Brampton? Where to live or not to live

We lived in Brampton for 10 years, but moved away 21 years ago. However, we find ourselves down there quite a bit because our brother and sister in law still live there. We owned two homes in the "G" section and found that area to be fine. The in-laws are in the "N" section and their street is still quite nice and well kept.

Brampton drivers are, well like Rob notes, not always that concerned with the rules of the road. They might not be the worst drivers out there, but it is a challenge to avoid being hit.

Our main concern and the reason we moved was the air quality was poor and our son had asthma. As soon as we relocated out of the Brampton area his asthma seemed to disappear.
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Like any part of the gta you have your good and bad, I work for the city of Toronto and Im in jane and Finch and driftwood etc etc if you ppl for a second think Brampton is bad you need to start driving around, I dont care where you live I can name dumps in your area, As for Brampton yes I live in Bramptom on the East boarder to be exact, Yes it has its problems I say in the heart of brampton and yes it seems to be from the same ppl time and time again, Where I live, (gore and cas more) i dont have any problems at all, will i live in Brampton forever NO, but for the time being Its ok, As for homes being cheaper, I wish my house has gone up 100 k in a year in my area, But once again the houses and my pocket isnt typical brampton,
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I've been at Sandlewood and Kennedy for a while now, most people who made negative comments obviously don't live in brampton. I barely every lock my front door. I lived here for over 12yrs. I only got got mischeif with my car a few years ago, but thats just bored kids that can happen anywhere. ie. taking valve caps off my car tires. I park my bike outside since I don't have a garage and never a problem here in HeartLake. Try that in Mississauga or Toronto.

Usually quiet until the night time when I can hear cars and bikes racing up Hurontario.

My friend lives in springdale and I think its so nice and quiet there. I would avoid south Brampton though.
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I've been at Sandlewood and Kennedy for a while now, most people who made negative comments obviously don't live in brampton. I barely every lock my front door. I lived here for over 12yrs. I only got got mischeif with my car a few years ago, but thats just bored kids that can happen anywhere. ie. taking valve caps off my car tires. I park my bike outside since I don't have a garage and never a problem here in HeartLake. Try that in Mississauga or Toronto.

Usually quiet until the night time when I can hear cars and bikes racing up Hurontario.

My friend lives in springdale and I think its so nice and quiet there. I would avoid south Brampton though.

Again, you're in what I would term to be a new area. Where you are used to be a blank space between north Brampton and the Town of Snelgrove.
My parents used to live in the "NEW" area of Brampton, moved there about 7 yrs ago - it used to be a LOVELY area until about 2 yrs ago. It just started to get WAY too busy, too many new houses being built etc, so they moved.

I live just south of Caledon / Snelgrove area...Kennedy/Sandlewood.....its a VERY nice area to live in. My neighbors area great to say the least, and the people in the neighborhood are very nice to talk to and help each other out. Even people who live behind my house are very nice and approachable.

I was looking for a house in the Brampton south area by Williams parkway, I AM GLAD I didn't buy there. It would've been a HUGE mistake. There is a huge difference between North Brampton | NEW Brampton | Old Brampton and | South Brampton.

New Brampton is filled with new immigrant families that have multiple families per house house - maybe that's how they can afford housing - its great new income that's welcome into the community.
Old Brampton is filled with red neck people who live in run down homes that are usually rented out.
North Brampton / Great Lakes area / Peel Village area is higher income and people keep their properties clean and tidy....
South Brampton with high rise condo's are scary
I grew up there (F-section townhouses- NOT a nice area). Rob's suggestion of avoiding walking distance the the City Center is 100% true.
i still have family/friends who i visit regularly.
Mum is in Springdale (Torbram/Bovaird area)- she has nice neighbours, but there is an issue with crime and some unkept homes/multifamily rentals. Traffic is hellish.
Friend bought a place in the D-section of Bramalea- and he loves it there. Older houses, quiet/older families around him. Lots of parks for his kids.
Here is a Peel Police crime map...will give you a rough idea of spots to avoid.
(sorry if someone already posted this)
Rob's suggestion of avoiding walking distance the the City Center is 100% true.

So here I am, walking from the BCC with my friend, to one of his friends house. Some guy comes running up, tweaking hard as balls. He proceeds to introduce himself+handshake (if I remember right, his name was steve or dave/david), and then kindly ask me if I had any spare money because he needed his METHAMPHETAMINE fix.
His exact words.

So I root through my pocket and pull out a few quarters. Although as I was rooting through my pocket some change jingled and he said I could take my money out of my pocket to look through it, he isn't going to stab me.
his exact words also.
He also asked if I had any bills, said he could give me change back (I believe he needed another $10 to buy.)

Gave him the few quarters and said sorry, need the rest for the bus, and he proceeded to thank me then run/jog towards the next person in sight to ask.

Truthfully: it didn't surprise me as much as it should have.
That's a new one on me. Never had anything remotely like that happen to me, in 40 years of living in Brampton. We slide further and further into the abyss.
I have a sister who lives in the Williams Pkwy and McLaughlin area, and was once accosted getting out of her car by a *seriously* sketchy dude (definitely appeared to be on something i.e. crack or meth). She got so freaked out that she had to run and lock herself inside the house. And we're talking your typical suburban street, not some sketchy apartment parking lot or anything. I couldn't even fathom something like that happening in my neighbourhood.
Avoid Brampton especially Springdale area, have had garbage bags dumped in my drivewa, kids coming back fron school throwing wrappers and stuff in the front lawn and the yearly Diwali festival , rockets fired at my house and when i objected , the neighbours came with their wives , in laws , tenants to abuse n intimidate, saying its their culture lol!!
Avoid Brampton especially Springdale area, have had garbage bags dumped in my drivewa, kids coming back fron school throwing wrappers and stuff in the front lawn

I've said this before in this and other threads. Brampton has become a 100 sq. km. garbage dump.

and the yearly Diwali festival , rockets fired at my house and when i objected , the neighbours came with their wives , in laws , tenants to abuse n intimidate, saying its their culture lol!!

Occam's Razor. Buy your own rocket. Return fire.
Well, at the very least it looks like Brampton city councillors want to do *something* about keeping the city "beautiful":

I can't say that I've seen more than the odd towel or welcome mat tossed over a porch rail, so that it can dry out. Even the Manager of Property Standards said that it was a non issue. of Council 2010/20120905cw_I3.pdf
That's a new one on me. Never had anything remotely like that happen to me, in 40 years of living in Brampton. We slide further and further into the abyss.

Although the part of Brampton I go to the most, Williams parkway and Kennedy, I haven't had anything bad happen. I've actually left my keys inside of my bike once, came back 3 hours later and they were still there; nothing touched.
Also left my jacket on my bike unlocked before, same thing.

But, the amount of times I've been asked if I have any smokes... ohboy. I'm glad I don't smoke.
I grew up there (F-section townhouses- NOT a nice area). Rob's suggestion of avoiding walking distance the the City Center is 100% true.
i still have family/friends who i visit regularly.
Mum is in Springdale (Torbram/Bovaird area)- she has nice neighbours, but there is an issue with crime and some unkept homes/multifamily rentals. Traffic is hellish.
Friend bought a place in the D-section of Bramalea- and he loves it there. Older houses, quiet/older families around him. Lots of parks for his kids.
Here is a Peel Police crime map...will give you a rough idea of spots to avoid.
(sorry if someone already posted this)

This map is very cool and quite scary at the same time. Maybe I live under a rock but that amount of B&E's and Auto theft are ridiculous.
This map is very cool and quite scary at the same time. Maybe I live under a rock but that amount of B&E's and Auto theft are ridiculous.
oh wow, right down scary. i guess infernobuster was right when he said my neighbourhood was ghetto ahahah
never had any issues though thats weird...

except kids smoking weed behind the fence. (not my problem except for the littering)
so they cut down most of the trees/bushes and they dont come anymore cause theyre too visible lol
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