Biker wanted by police

I have a simple question.
Why aren't the cops this efficient for important crimes? :confused:

10 years or so ago I had a friend who was murdered at Pacific Mall. No investigation was launched and I didn't understand why. Mind you, I SAW HIM get chopped.
Few years later, some dude gets beaten to death at Pacific Mall at MHQ; guys who did it were never caught.

I'm sure others have many other stories. Just look at this thread though; nobody noticed your post. Even though this forum is supposed to be made for speed demons, we're too busy trying to crucify people who aren't actually criminals.
When you connect to a wireless hotspot (Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.) there's an electronic "signature" that the wireless card in your laptop uses to communicate with their hotspot. In theory they could flag this serial number so next time you're in Starbucks the popo show up ;)

There's not much of a chance tracing it to your home address because most likely you have a router at home and it shields your laptop's "serial number" from the outside world.

-Jamie M.

thanks for the explaination.
question - how does a router shield your laptop from the outside world
thanks for the explaination.
Question - how does a router shield your laptop from the outside world

Network address translation
Thank god the Police stopped this maniac, what a terrible thing to do... probably the worst thing any human being could do.

****ing idiots
I just don't get the reason why people feel the need to have facebook, my space, you tube, and all the other social media outlets.
You can expect bad things to come to you if you post stupid things on these sites.

If you post a video of yourself breaking the law, you can expect the cops at your door.

Some people are attention whores. Some people are just stupid. In situations like this, it comes back to them.

I don't think the younger generation is fully aware of the consequences of posting something (anything) on the internet.

Never post something on the internet, that you wouldn't be comfortable shouting out loud in front of city hall.
My bad. <_<
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油井緋色;1778284 said:
Okay there buddy, you need to get out of Canada more.

if ppl around here detect cops as well as they detect sarcasm. it explains a lot of the tickets that get handed out.
I just don't get the reason why people feel the need to have facebook, my space, you tube, and all the other social media outlets.
You can expect bad things to come to you if you post stupid things on these sites.

If you post a video of yourself breaking the law, you can expect the cops at your door.

But how am I to brag to the world how awesome I am?? :rolleyes:
I just don't get the reason why people feel the need to have facebook, my space, you tube, and all the other social media outlets.
You can expect bad things to come to you if you post stupid things on these sites.

If you post a video of yourself breaking the law, you can expect the cops at your door.

Uploader wasn't very smart. Should have gone through layers of proxies at a public computer (aka library). Personally, these people give us free entertainment: we shouldn't be complaining.
I just don't get the reason why people feel the need to have facebook, my space, you tube, and all the other social media outlets.

They're great for communicating with people who don't live near you (distant friends/relatives), or people you don't see on a regular basis. They're also great for sharing photos, and media with your friends (ex. from an event you mutually attended). They're also great for inviting people to events, or sharing ideas, opinions, etc. If you're single; they're also great for social networking (i.e. another way to get laid).

You should try them sometime; only that which you post can hurt you, so don't post anything stupid! :)

On Topic: I thought the video was interesting to watch... i was fascinated. Yes, it was idiotic... I guess track fees are too expensive?
For all the talk about masking your IP or MAC addresses, it's interesting to note that this person was caught thanks to a tip from someone - not through technical means.

A tip went into police saying they believe the bike seen in the youtube video is located at this particular address, so the cops went there to photograph it. Then the forensic guys took over matching the bike to the video...
For all the talk about masking your IP or MAC addresses, it's interesting to note that this person was caught thanks to a tip from someone - not through technical means.

A tip went into police saying they believe the bike seen in the youtube video is located at this particular address, so the cops went there to photograph it. Then the forensic guys took over matching the bike to the video...

So the guy that did it obviously bragged about like crazy afterward. Otherwise who could have even assumed I was one bike from another. What a dunderhead.

This is my signature
From talking with some riders I know in the area, he was a known jackass, and it could have been any number of people who called and told them where he was at so they don't take the heat all summer.
As predicted this has gone quiet
For all the talk about masking your IP or MAC addresses, it's interesting to note that this person was caught thanks to a tip from someone - not through technical means.
It's not true. The "tip" was from Google in the form of his IP address, and his ISP handed over his address.

There was NO tip from the public.

-Jamie M.
It's not true. The "tip" was from Google in the form of his IP address, and his ISP handed over his address.

There was NO tip from the public.

-Jamie M.

Police media scrum said differently. The local riders in the area knew who he was and were discussing his past exploits days before the police press conference.

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