Biker wanted by police

if they get DNA off the bike.......Its a sad time for us all....

(*#*#....I just gave it away)
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You are right

but what I meant to say is that they may have to give it back "we are exploring the option of impounding this vehicle under the motor vehicle act" 5'18 on this video

So far
They have seized but not impounded
They have charged the mother (bullies) however she deserves it for putting the bike under her name. Charges won't stick
And criminal charges are a long stretch

Apart from his 15 min of fame, the police won't get much out of it
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I have a simple question.
Why aren't the cops this efficient for important crimes? :confused:
sign of the landed in their lap...surfing the web....easy
wtf? cant believe the rider didnt go to some public place like McD with wifi to upload the video. what kinda dumbass uploads a criminal video from his home?

what idiot would speed on the island and post it where everyone knows everyone and you got no where to run except swim across to mainland.
Wow, only $480 for not having insurance in B.C.?
I have a simple question.
Why aren't the cops this efficient for important crimes? :confused:

Pressure from the media. Pressure from the higher ups and pressure from the crying minivan mom's saying "think of the children"
Don't forget.. upload your files from "Russia" or "Thailand"... there are plenty of free places to do this.. lol

so the two things I learnt are:

Show nothing but your speedo...not even your damn reflection if you can avoid it
Upload from a public computer.
Wow, what an idiot. Lucky he didn't kill anyone.

Just FYI: If you ever try to do anything anonymously on the internet from a cafe / free wifi hotspot I would recommend buying an external USB wifi adapter and only using this. If you use your onboard wireless they will be able to match it's MAC address to the DHCP logs of the wifi hotspot and prove it was your laptop. If you use a USB stick, it will show the USB mac and as long as you hide your USB adapter there is nothing tieing your laptop to anything. You could add another layer of security by using something such as the Tor Browser Bundle.
Just FYI: If you ever try to do anything anonymously on the internet from a cafe / free wifi hotspot I would recommend buying an external USB wifi adapter and only using this. If you use your onboard wireless they will be able to match it's MAC address to the DHCP logs of the wifi hotspot and prove it was your laptop. If you use a USB stick, it will show the USB mac and as long as you hide your USB adapter there is nothing tieing your laptop to anything. You could add another layer of security by using something such as the Tor Browser Bundle.

Can someone translate whatever the **** he just said into English, please? :confused4:
Can someone translate whatever the **** he just said into English, please? :confused4:
When you connect to a wireless hotspot (Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.) there's an electronic "signature" that the wireless card in your laptop uses to communicate with their hotspot. In theory they could flag this serial number so next time you're in Starbucks the popo show up ;)

There's not much of a chance tracing it to your home address because most likely you have a router at home and it shields your laptop's "serial number" from the outside world.

-Jamie M.
If you put it on your own youtube channel, it's pretty darn easy to find out who owns that, too, even if you upload that particular video from an anonymous hot-spot. It's still going into an account that has an owner, and a password, and an e-mail address attached to it, etc.

Whole lot easier to just not post self-incriminating evidence at all ...
I don't even get why you would film it in the first place? so you can fap to yourself?
Some people are attention whores. Some people are just stupid. In situations like this, it comes back to them.

I don't think the younger generation is fully aware of the consequences of posting something (anything) on the internet.

Never post something on the internet, that you wouldn't be comfortable shouting out loud in front of city hall.
When you connect to a wireless hotspot (Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.) there's an electronic "signature" that the wireless card in your laptop uses to communicate with their hotspot. In theory they could flag this serial number so next time you're in Starbucks the popo show up ;)

There's not much of a chance tracing it to your home address because most likely you have a router at home and it shields your laptop's "serial number" from the outside world.

-Jamie M.

Thanks. Kinda figured it was something along those lines, but I'm not up on all the associated lingo. The wife has been trying to edumacate me in these matters, but it's been a long, slpw process.
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