Beer store monopoly collapsing

wondering what the QA standard is on this?
typically every vehicle off be line?

of course it's gonna vary from OEM to OEM
but I'd be inclined to think some are not every car
I know at least one supplier that after a problem was identified, they tested every single one of the identified components for noise as part of their EOL testing.
German auto unions are also pretty strong. Their workers are very well compensated and they are treated well. What’s the difference? Is it the product?
Yup. Its fought for. As a german union man said "we had to fight for everything we got"
The auto manufacturers aren't leaving north america because they aren't making good money. They are moving to other countries because they want to make MORE profit on the backs of its employees. I watched a video of three men in india sitting on the side of a press and reaching under the press removing stamped auto parts between the poundings of the press. They had maybe 3 seconds to remove the parts - barely missing having their hands and arms flattened. It was a frightening and very dangerous act. Welcome to slavery at $3 an hour. Profits? oh yeah.

When are folks going to figure out what is going on? 95% of the the world's wealth is held by the very few. Every penny greedy. Wake up please!

When I respect and admire a boss - I do my very best at work. When I work for a dick - I don't give a crap, while I search for another job...

Ditto for ducati in italy - You should see the pay, benefits, and weeks off they get ( 6-8 weeks PAID vacation!) Unbelievable. Ditto for maternity leave for up to two years! First year full pay and if you want a second year of maternity leave you get 60% pay.

And further, how schools are run including the free cafeteria for students; which serve children dietician gourmet meals. No french fries there. And children who drink water with their meals and scoff if offered a softdrink. They know pop is unhealthy corporate crap. Good teachings.
No pop machines or corporate fast food business' for them. Have you been in your high school to see what the corporate offerings are? Our schools accept corporate money to have these in our schools. Stop floundering on how the people teaching and caring and developing our children are overpaid. WE are talking about our childrens welfare.

People deserve to have a fair piece of the profit. They are better workers and do their very best; which in turn means increased productivity and quality. Respect all people. Don't be fooled by corporate run media outlets feeding BS to you and telling you who and what to hate.
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you guys remember the story from last year?
VW was going to build a new plant in Tennessee

UAW approached the Co and to talk about getting it certified
VW was fine with the union, had actually been expecting it

State Legislature warned VW that if they let the union in
the tax breaks etc they were offered would be gone
a right to work sh*thole denying it's own people a fair wage
People deserve to have a fair piece of the profit.

Small correction.
People deserve the right to work hard and prove themselves, make themselves indispensable so employers will be happy to share the profits.
Admittedly more difficult to do if your one of hundreds of employees doing unskilled work.
Yup. Its fought for. As a german union man said "we had to fight for everything we got"
The auto manufacturers aren't leaving north america because they aren't making good money. They are moving to other countries because they want to make MORE profit on the backs of its employees. I watched a video of three men in india sitting on the side of a press and reaching under the press removing stamped auto parts between the poundings of the press. They had maybe 3 seconds to remove the parts - barely missing having their hands and arms flattened. It was a frightening and very dangerous act. Welcome to slavery at $3 an hour. Profits? oh yeah.
Corporations are always going to go where it makes financial sense. It is difficult to prevent them from shutting down shop here and then moving to China, Mexico etc That is the reality of the world.
Like I said before in this thread regarding GM. Before the recession their line workers were being paid $69 an hour when you factor in benefits, pension and they are living in an area where the COL is low! Their union was so strong nobody gave a ****. People were at the pub and on the clock at the same time. The whole company was complacent, failed to innovate and produced mostly garbage products. The world has changed. High school educated people shouldnt be paid that kind of money unless they possess a niche skill or are doing high danger work.

Ditto for ducati in italy - You should see the pay, benefits, and weeks off they get ( 6-8 weeks PAID vacation!) Unbelievable. Ditto for maternity leave for up to two years! First year full pay and if you want a second year of maternity leave you get 60% pay.

Either the workers there are highly skilled or they have some incredible union. The unemployment rate for age 30 and under is about 32% in Italy.

And further, how schools are run including the free cafeteria for students; which serve children dietician gourmet meals. No french fries there. And children who drink water with their meals and scoff if offered a softdrink. They know pop is unhealthy corporate crap. Good teachings.
No pop machines or corporate fast food business' for them. Have you been in your high school to see what the corporate offerings are? Our schools accept corporate money to have these in our schools. Stop floundering on how the people teaching and caring and developing our children are overpaid. WE are talking about our childrens welfare.

Yes blame corporations for giving people a choice of what to eat or drink. Those are habits that are formed at home. Children who drink pop all the time have only their parents to blame.
Just because people teach or care for children doesnt mean they should be entitled to great pay.
These jobs provide a service and services dont make money. They are not economic drivers.
Ontario teachers are just about the highest compensated on the planet. Are the students top as well?
Not a chance.

People deserve to have a fair piece of the profit. They are better workers and do their very best; which in turn means increased productivity and quality. Respect all people. Don't be fooled by corporate run media outlets feeding BS to you and telling you who and what to hate.
Nobody is fooling anyone. The reality is its unfair that unions use political power to compensate workers at a much higher rate than what the free market would.
179000 public school teachers in Ontario.
Lets say we capped their salary at $75K and let them keep benefits and pension.
About 70% earn top of their salary grid, I would estimate it at $92K.
So 125000* $17K + another 15% or so that earn between 75K and the max.
That would be a savings of over 2.5 billion dollars per year.
How many schools could we fix with that money?
Also on the topic of delusional teachers in this province. I regularly see them posting online about how "We dont get paid in summer".
Are they really that dumb?
95% of the worlds wealth. You just don't get it.
2.5 billion? Our ontario government gives 2.7 billion/year in subsidies to corporations.
and they pay a tax rate of less than 20%. maybe 17%? What % of your paycheque do you pay in taxes? and do you already have 95% of the worlds wealth? We are being pitted against each other and we need to realize it.
its a con game.
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95% of the worlds wealth. You just don't get it.
2.5 billion? Our ontario government gives 2.7 billion/year in subsidies to corporations.
and they pay a tax rate of less than 20%. maybe 17%? What % of your paycheque do you pay in taxes? and do you already have 95% of the worlds wealth? We are being pitted against each other and we need to realize it.
its a con game.
No I do get it but I dont think you do.
Corporations have the CHOICE whether or not they do business here.
How many billions of dollars do companies provide the government through workers personal taxes?
I dont like the elite either, thats not my point.

My point is there are too many entitled public sector unionized workers. Too many unions holding cities hostage by using politics.
People who stack crates of beer or collect TTC tokens shouldnt be paid 80K PERIOD. Police officers shouldnt be paid $68 an hour to direct crowds of people after sporting events or concerts, PERIOD. No more gravy train.
Corporations are always going to go where it makes financial sense. It is difficult to prevent them from shutting down shop here and then moving to China, Mexico etc That is the reality of the world.

yup, give us what we demand or we'll leave. I call it as I see it. blackmail. Plutocracy. Not my reality and I will speak up. Or I could just give up and believe its just how it is.
95% of the worlds wealth just isn't enough for them.

Yes blame corporations for giving people a choice of what to eat or drink. Those are habits that are formed at home. Children who drink pop all the time have only their parents to blame.

Was nice to see children thinking intelligently. They don't sell pop or chips at the school.
A choice? These unhealthy foods and drinks shouldn't even be in our schools. but corporate money was used to bribe the schools, shameful really.

its working in germany where there is half a dozen or so different political parties.
What political power? Do you mean the powerhouse NDP?

No I do get it but I dont think you do.
Corporations have the CHOICE whether or not they do business here.

yup, and they hold the countries in blackmail with that. Democracy. not plutocracy please.
They sell junk in schools because people want it. That is democracy.
Would you prefer it the old USSR, China or North Korean way?
Germany? Any idea what has went on there the last few years? Its future isnt as bright as you think.
They sell junk in schools because people want it. That is democracy.
Would you prefer it the old USSR, China or North Korean way?
Germany? Any idea what has went on there the last few years? Its future isnt as bright as you think.

I don't know about that, Germany seems to be doing pretty well, generally speaking. Every country has issues, but Germany is still considered a great place to live/work, and it's doubtful that will change anytime soon.

Also, giving children true choice isn't something we should be catering to, for a few reasons. First, children are dumb and don't understand consequences, long term effects, or healthy habits. Second, there are financial reasons we shouldn't be fattening up our kids in a society where we have universal healthcare. There are reasons we have things like an age of consent, a drinking/smoking age, and we don't allow kids to go to war. These are more extreme examples, but the logic behind them is the same.
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I don't know about that, Germany seems to be doing pretty well, generally speaking. Every country has issues, but Germany is still considered a great place to live/work, and it's doubtful that will change anytime soon.

Also, giving children true choice isn't something we should be catering to, for a few reasons. First, children are dumb and don't understand consequences, long term effects, or healthy habits. Second, there are financial reasons we shouldn't be fattening up our kids in a society where we have universal healthcare. There are reasons we have things like an age of consent, a drinking/smoking age, and we don't allow kids to go to war. These are more extreme examples, but the logic behind them is the same.
Fun fact, you can study in Germany for free (university) if you`re a Canadian citizen.

All parents take note.
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thread is fokked
my spidey sense is setting off a MAGA alarm
re: the comment that Germany is not now what it was a few years ago
We all know what's going to happen anyway - Doug is going to get his way and the contract will get cancelled early. Ontario will legislate the financial penalties out of existence, but it will turn out that doesn't do **** as the Ontario government gets slammed with a lawsuit. Damages will be in the range of 8-10 digits, TBS shrivels up and disappears taking the bottle return program with it, beer doesn't get any cheaper for us, restaurants will get their beer under slightly better terms from Sysco instead, etc
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