Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

where does this constant reference to wealth and the fords come from? They live in regular houses and did you see the mom and sister on TV they look and sound like trailer trash? What is the definition of wealth as it relates to the fords?

This is his mom's house, don't we all have tasteful statues on the lawn?

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

where does this constant reference to wealth and the fords come from? They live in regular houses and did you see the mom and sister on TV they look and sound like trailer trash? What is the definition of wealth as it relates to the fords?

They are very wealthy, no question about that.
They inherited the business from dad, a business that does very well - even if there are no official numbers, the estimates put annual sales at $100 million. That is one hundred million dollars. Per year. In sales.

Just the mayor's salary is over $170,000 per year, plus perks.

Those are pretty cool numbers. :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Spoken like a true snob elitist, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Richard Branson are all uneducated are many more people who have accomplished alot

Sure, some geniuses did well without much education, but is that a good reason to say that no one should be educated? These men are exceptions due to their exceptional and rare innate abilities.

The point of the discussion is this: there is a strong element of anti-intellectualism in some conservative groups; one possible reason is that an under educated society is easier to govern than a free thinking educated society. Where is the elitist snobbism in that?

Many religions demonstrate this same anti-intellectualism. Don't think for yourself, just follow the rules. If you do, you will get your reward in heaven, don't try to make your life better in this world, just accept the fate that god has decided for you.

What is scary is the connection of conservatism/republicans with religion, especially in, but not limited to, the US in the religious right. A double-barrel approach.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

TheStar got and posted the video because he was high as fark in that one... Not much doubt about it. I am surprised his heart didn't explode.

Pay or no pay, they did the right thing.

And I am ****** because I feel I owe that idiot Sarah Thomson a damn apology in my head... as do allot of others IMO...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Spoken like a true snob elitist, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Richard Branson are all uneducated are many more people who have accomplished alot

LOL at Einstein being uneducated.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

LOL at Einstein being uneducated.

It is a common misconception about Einstein, but I think he meant to say a person can get an education even if he don't go to school, and plenty of dudes go to school yet remain uneducated...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

To me anyway, saying, "I'm clever and I'm proud of that" is less repulsive than saying, "I'm ignorant and I'm proud of that." Both are boastful and offensive, but the latter seems more so.

This would be the elitist and the anti-intellectual/man of the people.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

When will this Gong show end? The star is very vindictive and have crossed the line in publishing his "melt down" video. The crack video is fair game as it was done in public and he is a public official associating with criminal activity. The "melt down" is a private thing and the role of the media is to report news, provide an editorial but the Star's witch hunt make the British tabloids look like amateurs.

I disagree because both were private moments. There's nothing as private as that moment you sit down to unwind and smoke some crack with your friends and dealers.

Both videos so far (the crack one and the outburst one) are private and both are fair game. Also, there is nothing unethical in the fact the paper paid money for the video, they pay all the time, that's why there is a bunch of freelancers in Toronto selling to the media (photos, articles, opinion, etc).
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They are very wealthy, no question about that.
They inherited the business from dad, a business that does very well - even if there are no official numbers, the estimates put annual sales at $100 million. That is one hundred million dollars. Per year. In sales.

Just the mayor's salary is over $170,000 per year, plus perks.

Those are pretty cool numbers. :cool:

Well live and learn thanks
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

where does this constant reference to wealth and the fords come from? They live in regular houses and did you see the mom and sister on TV they look and sound like trailer trash? What is the definition of wealth as it relates to the fords?

Where does it say that money equals 'couth'? I went to school with some farm boys, whose parents owned a huge chunk of what eventually became north Brampton. They were good guys and came to school in muddy work boots, with their torn up jeans and wallets on chains, in their brand new high end pickups and 'Vette. Years back I worked with the son of a rich developer who was told if he kept doing coke, he would eventually be able to stick his tongue out his nose, from the inside. He dressed like a vagrant.

Despite their working class pretensions, the Fords come from money.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Where does it say that money equals 'couth'? I went to school with some farm boys, whose parents owned a huge chunk of what eventually became north Brampton. They were good guys and came to school in muddy work boots, with their torn up jeans and wallets on chains, in their brand new high end pickups and 'Vette. Years back I worked with the son of a rich developer who was told if he kept doing coke, he would eventually be able to stick his tongue out his nose, from the inside. He dressed like a vagrant.

Despite their working class pretensions, the Fords come from money.

couth and looking like fat dirt aren't the same. But I agree
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Here's a good explanation about why Ford Nation is hanging tough and why the downtowners just can't comprehend how any free-thinking human can stand by his side.

"It may well be that Ford does need some form of help. But that’s not the point. It matters not what the facts are. What matters is the opinion of this elitist clique. Once the pointed heads have spoken the rest will surely follow. Because they know better than you or me what is best for us. They speak of causes “for the people” yet have no real concern for actual people. This is where the Rob Fords of the world are dangerous to them."

I watched that W5 episode and it was in fact stupid sensationalistic garbage. And somehow this is evidence that the left is a bunch of pointy-head self-righteous know-it-alls? As if the right-wing media NEVER descend into sensationalism, right?

It's very apparent that whenever progressives do anything wrong it's proof of their arrogance and elitism. Whenever a conservative does anything wrong, it's portrayed as a sign of their charming human imperfection. "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone (unless you're conservative, then fire at will!)"

The hypocrisy doesn't end there. High-profile progressive personalities who's morals are unimpeachable (Gore, Suzuki, Layton, Chomsky) are called narcissistic intellectual do-gooders, who have to apologise for using "50-cent words", but the equivalent conservatives (Harper, Friedman, Paul) are portrayed as fighting the good fight for the sake of the common man. Come on!

So it's lose-lose for the left, and these tropes are so ingrained in everyday language that no justification is ever provided for these accusations. All it does is to save people from actually having to argue facts, and the simple fact is the W5 report was worthless junk. But the spin is that the left can't be trusted to do anything well. Nothing is learned from these characterisations, it's just a cheap win that feeds off people's prejudices.

If you take your average Sun article and scratch out every part where there is any baseless characterisation of the people being discussed, you will quickly find that what is left is devoid of almost any real information. They're all about connecting with the seething anger of the right, while the Star feeds into the fearful left. Neither anger nor fear are conducive to sound decision making, and this is how we end up with terrible politicians. CUT THE C**P and get to the facts.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Wow, well said!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ah, finally someone admits his love for Rob. It's OK man, it's hip to be gay. You should really go and tell him how you feel, maybe there's a romantic future for you two?

Your ideas are usually pretty scientific, but WTF was that ^^^ ? lol
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I watched that W5 episode and it was in fact stupid sensationalistic garbage. And somehow this is evidence that the left is a bunch of pointy-head self-righteous know-it-alls? As if the right-wing media NEVER descend into sensationalism, right?

It's very apparent that whenever progressives do anything wrong it's proof of their arrogance and elitism. Whenever a conservative does anything wrong, it's portrayed as a sign of their charming human imperfection. "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone (unless you're conservative, then fire at will!)"

The hypocrisy doesn't end there. High-profile progressive personalities who's morals are unimpeachable (Gore, Suzuki, Layton, Chomsky) are called narcissistic intellectual do-gooders, who have to apologise for using "50-cent words", but the equivalent conservatives (Harper, Friedman, Paul) are portrayed as fighting the good fight for the sake of the common man. Come on!

So it's lose-lose for the left, and these tropes are so ingrained in everyday language that no justification is ever provided for these accusations. All it does is to save people from actually having to argue facts, and the simple fact is the W5 report was worthless junk. But the spin is that the left can't be trusted to do anything well. Nothing is learned from these characterisations, it's just a cheap win that feeds off people's prejudices.

If you take your average Sun article and scratch out every part where there is any baseless characterisation of the people being discussed, you will quickly find that what is left is devoid of almost any real information. They're all about connecting with the seething anger of the right, while the Star feeds into the fearful left. Neither anger nor fear are conducive to sound decision making, and this is how we end up with terrible politicians. CUT THE C**P and get to the facts.

One of the traditional issues has been "the liberal media." Most people, who get involved in journalism, have somewhat of a left leaning tendency. In most cases, in the past, this has been an unconscious bias for these people and, as a result, what they right also leans slightly to the left. If you realized this you could then mentally filter for it, and get somewhat to the truth.

Then along came the 'conservative media', as a conscious effort to combat the natural left leaning nature of traditional (especially print) media. The problem is that this conservative media doesn't have the same unconscious rightward lean, that traditional media had to the left. They set out to consciously slant their reports to the right. This is a truly cynical practice, at best and at worst a pandering to people's personal bias, in order to profit personally.

The worst thing is that this sort of conscious slanting causes a polarization, that left leaners then feel the need to combat. The reasons can be as altruistic as 'trying to get the truth out', or the same sort of cynicism aimed at personal profiteering. Who loses? We all do. We are no longer challenged to find the truth for ourselves. Instead we gravitate to the 'news source' that most fits our preexisting biases.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

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