can plainly see me?
Cagers who don't turn on their lights when the sun goes down or when it's really cloudy/dark...
Seriously people, you aren't wasting any electricity by having your lights on. Your alternator makes plenty of it!

almost all cars have daytime running lights now. theres a few pre 1990's around. But not that many
almost all cars have daytime running lights now. theres a few pre 1990's around. But not that many

That's just lights in the front...

Some Dodge caravans only have the 2 amber markers up front as "DRL"

What's irritating is coming up on cars at midnight that have no lights in the back. I've looked into it a bit and a lot of newer cars have digital dashes now. That means retards behind the wheel forget to turn on their full system.
In older cars you turned your lights on at night because you couldn't see your speedo otherwise.
Stick figure families. I dunno why but they annoy the crap outta me.

It's a car, not a social update.

Ditto. I have to shake my head at the ones showing either an adult couple (no kids) or a woman with a cat.

Baby on board signs in the back of cars. Am I supposed to change the way I drive or ride because of that? And they should also have to remove the sign when there is no child in the car!

They also seem to be the ones driving poorly, or on the phone, etc... So let me get this right; you want me to be aware that you have a baby on board so that I can be more careful around you so that you can then drive like an ***?

I'm annoyed by poor customer service, which seems rampant these days. I certainly don't expect to be treated like a king or anything, but an example is when I walk up to a service counter I expect the personal conversation the two employees are having to stop, at least within a few seconds, so that I can be dealt with.
Stick figure families. I dunno why but they annoy the crap outta me.

It's a car, not a social update.

Ever see the stick figure families with the names of each family member? Hello? - gee, no risk there advertising everyone's names.
People being lazy instead of doing work. If we can achieve maximum efficiency from labour for 1 day... imagine the possibilities.
Baby on board signs in the back of cars. Am I supposed to change the way I drive or ride because of that? And they should also have to remove the sign when there is no child in the car!

I saw one that said "No baby on board. Give me your best shot"
I'm annoyed by poor customer service, which seems rampant these days. I certainly don't expect to be treated like a king or anything, but an example is when I walk up to a service counter I expect the personal conversation the two employees are having to stop, at least within a few seconds, so that I can be dealt with.

This is right up near the top of my list, rude people that want my money.
If you ever want to see an employee get educated about customer service in public, hang out with me for awhile.
I'm a CS pro, i will hold a seminar right in front of the manager, just to make my point clear and embarrassing for them.

Almost every single day, the people that serve me coffee, rudely yell in my face, "$2.06".
So i say "pardon me?"
Then they proceed to yell louder as if i'm deaf. :confused:

This is when the seminar begins and the customers around me burst out laughing......
all gf's ex's
This is a Toronto thing. Never had it happen to me until I moved here. Low IQ people need to move in packs and can't exist without an explicit sense of belonging to a herd. If you are alone in a space, and they are potentially alone, they will get close to you to create a herd to comfort themselves.

My major annoyances are the pig ladies of the ttc (no mercy anymore, I'm calling them all fat retards in their ears when they get in my space and shoving when necessary) and people who stand at the left of an escalator.

I can predict, I just don't understand. I was taught, from the time I first learned how to walk, that you walk to the right. Ever been to Ryerson? I can be in an empty hallway, in Jorgenson hall, and as I'm walking my shoulder is almost brushing the right wall. Someone steps out of a stairway, to my left, crosses the hallway, and walks right at me on their left side. It defies logic. They have 12 feet of hallway to choose from and they choose that space, when the person can plainly see me?
pedestrians that cross when you have an advance green/arrow and then yell at you when you give them the horn as you wiss by their faces.
Stick figure families. I dunno why but they annoy the crap outta me.

It's a car, not a social update.


I'm annoyed by poor customer service, which seems rampant these days. I certainly don't expect to be treated like a king or anything, but an example is when I walk up to a service counter I expect the personal conversation the two employees are having to stop, at least within a few seconds, so that I can be dealt with.

Stay as far away from Service Ontario as you can then. I've had to go there 3 times in as many months and each time there was a line to the door while the agents were chatting to themselves or making meaningless small talk with customers. I've never been in and out of a Service Ontario in Mississauga in less than 45 minutes.

Things I learned while in line at Service Ontario:

1) Brampton, waiting to get a hunting license: The fat white agent will be bringing cupcakes to tomorrow's potluck lunch, while the skinny brown guy plans to bring samosas. The skinny brown guy also doesn't like pancakes... and something about having pancakes one of the following mornings.

2) Mississauga, Hurontario and Eg: Fat white girl (agent) just loves Europe, especially Italy, and the customer (wearing a pink shirt, white sweater vest, white pants and pink shoes) just came back from Italy two weeks ago. It was fabulous, according to him, he wishes he could still be there. All this time there were 4 agents standing behind the 3 agents that were serving customers -- but I couldn't make out what they were chatting about.

3) Mississauga, Dixie and Dundas: The customer was chatting up two of the agents, saying nice to see them again and how he is there to pay to have his license reinstated again -- and rather than just getting to business both agents figured they should chat this guy up rather than work to get through the line to the door.
Anyone who pulls a list out at a drive thru window.
For sale ads with no phone numbers. No biggie, but when I send an email and don't hear back, it's a little frustrating.
1. Laziness - People who ask for the answer without even thinking about looking for it themselves.
2. Cellphones in public - People don't care that you're at the mall shopping for shoe's
3. Cellphones while in line - People who answer their cellphone in a line then tell the cashier to "hold on a second"
3a. Me, for not killing those people or at least beating them with a stick....
4. Tractor Trailer drivers that can't reverse - You know who you are...
5. Brampton - Nuff said..
6. People who order 25 meals through a drive through, go F your double toasted bagel
7. People who read their receipt at the ATM,'s out to get you...
8. Work poopers - Uh, go have your liquid death at home and see a doctor...
9. People who start a sentence at work with "Is it Friday yet?" Um if you don't know what day it should be fired
10. Anyone that calls me chief
1. Laziness - People who ask for the answer without even thinking about looking for it themselves.
2. Cellphones in public - People don't care that you're at the mall shopping for shoe's
3. Cellphones while in line - People who answer their cellphone in a line then tell the cashier to "hold on a second"
3a. Me, for not killing those people or at least beating them with a stick....
4. Tractor Trailer drivers that can't reverse - You know who you are...
5. Brampton - Nuff said..
6. People who order 25 meals through a drive through, go F your double toasted bagel
7. People who read their receipt at the ATM,'s out to get you...
8. Work poopers - Uh, go have your liquid death at home and see a doctor...
9. People who start a sentence at work with "Is it Friday yet?" Um if you don't know what day it should be fired
10. Anyone that calls me chief

EZZZZ Cochise
pedestrians that cross when you have an advance green/arrow and then yell at you when you give them the horn as you wiss by their faces.

Once there was the perfect moment where I hit the apex of my left turn early and was already almost straightened up when approaching the ped crossing, and a ray of sun beamed down upon me and I knew what my duty was...I stuck out my left hand and ***** slapped that little prick so hard his snapback fell off
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