Biker wanted by police

Police media scrum said differently. The local riders in the area knew who he was and were discussing his past exploits days before the police press conference.
I'll try and find the link where they said they got the IP address from YouTube and had his home address (I assume from his ISP). It was only after they did the search warranty that they started the "tip" crap :)

-Jamie M.
What does this video have to do with this thread?!?
It doesn't have anything to do with it, it's just typical gloating about a rider in a crash.
The "Fallen Riders/In Memory of" section of this forum is like porn to certain members here.
it's the same guy 2 years ago... check the link turbo posted.

How do you know it was the same guy?
The cops don't know who the rider is in the first video.
油井緋色;1776350 said:
10 years or so ago I had a friend who was murdered at Pacific Mall. No investigation was launched and I didn't understand why. Mind you, I SAW HIM get chopped.
Few years later, some dude gets beaten to death at Pacific Mall at MHQ; guys who did it were never caught.

I'm sure others have many other stories. Just look at this thread though; nobody noticed your post. Even though this forum is supposed to be made for speed demons, we're too busy trying to crucify people who aren't actually criminals.

This guy was a criminal and a moron! Even taking into account speedo error he was doing at times, 180 k. more than the traffic he was overtaking. What do you think would have happened to you, if you had been on that stretch of highway doing 100 k. and he had plowed into your rear at 280 k. 600 lbs. or thereabout striking your vehicle at that speed is going to knock you off the highway. Let me guess what you would have said afterward, assuming that you survived, "Oh it was just a guy on a bike having some fun, not exactly anything criminal."
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How do you know it was the same guy?
The cops don't know who the rider is in the first video.

I don't _know_ it's the same rider - I'm just quoting what was posted in the bcsportsbike forum. You guys asked about how these videos were related - maybe they aren't, but that's what those forums claim.

Apparently this "busaboy" is well known in their community...
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