Nothing personal about your mother or any Liberal faithful but I wonder what keeps them in the flock. Is it like a cult or religion?Was talking to my mother last night about a replacement for Trudeau. She's a lifelong Liberal voter and detests Poilievre but based on what Trudeau has done to my career (all but over now), she didn't vote last time. So of course she was all happy that Carney might take over and she could vote Liberal again, because "he's smart, he knows what he is doing."
Well, you can imagine her reaction when I said that he is worse than Trudeau in almost every way, with the exception that he isn't likely looking at himself in every mirror he finds, like Justin. "Worse?" she said, incredulous. So I told her this:
Canada hasn't had a political hack as slimy and elitist as Carney since... well... Trudeau and his cabinet.
- He's a big-deal investment banker that has run more than one bank
- He's worked for foreign money interests for years
- He sees the world as a global market, no sovereignty in his mind
- He cares so little for Canada that he's lived elsewhere for over a decade
- The guy made his money by directing investments to avoid taxation and legal limitations
- This guy is part of every globalist think tank - WEF, WGF, UN, WHO, and others
- Carney has been photographed being chummy with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeff Epstein
- Carney has jet-setted more in his life than Trudeau has, which is saying something
- Elite globalists and oligarchs like Carney are why we are where we are today
- He's a climate activist that flies private jets, yet wants to take away your quality of life
- Carney's conflicts of interest need more fingers to count than you've got
- Carney already tried to get a $10B grant from Trudeau for Brookfield Investments
- Carney's buddy in Telesat got a $2B loan from Canada based on a losing business plan
- Carney has already been in the background making bad investments using public money
- Carney was advising Freeland and Trudeau, and blew the limits out for the 2024 deficit
- It was Carney's idea, apparently, to give $250 "rebates" for votes using public money
A neighbour is die hard Liberal, a family thing. Other than that he's a nice guy. To keep harmony, we don't talk politics but that annoys me in a way. I'd like to ask how many deaths he'd tolerate before he would change his vote.
Money without a name tag gets forgotten. We're soused to hear of billion dollar fiascoes they are barely worth coverage. A million dollars isn't worth mentioning.
How about putting a label on the money?
Trudeau took $3 million dollars from the XXX million dollar social assistance fund and spent it on ski vacations instead of using it to train another two dozen doctors.
How about the million dollar party could have funded ten abused women so they could get retrained for a better life?
Ask JT what is more important, a ski trip for him or a safe life for a battered woman. IIRC he inherited about $45 million so why doesn't he open his own wallet.