yup, TBS workers and the deal they have is a holdover from days past
most leaving there will struggle to find lucrative employment
I'm just at a stage in life where I see a massive reduction in standard of living
for anyone in my community as bad for it, and me
we have more than enough call centers and other minimum wage outfits here
don't need to add another 50 or so families to the rolls of the working poor
I agree with you, it sucks. But why should public sector workers and unions be shielded from it? Gravy train days are over.
I always think of GM before they were bailed out.
You pay mostly high school educated people the equivalent of $69 USD (pay + benefits + pension + healthcare for worker and spouse), thats about $95 CAD an hour using the average historical exchange rate, in an area where the cost of living is low.
Some of their employees were so comfortable in their union backed jobs that they were out drinking at bars while on the clock.
Of course nobody gives a ****, lack of innovation, production of garbage products... what could go wrong lol
I have interacted with many teachers. Mostly middle aged woman and many who feel like they are hard done by.
Many became teachers when it was incredibly easy to, when it didnt require a university degree or when teachers college was at most, 8 months.
The average salary of a public sector teacher in Ontario is over $90000. They actually teach 4.5 hours a day, work only 200 days a year. They do not work on holidays, EVER. They have gold plated pensions and benefits. Job security the average person could only dream of.
Yet they all think they have it tough.
They would be in for a rude awakening in the real world.