Canada Post - Huge losses

If I had unlimited money, I would change careers every three to five years or so. Find an old guy to work with and absorb everything I could from them. Don't try to be the master but 80% of master level is better than 99% of the rest of the population. I was lucky enough to get experience in a few areas but life meant I had to stick with a path to make more money. My preferred path would have me constantly at apprentice wages so money needs to come from somewhere else. I don't need yearly vacations. I am ok with (and actually prefer) something epic between jobs.
You don’t need unlimited money, just unlimited ambition.

Over a 40 year career, I changed careers completely several times. Telecom - executive for 15 years, self employed .com startup, 5 years, startup textile specialty business 10 years, banker 6 years, change manager 4 years.

I recently retired (again), but got a FIFO job offer out of the blue — I’m mulling that over as it’s on a when I feel like going basis and the money is stupid.
You don’t need unlimited money, just unlimited ambition.

Over a 40 year career, I changed careers completely several times. Telecom - executive for 15 years, self employed .com startup, 5 years, startup textile specialty business 10 years, banker 6 years, change manager 4 years.

I recently retired (again), but got a FIFO job offer out of the blue — I’m mulling that over as it’s on a when I feel like going basis and the money is stupid.
I've done it five times (some shorter, some longer). All of them were before I met my wife. Starting again and making decent money quickly requires stupid hours and leaves little time for others. While Postie sounds like it would get me in good shape, I prefer more skill based jobs and less trading wear on your body for money (although some definitely had a large component of that).
Interesting idea. But they would all need to have proper level 2 security checks etc.
Delivering registered mail, passports etc.
Typical government position. They can't do the job but make it illegal for anyone else to take over.

I can't see why a Power of attorney over mail wouldn't work. All it would take to get it federally approved is a ten-year study at $20 million. :(

In reality the private party would not be sorting or opening mail. Oopsies do happen but that happens with the regular carrier. This morning, I got mail that is addressed to someone blocks away. If it was next door, I'd just walk it over. Would that make me a criminal?
Might be true for someone with experience, what about someone with no experience who is 50+ just starting out in trades.
The big change is in the complexity of things over the years. A generation ago a person could fix their vehicle with a modest tool kit. Those skills were universal and a handyman was at least partly trained for other trades by at least having a knowledge of math, general physics and electricity.

Now too many are trained as a specialists and intuitiveness is dead.
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