7 personal days and 6 sick days. All Federal employees got 10 sick days (if I'm not mistaken)
EFF me! No wonder CP is in such a state. That's greed plain and simple.'
How many posties are using all 13 days already??
My whole working life if I missed more than 1 or 2 days in a year that was a bad year for me.
If you expect to be off sick more than once a month you wouldn't have been my employee that long.
1 day in the last 38 years.
I don't begrudge anyone sick days. Humans get sick, some are more prone than others to it.
It's easy for people who have nice climate controlled indoor jobs to pooh-pooh sick time for everyone else, but reality is outdoor jobs when you're subjected to snow and ice conditions (icy walkways, driveways, ice and snow piled up that you have to climb over, things like dogs that want to disembowel you if you set foot on their property (it's happened to
me in my job, I know posties deal with it far more), constant temperature changes getting in and out of vehicles, and all the other realities of a job that has you outside for long hours ever day, well, you're
going to get sick and/or injured more often. Add to all that, dealing with the public, going in and out of factories and businesses all day, it's all exposure that drastically increase your risk of catching things like the flu, etc.
Personal days are for things like doctors appointments, etc.
Personally, I'm one of those people who are prone to sickness unfortunately, I didn't win in the genetic pool in that regard unfortunatley.
Without fail around this time of year I end up with a chest infection that has on a few occasions progressed to pneumonia, putting me in the hospital at least once. In the past It's completely whacked me so hard that I've had no choice but to take time off as I couldn't physically work, but when others have no choice (can't afford to not go to work because they have no sick pay, or threatened by their company for daring take time off, whatever) people go to work sick,
make other people sick, and it spirals from there and next thing you know your workforce is crippled as half your office/warehouse/whatever is sick and physically unable to work. Where's the good in that?
And ultimately, people shouldn't be penalized for being sick. And in my own opinion, there is no heroism in going to work when you're not feeling well and potentially making other people (who may be immunocompromised or more susceptible than others, ie, people like me) end up catching whatever you've got. I get it if you don't have paid sick time and can't afford it or whatever, but that doesn't mean you should be mad at others who do have such, it means you should demand the same of your employer to support you when you're sick.
Anyhow, back on the topic specific to Canada Post, I agree, they've got enough and certainly don't need more, but again, I don't begrudge anyone for using them. People need to remember that their job realities are not the same reality as others, either. Working outdoors 12 months of the year has it's downsides, I know first hand....