Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Perhaps because being an alcoholic is being an addict and he's denying even that addiction?
I can see him being an alcoholic..... but not a drug addict. But seems everyone is on the bandwagon calling him a crack addict as of late lol without facts.
He should do the right thing and get help tho yes
BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Any ideas what the multitudinous clandestine meetings with Lisi were about? Like I said before, those meetings were too frequent for weed buys.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No explanation, eh?

Trust me, more bombshells to come.

According to Doug, Rob could commit murder on the steps of city hall and Ford Nation would still vote for him. That's just not rational. Ford Nation is the problem. Save them a few dollars in taxes, and they'll support a mayor who lies, consorts with criminals, breaks the law, is an alcoholic, and admits to smoking crack.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It is puzzling I agree. You would think that some1 would be faster at explaining how these things go down.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It is puzzling I agree. You would think that some1 would be faster at explaining how these things go down.

I apologise for my outburst. I'm just fed up with people who fail to see that Ford is, and has always been, a real menace to the city.

As for his addiction, I have no problem believing he's addicted to something, maybe crack maybe not. But I don't know if he is addicted, or even if he's an alcoholic TBH, so I don't go around calling him one.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If Toronto didn't have Rob Ford, wouldn't they instead likely have the runner up George Smitherman?

I am not a resident of Toronto anyway, but if I were I would still rather have Ford as mayor than Smitherman.

It would have been nice if better candidates were available, but you Toronto voters really had to choose between a pile of turds the last time around.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

According to Doug, Rob could commit murder on the steps of city hall and Ford Nation would still vote for him. That's just not rational. Ford Nation is the problem. Save them a few dollars in taxes, and they'll support a mayor who lies, consorts with criminals, breaks the law, is an alcoholic, and admits to smoking crack.

Here's a good explanation about why Ford Nation is hanging tough and why the downtowners just can't comprehend how any free-thinking human can stand by his side.

"It may well be that Ford does need some form of help. But that’s not the point. It matters not what the facts are. What matters is the opinion of this elitist clique. Once the pointed heads have spoken the rest will surely follow. Because they know better than you or me what is best for us. They speak of causes “for the people” yet have no real concern for actual people. This is where the Rob Fords of the world are dangerous to them."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There is certainly an element of anti-elitism in Ford Nation. But IMO it goes too far and becomes irrational. Rationality is not only good for the "pointy-heads". Education is not a bad thing. There is a similar attitude in the "red-necks" in the USA.

It's true that many of us, and I include myself here, can't understand how a free thinking person can have such a narrow and restricted attitude.

Call it elitism if you are trying to discredit rationality.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If Toronto didn't have Rob Ford, wouldn't they instead likely have the runner up George Smitherman?

I am not a resident of Toronto anyway, but if I were I would still rather have Ford as mayor than Smitherman.

Oh, Smitherman...the self-professed cocaine addict and man responsible for wasting $1 billion in the E-health scandal! :rolleyes:

I'd take Ford any day.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There is certainly an element of anti-elitism in Ford Nation. But IMO it goes too far and becomes irrational. Rationality is not only good for the "pointy-heads". Education is not a bad thing. There is a similar attitude in the "red-necks" in the USA.

It's true that many of us, and I include myself here, can't understand how a free thinking person can have such a narrow and restricted attitude.

Call it elitism if you are trying to discredit rationality.

Is it just possible that you are projecting your own narrow mindedness on others?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Is it just possible that you are projecting your own narrow mindedness on others?

Possible, but looking around with my eyes open, my paradigm is consistent with observable empirical evidence.

Here is an example:
Not all rednecks/conservatives/republicans are racist homophobes, but most racist homophobes are redneck/conservatives/republicans (or further right.)

if your suggestion were true, one would have to characterize "red necks/conservatives/republicans" as progressive, broad-minded free thinkers. That just doesn't work, does it?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Is it just possible that you are projecting your own narrow mindedness on others?

You have to admit that there is a movement, among certain conservative factions, toward anti-intellectualism.

I constantly hear that someone is a better choice because "he's someone you'd want to have a beer with." In the US is was used to support the election of George W. Bush. it's also frequently used to incorrectly label someone as "from the street" or "a man of the people." Ford; someone with a very profitable family business and a wealthy family behind him, who 'refused' to spend the public's money when a councilor, but who could well afford to front his own bill unlike so many others in council. Bush; graduate of an Ivy League school, former drunk, former coke-head, and from an oil rich family who played the country bumpkin, all the way to the Presidency. In both cases their opponents were essentially beaten by calling them "elites"; a label that could equally apply to themselves.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Don't forget, Bush was proud of his C average at school. That's certainly an example of anti-intellectualism.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You have to admit that there is a movement, among certain conservative factions, toward anti-intellectualism.

I constantly hear that someone is a better choice because "he's someone you'd want to have a beer with." In the US is was used to support the election of George W. Bush. it's also frequently used to incorrectly label someone as "from the street" or "a man of the people." Ford; someone with a very profitable family business and a wealthy family behind him, who 'refused' to spend the public's money when a councilor, but who could well afford to front his own bill unlike so many others in council. Bush; graduate of an Ivy League school, former drunk, former coke-head, and from an oil rich family who played the country bumpkin, all the way to the Presidency. I'm both cases their opponents were essentially beaten by calling them "elites"; a label that could equally apply to themselves.

You forgot this gem from the previous presidential race. Spoken by a man with two degrees, pandering to his crowd
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Obviously, it's much easier to rule the uneducated crowd/herd than a society of people who can think for themselves.


Religion too, but that's another thread!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford; someone with a very profitable family business and a wealthy family behind him,

where does this constant reference to wealth and the fords come from? They live in regular houses and did you see the mom and sister on TV they look and sound like trailer trash? What is the definition of wealth as it relates to the fords?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Obviously, it's much easier to rule the uneducated crowd/herd than a society of people who can think for themselves.

Spoken like a true snob elitist, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Richard Branson are all uneducated are many more people who have accomplished alot
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