I guess it depends alot on your neighbourhood.
I've lived in Scarboro since 2002. Nobody ever threatened a beat-down on me
That's because your Asian and you know karate

I guess it depends alot on your neighbourhood.
I've lived in Scarboro since 2002. Nobody ever threatened a beat-down on me
So i live in the Chinguacousy and Sandalwood area and have been for the past...4 years?
No gunshots heard, the only thing sketchy that happened was if you left your car door unlocked there was a possibility of getting robbed, but we caught the lil punks and no other problems...
Nice area IMO
We have a street party every year, kid friendly and what not...
We help each other between neighbours and sometimes have them over for dinner ...
Otherwise you can look at the new developments near mississauga rd and williams parkway
or more house are being built near creditview and bovaird...
ugh gta sucks
What happened to Brampton?
Why did it turn into a dump?
I can guess why, but god forbid I would be labeled as being racist.
When visible minorities cluster together for common interests it's multiculturism. When whites do the same it's racism.
Brampton= NO
Toronto=Maybe,but still no
Burlington= Maybe
middle of nowhere past all the main cities=Perfect but expensive
.OP - Brampton is not a good place unless you need to live there. Its just run down and uneasy on the eye.
I'll agree with the "have to" part, but that would apply to any urban area in my eyes.
But uneasy on the eyes? I still can't get over how green this city is. There are so many parks and rec centers it's amazing.
The hate for Brampton I really don't understand, but it all seems to come from someone who knows someone kind of thing.
As far as driving I have never been in an accident, nor has any of my family here.
I've lived in the H section for the past 10 years and have never had issues.
Blah bla blah
Anyone who says that is either oblivious or desensitized to the problems.
Everything you said and showed could be any city. I'm NOT saying its perfect, I'm saying it's no different than any other city. There's nice parts and crap parts.
I call BS. I don't see diapers and piss jugs on the sides of the roads here. I don't see people dumping their household trash on side streets when they exceed the 2 bag limit here. and People here don't have an "it's only your mirror, who cares?", cavalier attitude about hitting other people's cars when they're driving in town here.