Beer store monopoly collapsing

Its about being fair.
Why should someone who works at the beer store (government run monopoly) be entitled to $60K a year + bonus + benefits + pension + 4 weeks vacation. The tax payers are paying for that cushy gig.

Why are TTC drivers and token collectors making 70K + benefits + pension + job security, before overtime?
The entitlement of some of them.
Taken right off Reddit regarding TTC bus drivers:

"Am I worth it? You bet. Just like a pilot, I'm responsible for the safety of my customers. Driving a large vehicle at any speed in this city is fraught with danger. Why should I get any less than a pilot? I don't have a co-pilot or cruise control."

These people are so delusional they actually believe they should be making the same as a commercial airline pilot who has to have years of experience flying ($$$$$$) just to qualify for the job. Not to mention flying a jet is FAR harder than a bus and the consequences of a mistake are far greater, deaths of hundreds of people and economic impact of hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.

Because these are fair wages in today's world. 14$ an hour is not. 95% of the worlds wealth is controlled by the very few. Western and even third world countries are in huge debt to these few. Much of our high taxes stem from our huge debt and accompanying interest. Where do you think the brunt of our tax dollars go after health care?
The beer store is corporate run and very profitable - it is not a government owned business. As others have said, our beer isn't any cheaper at grocery stores anyway - and if your cost doesn't go down how are you supporting the unions with your tax dollars? Brew your own and keep your money from the real thieves - bankers and corporations ...every penny greedy.
Welcome to slavery.
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Fak em all, the LCBO should be next. The rest of us can no longer afford to support these antiquated union monopolies.
I knew a girl who worked at LCBO part time about 12-13 years ago? - $17 an hour (or so?) was her hourly pay part time. Seemed fair to me.
how much do you make an hour? hopefully it isn't minimum wage. See post #82 to realize where the money really goes. Unions health and safety saved many miner's lives- and got them out of living in shacks while the elites got filthy rich. Yeah, lets go back to those conditions at $14 an hour...
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part time at the LCBO now is about $18-19 hr. but many will take that hoping to get on full time. For retires its a pretty decent part time gig. But you will get every weekend/evening/ busy Christmas shifts and holiday covers.
But unlike a Timmy or Starbuck job you dont have to start at 5am .
The beer store is corporate run and very profitable

And they have been silent during the last few weeks. They're not upset at the prospect of having their gross sales doubled. It's the union that's squalking. Manning a cash register, bitching at customers for not separating cans + bottles, and moving skids of beer around with a pallet truck is not a $25+/hr. plus platinum benefits and a golden pension job in the real world.
Because these are fair wages in today's world. 14$ an hour is not.
60k a year for manning a register at the Beer Store + benefits is "fair"? Are you nuts?
I cant see how the gross sales could double, more product in more locations wont create a new market. The down side for major brewers is the distribution side, you sent a trailer to store XX and they took in 12 skids, now you'll need to get 1/2 a skid to 24 stores. Cost of getting product to market will go through the roof.
That will be offset for the owners of the beer store (major brewers), no longer paying store clerks union wages, providing a benefit and pension plan.

Im sure somewhere in a small office a beancounter has worked out all the related cost and change to infrastructure.
I don’t see a discernible difference between students from private vs public schools to be honest so I don’t know if that’s also a reflection of the teaching standards. I don’t know that there are a “ton” of jobs available either, that would surprise me.
Teachers don't have to teach in elementary or high schools. Check any career board, there are lots of opportunities for corporate trainers, adult education, tutoring services, content developers -- all great opportunities for folks with teacher's college cert.
I cant see how the gross sales could double, more product in more locations wont create a new market. The down side for major brewers is the distribution side, you sent a trailer to store XX and they took in 12 skids, now you'll need to get 1/2 a skid to 24 stores. Cost of getting product to market will go through the roof.
That will be offset for the owners of the beer store (major brewers), no longer paying store clerks union wages, providing a benefit and pension plan.

Im sure somewhere in a small office a beancounter has worked out all the related cost and change to infrastructure.
Distribution costs should go down. Right now Beercos deliver beer to a TBS warehouse, then TBS delivers one product to their stores or customers. Nothing else on the truck.

1) Food distys, the ones who bring a skid of this and that to stores and restaurants, are more efficient that TBS.

2) If Beerco delivered it to Loblaws or Walmart, it would enter an ultra efficient distribution network. The reason Loblaws can buy, distribute and profit from 24x 0.5l bottles of water at $2.99 because they are efficient at distribution. They aren't sending 1 truck fulled with one product, they bring a tractor with this and that.
Teachers don't have to teach in elementary or high schools. Check any career board, there are lots of opportunities for corporate trainers, adult education, tutoring services, content developers -- all great opportunities for folks with teacher's college cert.

Yeah but those dont pay the equivalent of $130 an hour with the pension and benefits factored in, like the public sector teachers get.
Because these are fair wages in today's world. 14$ an hour is not.
$60K + benefits and pension + bonus is a fair wage for someone manning a till or stacking cases of beer? In what world?
Thats a $35K job with nothing else in the free market.

I would love to see everyone making that kind of money but its unrealistic. What effect would making the minimum wage $30 an hour + benefits have on our economy and the buying power of our money?

$14 an hour is very fair for a young person working part time during school etc.
I cant see how the gross sales could double, more product in more locations wont create a new market.

You're not grasping their gross sales. 500ish TBS locations, direct retail to 10 thousand or so restaurants and bars, then add in direct retail to 10s of thousands of grocery and convenience stores they'd be selling to. The math is fairly straight forward. You have a couple of six packs in the fridge. Every bar and restaurant in Ontario has coolers full, and they're getting weekly deliveries. Their direct retail to the public at TBS isn't their bread and butter.
You're not grasping their gross sales. 500ish TBS locations, direct retail to 10 thousand or so restaurants and bars, then add in direct retail to 10s of thousands of grocery and convenience stores they'd be selling to. The math is fairly straight forward. You have a couple of six packs in the fridge. Every bar and restaurant in Ontario has coolers full, and they're getting weekly deliveries. Their direct retail to the public at TBS isn't their bread and butter.

That's assuming that all continue to purchase through Brewer's retail.
If, when, the contract is voided... I expect the Beer stores to start disappearing shortly after .. and eventually the rest of the company to follow
Grocery stores, bars, etc... buy from Brewers's Retail because they have to... not because they want to.
There are some major players being held back, kept out, by the beer store contract.. without that contract.. the Beer store wouldn't exist.. in any form.
without that contract.. the Beer store wouldn't exist.. in any form.

And the bars and corner stores are going to put the beer on their menus/shelves that their customers are going to want, which statistically is the beers from the owners of TBS. Labatts and Molsons have the lion's share of the Canadian market. That's not going to change. At least not dramatically.
We have Nicklebrook naughty nieghbor on tap as an "IPA", Granville Island ale as a darker ( sadly now owned by Coors/Molson, we took it on when it was owned by Andrew Peller (burlington guy) and now Camerons as a light beer at the bar I have an interest in. . We can buy Camerons for less than Coors light by the keg. Coors light is never discounted since its the best selling light beer in Ontario by a long shot at the tap level. CowBell from Blyth really wants a tap are are willing to bend over for it, wish we had space. I have a distaste for Major brewers and thier price strategy.
Small brewers like a Shaun&Ed Dundas can only have two retail outlets under the current provincial deal, or they can plead for a chance to list with the brewers retail (terrible terms) and most dont have the capacity. They are hindered and kept out of the market effectively by TBS and the deal. The market will really open up for the 280 small brewers in Ontario, sadly only about 90 belong the the craft brewers association so they dont even lobby as a group. They will increase market presence, and take bite out of the 'blue' crowd since a bar can have in on hand with less hassle the TBS distribution gong show.
$60K + benefits and pension + bonus is a fair wage for someone manning a till or stacking cases of beer? In what world?
Thats a $35K job with nothing else in the free market.

I would love to see everyone making that kind of money but its unrealistic. What effect would making the minimum wage $30 an hour + benefits have on our economy and the buying power of our money?

$14 an hour is very fair for a young person working part time during school etc.

ummm. very fair? student minimum is not $14 an hour. its less. $14 minimum wage is for adults.
Ford took away the $15 minimum wage. Yup, Ford says lets make sure the poorest working people in ontario lose that $1 an hour. Disgusting.

As for your $30 hour minimum wage - I've never heard that before. Don't know where you got that number.

Meanwhile, Ford tells Chinese investors he will free up our half a century saved greenbelt to development; and goes on to brag to these investors "you will make lots of money".
He's a pig at the trough; and supports rich elites better than he does his own constituents.
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ummm. very fair? student minimum is not $14 an hour. its less. $14 minimum wage is for adults.
Ford took away the $15 minimum wage. Yup, Ford says lets make sure the poorest working people in ontario lose that $1 an hour. Disgusting.

As for your $30 hour minimum wage - I've never heard that before. Don't know where you got that number.

Meanwhile, Ford tells Chinese investors he will free up our half a century saved greenbelt to development; and goes on to brag to these investors "you will make lots of money".
He's a pig at the trough; and supports rich elites better than he does his own constituents.

A higher minimum wage kills jobs.

Sure it would be nice if everyone could earn good money but the reality is some jobs are just not worth it. If companies are forced to pay more for wages where do you think they will take the money from? Not their own pockets, everything else gets increased and all of a sudden that $15 is not so great because everything costs more again.
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