Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What a mockery of democracy. Ford was voted in with a HUGE mandate, he is probably one of the least corrupt politicians we have in this country. Look at his previous record as councillor and how he votes on the issues, this city desperately needed him and still does. Sure lets throw some more money around and hold another election, if he wins everyone shuts their traps and lets the man do the job he was elected for. This media side-show has gone on long enough.

He has, however, done things that objectively should have resulted in his removal from office and has only avoided that by a hair. Ultimately he is the duly elected Mayor of Toronto and, as such, sits until next election. If he was to be charged and found guilty of a Criminal Code offence it is my belief that he should be removed from office but as that hasn't occurred, nor has it been put forth as being in the offing, the circus needs to fold its tents.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Sorry you feel that way. Acciction is not a criminal offence - once again, it's a disease.
Some of us tend to dwell on what we believe to be "negative" addiction, i.e. crack, cocaine, heroin, oxycontin, etc etc.
Some overlook / deem other things (I'm only going to use 1 example) such as excessive fitness workoutaholics not to be an addiction / job performance impacting.
Do you know anyone that works out more than once a day? I know several. Is their job negatively impacted? Yes. In most cases.
Thousands of jobs needed to be impacted for the Boston Marathon to be a success. I watched a teacher from this area interviewed on the news after the bombing(s).
According to your logic, she had a negative impact on her students / school by NOT being there, due to her running addiction.
Should she (and hundreds more examples I'm not going to elaborate on) be fired?
Personally - I don't care, but what's good for the goose, is good for the gander, IMHO.

And I'm not one of those people. How I feel is that it isn't an employer's problem if you have an addiction. I don't care if that addiction is to meth, crack, horse, alcohol, cigarettes, or masturbation. If it substantially impacts your performance in the job, then there's cause for removal, because you aren't doing the job for which you were hired. Sure, they can give you some leeway to get your house in order, or choose to make some accommodation, but I don't believe that they *have to*.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

And I'm not one of those people. How I feel is that it isn't an employer's problem if you have an addiction. I don't care if that addiction is to meth, crack, horse, alcohol, cigarettes, or masturbation. If it substantially impacts your performance in the job, then there's cause for removal, because you aren't doing the job for which you were hired. Sure, they can give you some leeway to get your house in order, or choose to make some accommodation, but I don't believe that they *have to*.

Masturbation an addiction??
Cue thread "Masturbation at work," lol.

Now moving along...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yep, I was confused too!
What about me, since I live in the 905 area? Is that the suburb of the suburbs? :p

I still wonder why his supporters don't try to organize something significant... I see a bunch of them posting on forums, so they do have internet access...

Probably because it doesn't matter and it is a waste of time? Their guy is in office and no amount of dragging his name through the mud and temper tantrums is going to change that until next election. Plus I doubt any of this matters to people who would vote for him anyways.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

And I'm not one of those people. How I feel is that it isn't an employer's problem if you have an addiction. I don't care if that addiction is to meth, crack, horse, alcohol, cigarettes, or masturbation. If it substantially impacts your performance in the job, then there's cause for removal, because you aren't doing the job for which you were hired. Sure, they can give you some leeway to get your house in order, or choose to make some accommodation, but I don't believe that they *have to*.

What if it made you late for work?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No body chooses to expose themselves to substances that cause those problems, last time I checked the only way to become a drug addict is to do drugs. So unless your mom did crack when you were in the womb it is self inflicted. That's why people have sympathy for those with als and ms vs being a crack head

Last time you checked, what? Have you ever had a friend / family member/ acquaintance suffer any type of serious injury, or undergo any type of major surgery? If you've answered "yes", then you may have noticed while they are being medically dealt with, morphine is used at the onset, for up to 3 days. After which, the patient (your friend / family member / etc) are usually given a narcotic in pill, or tablet form. Those pain killers happen to be highly addictive. Many people "kick" the habit even before they return home from hospital (I hope everyone you know fits in here) others - different story. The 'others' become addicts. Are they criminals? Do they not deserve some dedication from their employer? Because prior to being an addict, they were dedicated to said employer, I'm sure, and IMO don't deserve to be kicked to the curb. My sympathy runs as deep for those with addictions, as it does for those who aren't jailed for their illness. I'd never stand up for a crackhead that robs / steals / injures / or kills to maintain his / her habit - they can rot in hell with the rest of the criminals.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

SO much coverage on this whole fiasco. Vote Ford!

Edit: Added 2nd link. Regardless of whether the whole thing, or certain elements of the whole thing are untrue, there is more than enough material to make an awesome thriller.

I have to say that the National Post reporter (Megan O'Toole) has to be a pretty brave lady to go asking questions around that 'hood, getting in and out of these apartments / buildings.

She got what she wanted, I guess - other people claiming to have viewed the alleged video... The one that "doesn't exists".
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Thread was started 11-26-2012, 02:46 PM, 610 (including this one) posts later and on 05-31-2013 he is still in office.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

he'll just hire another one of his former Bosco football players. Seems they're quitting because they don't want to destroy evidence.

Isn't there some kind of standardized and transparent hiring process for this kind of thing? Y'know, job postings with qualifications listed, interviews, etc. Or does that not apply to political staff?
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