Brampton? Where to live or not to live

^ Although Port Credit has gentrified big time in the past 10 years or so, it has a very large population of working class (who do you think lives in all those older apartments?). There's a huge diversity in "types" of residents who live in the area.

I think you're thinking about 5 minutes west, in Lorne Park. Sorry to get nitpicky. :p
Drove to Brampton for the first time yesterday. Never again. It's like a completely different part of the world, and you notice as SOON as you get there.

Sometimes I wont always be able to tell if I'm in Richmond Hill, or Vaughan, or Markham or Thornhill... because they are all relatively the same area and not all that different from eachother.

But Brampton just feels somewhere closely resembling Hell. Needless to say I didn't feel all that safe.
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Brampton may suck but its better than living in a condo.
Wow, so much hate on Brampton. Sure it may have seemed much better many years ago before the growth spurt but just like any large City you're going to get the good with the bad. The more people you get the more problems will come from it.

I've grown up in Jane and Finch as a kid and I could say both good and bad things living in the area. I've lived in Brampton well over 10 years and have family and relatives in the area, raised my kids here, who've participated in good schools and great programs. They've made good friends over the years and touch wood we've not had any major issues to worry about.

People can hate on Brampton that's just fine. If you don't like it then just stay the *&(! OUT. :)
And what does hell look like, please do tell us. :rolleyes:

Brampton. Duh.

If you don't like it then just stay the *&(! OUT. :)

If I didn't work there I'd avoid the city like the plague.

Being forced to go there daily does have it's amusing moments however. The one that sticks out in my mind was when I was standing behind an elderly Sikh gentleman, looked to be in his seventies, at Vicky and Tim's Variety. He had three items on the counter to purchase. A vial of 5 Hour Energy drink, a toothbrush, and condoms. I had no desire to know why he was purchasing that particular selection of products, but It was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears.
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Wow so much hate on Brampton. I like living here it's the only real affordable place in the GTA but it is getting expensive

There's a reason why it's the"only" real affordable place to live. You can also try Jane and finch. I hear it's also affordable over there.
^ Although Port Credit has gentrified big time in the past 10 years or so, it has a very large population of working class (who do you think lives in all those older apartments?). There's a huge diversity in "types" of residents who live in the area.

I think you're thinking about 5 minutes west, in Lorne Park. Sorry to get nitpicky. :p

Hey, I live in Lorne Park:protest:

Btw, a lot of those apartments in Port credit have been converted to condo's.
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Hey, I live in Lorne Park:protest:

So do I. What's the insult?

Btw, a lot of those apartments in Port credit have been converted to condo's.

Some were always condos, although on appearance they're of the same era as the apartments. I'm not slamming anything - I lived in one of those apartments in PC for more than a few years. I absolutely love Port Credit, and everything about it.
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Port cred is awesome. Already there half the time, squatting at the girlfriend's place lol

Sucks that they want to get rid of no frills to build more condos... all the elderly walking to go there is a cute sight.

We dont have that kind of problem with brampton, you pretty much have to drive to go anywhere
^ Yeah, the move to destroy the No Frills bugs me, because so many locals walk there to grocery shop. I know that a lot of them aren't mobile, so I don't know what they're going to do now, other than walk *much* farther to the Loblaws. There comes a point where the re-development and gentrification bullcrap go too far, and I have a sinking feeling that the old PC that people love will eventually give way to condoscondoscondoscondos........
So do I. What's the insult?

Ummm, it was said jokingly.

Ah. Well, you know...


Why list PC as your location? ;)
Brampton aint bad to live in. But i do have some complaints about the flower city or garden city whatever the hell its called, they seem to think weeds are flowers too and don't cut them, I walk around and see like 5-6ft weeds some taller and they don't get cut ever. The city does not maintain the parks in my area, the grass isn't really grass anymore its more like stomped weeds and because the city doesn't take care of the parks and what not all of those weeds and end up on our lawns. I go through some crazy weed killing every year. I think the city just couldn't keep up with the growth that came all of a sudden, but seems to be getting better and finally we are getting a new Rec center being built just north of castlemore on gore rd.

re-sale in my area seems to be really good, neighbor is getting a bigger house in the same area and he sold his house within 2 days of posting it for asking price. I do live near 50 the houses are more expensive closer to the 427.

personally i hate going west of airport just dont like the area. and downtown Brampton should just be demolished and rebuilt its just pathetic to even call the place downtown.
Brampton aint bad to live in. But i do have some complaints about the flower city or garden city whatever the hell its called, they seem to think weeds are flowers too and don't cut them, I walk around and see like 5-6ft weeds some taller and they don't get cut ever. The city does not maintain the parks in my area, the grass isn't really grass anymore its more like stomped weeds and because the city doesn't take care of the parks and what not all of those weeds and end up on our lawns. I go through some crazy weed killing every year. I think the city just couldn't keep up with the growth that came all of a sudden, but seems to be getting better and finally we are getting a new Rec center being built just north of castlemore on gore rd.

re-sale in my area seems to be really good, neighbor is getting a bigger house in the same area and he sold his house within 2 days of posting it for asking price. I do live near 50 the houses are more expensive closer to the 427.

personally i hate going west of airport just dont like the area. and downtown Brampton should just be demolished and rebuilt its just pathetic to even call the place downtown.

I think its the flower city. Not sure why. The turtle like pace of construction in that area is annoying. They have been "expanding" castlemore road from the Gore to 50 for over three years now. But they put up the entire subdivision of housing south of castlemore to cotrelle in less time. How does it take less time to build like 300 houses in an entire subdivision with roads then to expand a 100 meter stretch of road by one lane on either side? The hwy 50 expansion also going at a snail pace.
in all of Brampton, i think Brampton Downtown is the only place that needs a complete facelift/rebuilt. everything else is okay IMO.. experienced bad drivers everywhere.. more so in Mississauga and Toronto than Brampton actually. No problems with neighbors. No problems with any "gangs". but the city could do better in terms of cleaning up garbage around parks and snow during winter a little faster.
yeah the neighbors and what not are fine, people are out on walks even late at night. I've never had any real trouble with anyone. The problems do seem to be on the cities end, they simply can't keep the city clean. 3 months ago the city dumped a few skids of some **** i dont know what it is (a brown wool like matterial cut in squares the size of a skid) and ever since they dumped it hasnt been touched, there is like 5 skids some have fallen over just sitting there of this crap.
I've lived in Brampton (well Bramalea) since 1972, well before consolidation. It has definitely gone downhill over the years, and the slide hasn't stopped yet. The big wake-up call for how much the town has changed was when a gang of teenagers (more than a dozen) smashed out the back windows of a neighbour's house, because her teenage kid was involved in some illegal crap.

You don't want to live anywhere within reasonable walking distance of Bramalea City Centre. If you like the convenience of not having to leave your apartment building to find some weed then go ahead, but most people don't like the extra 'culture' that comes along with that. Keep away from townhouse complexes in the area too, because more and more the units are being rented out to welfare families (frequently welfare cheats), who have no pride of home in them. You'll find garbage around the grounds left by the feral children, who are just turned out by their parents, or by the druggies who use the darker areas in back as a place to smoke up.

When I first moved here you could leave your door open and come home to a locked house. In fact we actually screwed up and did that once, when heading off to the cottage; left the door wide open. A neighbour checked the place out, to make sure it wasn't a break-in, then locked it up for us. The worst thing we ever had to deal with was a couple of little kids who climbed in our open back window, then stole some apples out of our fridge. Now I find improvised bongs in my back yard and both the units, on either side of me, have been vandalized to the tune of tens of thousands in damage, when they were between tenants. As a result I now have a security system that will remotely store data from motion sensing cameras, if they detect and record movement. This is to protect me from my neighbours, not from random thieves.

Then there are the drivers in the area. There's a good reason why we have the worst insurance rate group in the Province. People run cold ambers. People run reds. Stop signs are merely a suggestion, to freely be ignored. An advanced green apparently means that you can keep turning ahead of other traffic, even after the advanced is done, as long as no one has the balls to drive straight out in front of you. The breakdown lane and on-ramps are for passing. Gas stations double as turn lanes. Oncoming traffic lanes are turn lanes, as long as the oncoming traffic doesn't get there first.

I have exaggerated to make a point, but the surprising thing is that I haven't exaggerated by much at all. You will see all of what I have mentioned, in Brampton. If you MUST live there, then stick to the newer areas. They aren't as bad. Yet.
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