Biker wanted by police

This is one of the reason I avoid the highway in the summer with my kids in the car as much as humanly possible. Combine that with drunk drivers.. throw in a few potholes and its a live action video game nightmare.
If they guy who was riding the bike in the video keeps his mouth shut and doesn't speak another word about this then he's likely not going to get charged criminally. 27 driving infractions though? Holy WTF lol
I had 26 at one point, I think I held the record but I guess not :)

-Jamie M.
What grounds did they have to impound the bike?!?! Absolutely no way they can prove it was THAT bike in the video!!! lol.

If he doesn't talk he'll never get charged. Especially nice the bike isn't in his name :)

-Jamie M.

He'll talk, he wants people to know it was him.
Nah, it is pure propaganda, the charges will never hold, she didn't ride the bike.

Not only they won't get any criminal charges, they won't even get her on the 3tickets with half decent lawyer

Big press conference and they basically got nothing once it goes down to courts

Under BC law, the owner is responsible and can be charged even if not operating the thing. She's been charged and is facing serious dollars in traffic offence fines simply for being the registered owner.

There has been enough media exposure that the Saanich police and the BC government have good incentive to make an example out of this guy. They have enough evidence to prove they have the right bike. They have the legislative tools to impound the bike now, and to later take permanent possession of it. Between that permanent forfeiture and the fines the mother is also facing, any criminal charges that might be laid against sonny boy would just be a dessert after an already filling meal.

It looks very good on him. Now let's see if he'll leave his momma holding the bag, or if he will step forward and take responsibility for his actions.
ok so they go on the net, find a video, get an IP, go to the address, find a r1, take a picture of it, matches it to the video, and they DON"T have probable cause that this is the same bike?


Whether the rider is getting charged or not is one thing, but they aren't doing anything wrong in impounding the bike.

so the two thins I learnt are:

Show nothing but your speedo...not even your damn reflection if you can avoid it
Upload from a public computer.
I dont see him getting charged at all, they just dont have solid enough evidance linking him to the scene. Like everything else this will blow over in a week or so and all be forgoten.
^even better, just mount the gopro on your windscreen so it doesn't show anything, thats where that guy screwed up lol
Under BC law, the owner is responsible and can be charged even if not operating the thing. She's been charged and is facing serious dollars in traffic offence fines simply for being the registered owner.

There has been enough media exposure that the Saanich police and the BC government have good incentive to make an example out of this guy. They have enough evidence to prove they have the right bike. They have the legislative tools to impound the bike now, and to later take permanent possession of it. Between that permanent forfeiture and the fines the mother is also facing, any criminal charges that might be laid against sonny boy would just be a dessert after an already filling meal.

It looks very good on him. Now let's see if he'll leave his momma holding the bag, or if he will step forward and take responsibility for his actions.
We will have to see. I think the end result will speak louder than any arguments we may have in here, just like the ragu case you so hard defended

My money goes on this going quiet, they made their big press conference, a decent lawyer will get the traffic violations in the garbage and unless the kid opened or opens his mouth there will be no criminal charges

We will see
^ Yeah aslong as he doesnt open his mouth under pressure and none of his friends secretly hate him, I see him off the hook and as for those tickets given to his mother, they will be dropped for sure.
Police seized the bike, its on CBC now.....
Nothing new from the report, bike is retained not seized.

Reporter just said that there are no grounds for a criminal conviction "not enough evidence" - "leaving advocates wondering what does it take to charge someone"

Let me answer that - catching someone doing something wrong, that is what it takes

I doubt the markings on the bike are enough to seize the bike or convict the mother - There could be another similar bike with the same markings, improbable but not impossible
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They haven't said exactly what the 'tip' was... It could be that bonehead's already been out bragging. That could be what makes the difference.
They haven't said exactly what the 'tip' was... It could be that bonehead's already been out bragging. That could be what makes the difference.
Yep, IMO that would be the only way

However if he cops are asking for people to come forward is because they got nothing
From the police press conferences, I'm pretty convinced they're going to be able to seize that bike. When I watched the original video the first time, the scratch of the left side of the top clamp was noticeable, it's pretty prominent. Not so convinced the charges will stick ... on the one hand, it's kinda crazy that what they are going public with is only about $1500 in fines. On the other hand, I guess if they could prove his identity without a doubt he'd be charged with a criminal offense of some kind. I suppose they're trying to pressure him - we're going to charge your mom if you don't come forward.

Also laughed at the part where they valued the bike at $15,000 (with a "slight" decrease due to the bike being used)
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