BMW owners movement!

Sorry to divert...but new to this forum and a BMW thought i would say Hi!
welcome schumi!
Ciao! nice it is to a fanatic!...we must chat!
There's quite a few on this board!
ah no wonder hate to reply to a thread..... pal I am always looking for a person to ride with ..... even better if its with a person whom shares an interest! so @#$#@%#!#%
Hey paulk for sure! we can hook up for a ride..piss me off...only to think that a few weeks ago i was out..and now this crap!
Must have the invincibility package....

2010 k1300gt

Hi everyone, I am trying to sell my 2010 K1300GT. If interested please see my add in 2006 or newer on GTA Motorcycles under the name: 2010 BMW K1300GT Motorcycle for Sale or follow the link: It is a great one and my heart is bleeding. Please ref it to a potential buyers, may be one of your friends is looking for a bimmer that is almost new, but cheaper than at a dealership. Besides a few nonessential scratches on the fairing, it is in perfect shape and on BMW warranty till 2013. I reduced the price
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Re: 2010 k1300gt

Does a thread officially jump the shark when someone turns it into a classified? :)
Its not just BMW car drivers who are ******** :lol:

There's a 500+ page thread on ADVrider of people crossing the double yellow at Deal's Gap. This is only one of them. Most are guys on large V-twins but all makes and types are represented. But you keep on with the stereotyping, we can take it.:p
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