Best dual sport or something along those lines?

would 4 grand for that bike be fair? i talked to him and said the first motor blew up and had to get a whole new motor from husky and it cost over 3 grand just for that. he has the receipts and since the new engine, has only put about 5 hours on it.

So what you're saying is this bike is a story bike and already has already had one new motor and you'd still like to pursue it?

And if this is a long life motor (ie not a race motor) why would he be measuring the life in hours not kms? (PS the Ad says 20 hours not 5 so if he's telling you that his story continues to not add up...)

I guess if you're really into it offer $3K and see what he says.
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So what you're saying is this bike is a story bike and already has already had one new motor and you'd still like to pursue it?

And if this is a long life motor (ie not a race motor) why would he be measuring the life in hours not kms? (PS the Ad says 20 hours not 5 so if he's telling you that his story continues to not add up...)

I guess if you're really into it offer $3K and see what he says.

No dont get me wrong.. once he told me it blew up I was like wtf... how bulletproof could it be if it already blew up one engine. And not a new engine, a complete rebuild and yes the ad says different from what he told me.
You are right though, 4 grand i would not pay with too many unknown variables. 3 k is worth a gamble
To be more accurate KTM bought Husky, but that doesn't make them necessarily the same. I'm not sure where you'd get Husky parts here in the GTA (although I'm sure there is somewhere)

By same I meant high output 4t, with shorter service intervals, not identical bikes. Husky parts will all be available through ktm dealers. When I had my husky, I went to Stratford once a year, chain, sprockets, brake pads, etc anything consumable, then I had what I needed for the season. Easy. These types of bikes have way more fun factor, but if you do a lot of road riding, they will never match the longevity of a drz type of bike.

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I love my 2007 Husqvarna TE450 - but like mentioned above it does take more maintenance (not as much as some think) compared to a DRZ400, it sucks on the highway, and parts are hard to find locally. But it's been a rock solid bike for me since 2008 and I've only had to re-shim one valve the entire 5+ years I've owned it.
Ever kick started an xr650r? All I want for Christmas is a bionic leg! Lol

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Not sure what you're reading then. All this BS about KTM's being a lot of maintenance is either old wives tales, or people trying to use race motor KTM bikes and comparing them to long life non-race motor Jap bikes (like a 250SX-F against a CRF250L, yep the 250SX will be more maintenance, of course it also has way way way more power....)

The bigger issue is dealer parts and service network for Husky will be way worse than KTM and virtually non-existent compared to Jap bikes.

Based on all of the posting in this thread it seems to me you really should be getting the DR400SM. So just bite the bullet and buy a brand spanking new one and go enjoy 2014!

I'd have to agree here.

Husky dealer network was nearly non existent before Ktm bought them. A husky nut friend of mine lost half a season waiting on a 2-stroke piston. Ridiculous.

I had a 1 week turnaround for an entire top and bottom end rebuild for my Ktm last year just for reference.

Now that Husqvarnas are just restickered Husabergs good luck getting parts for them in any hurry. KTM dealers barely stock any KTM parts. Do you honestly think they are going to stock anything for the old Huskys?

The drz is a good choice. You won't lose barely any money when you finally figure out what you want and decide to sell it.

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Brampton powersports has a new 2013 S for $5999 plus tax. They also have a 2014 SM which is probably not much more.

If you want I'll call them and carve the deal and then 3 way conference you to leave the deposit.

Git'er dun!
Brampton powersports has a new 2013 S for $5999 plus tax. They also have a 2014 SM which is probably not much more.

If you want I'll call them and carve the deal and then 3 way conference you to leave the deposit.

Git'er dun!

There are definitely some out of whack pricing on these used DRZs; I've been watching the ads myself, but when the seller wants over $4k for a 7 year old bike, and a new one is only $5999, I couldn't be bothered to even make contact with that seller.

A buddy of mine picked up a 2009 DRZ for $3200 recently, but he had to go to Sudbury to get it.
There are definitely some out of whack pricing on these used DRZs; I've been watching the ads myself, but when the seller wants over $4k for a 7 year old bike, and a new one is only $5999, I couldn't be bothered to even make contact with that seller.

A buddy of mine picked up a 2009 DRZ for $3200 recently, but he had to go to Sudbury to get it.

Now all we need to do is get ajaxguy off his arse and buy one so we can close this thread. LOL
Im working on it.....the thing is as much as a new one makes sense, my budget is right at 4k
You may need to wait then and be willing to travel to Sudbury. The GTA market is substantially larger and will ask for higher prices or won't sit for long.

As a frame of reference, I drove to Ottawa and back in the same day to buy a bike that wasn't available in the GTA, and I would describe Ottawa-Gatineau as a fairly large market as well.

If you are truly stuck at 4k then I am going to suggest that you drive to the massive United States market with a truck looking for a 3k or less one and do the whole RIV importation process.
Im working on it.....the thing is as much as a new one makes sense, my budget is right at 4k

Except you'll get more out the other end so other than carrying the extra 2 grand for a few years, you're no worse off and most likely a lot better off.

Based on your search you've already proven that they hold their value well.

Forget the 1999 XR, if you look at a 2007 for $4k vs a 2013 for $6K, isn't the 6-7 years newer worth $333 per year? It won't need brakes, tires, or who knows what which is all worth something.
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