Are Unions done?

In the grand scheme of things, and in this day and age ... not much.

As far as I can tell, Toronto wants at least a small amount of discretion to hire and fire. Businesses (and governments) NEED the ability to hire and fire. Good workers are kept, slackers have to go. It is unsustainable any other way. But unions fight for "jobs for life" tooth and nail. If you have job assurance for life, why show up for work any more than you have to, and why bother doing anything when you're there? Slackers like that need to GO.

I never knew there would be a strike in a recession. Most ppl losing their jobs and so forth, so some ppl are just striking asking for more.

What's unfortunate is that even in this day in age, there are a lot of companies that treat their blue-collar work-force like ****. Even with the MOL, these companies still get away with things that would disgust most of us. Nobody likes a greedy union, but greedy upper management is no better.

True, like everything, it has to be in moderation. Just like raising a child
Perhaps. Perhaps not. I posit that the truly irresponsible parties, where this is concerned, are the ones who held the money and passed the laws/regulations.

Definitely the rulemakers hold some degree of responsibility. But then the discussion has always been framed as pro-union vs anti-union and my point is that it shouldn't not an all-or-nothing proposition, it's a question of acheiving the appropriate balance of power between employer and employees. Money is only one form of power, it's not everything.
Definitely the rulemakers hold some degree of responsibility. But then the discussion has always been framed as pro-union vs anti-union and my point is that it shouldn't not an all-or-nothing proposition, it's a question of acheiving the appropriate balance of power between employer and employees. Money is only one form of power, it's not everything.

Then let me put it to you this way: The unions were wrong to ask for unreasonable benefits and compensation, but the corporations were IDIOTS for giving it to them.
Then let me put it to you this way: The unions were wrong to ask for unreasonable benefits and compensation, but the corporations were IDIOTS for giving it to them.

Given the competetive atmosphere and the trade conditions at the time, I don't think it was that crazy...
Oh really? To those who say unions have had their day and not needed any more. That's right , lets continue to give corporations tax breaks so they can hire people for minimum wage instead of a fair working wage and while we are at it let them rack in billions in profits as a side bar. I presonally belive unions which represent the workers are needed more than ever IMHO Just sayin!!! Let the flaming begin lol
Then let me put it to you this way: The unions were wrong to ask for unreasonable benefits and compensation, but the corporations were IDIOTS for giving it to them.

Unionized labour is the most bitter, combative, destructive form of HR structure that exists. Neither side is going to do anything out of concern for the other guy, they all did what was in their own best interest according to the laws and this is where they ended up. The bottom line is this shows that unions as they are structured right now don't work in the interest of the industry, nor in the interest of the workers in the long term. I've explained where I think the problem lies. I feel it doesn't serve any purpose to judge either party without taking a look with a critical eye at the system they have to work within.
Then let me put it to you this way: The unions were wrong to ask for unreasonable benefits and compensation, but the corporations were IDIOTS for giving it to them.

When the unions can use picket lines to close down a business, companies are often left with little choice but to effectively shut down until they concede to union demands. While shut down, they risk losing their customer base to other companies still operation. Standing on principle is great, but when the customers have found new suppliers, any victory over union extortion then becomes a rather pyrrhic victory.
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I would say that as an investor, I would consider the existence of a unionized labour force when making a decision.
Manufacturing going to China / Pacific rim
Telemarketing and tech support going to India
People don't learn.
It can't happen to me
In the late 50's japan made the little 2 transister radios and were ingored because that was the only thing they could do with their little fingers.
Then they took on the camera industry and wiped out the Europeans, then Polaroid and now Kodak. OK but they can't make big stuff because of shipping costs.
Then they started selling us cars and heavy equipment.
I know a bunch of people that are slack office workers but think they can't be replaced by someone in India. Wanna bet. IMO it's more when than if.
Nothing improves production like someone going after your job.
Manufacturing going to China / Pacific rim
Telemarketing and tech support going to India
People don't learn.
It can't happen to me
In the late 50's japan made the little 2 transister radios and were ingored because that was the only thing they could do with their little fingers.
Then they took on the camera industry and wiped out the Europeans, then Polaroid and now Kodak. OK but they can't make big stuff because of shipping costs.
Then they started selling us cars and heavy equipment.
I know a bunch of people that are slack office workers but think they can't be replaced by someone in India. Wanna bet. IMO it's more when than if.
Nothing improves production like someone going after your job.

Uhh, production in the US has never been higher, we are producing more than ever before, largely due to mechanization.
Unionized labour is the most bitter, combative, destructive form of HR structure that exists. Neither side is going to do anything out of concern for the other guy, they all did what was in their own best interest according to the laws and this is where they ended up. The bottom line is this shows that unions as they are structured right now don't work in the interest of the industry, nor in the interest of the workers in the long term. I've explained where I think the problem lies. I feel it doesn't serve any purpose to judge either party without taking a look with a critical eye at the system they have to work within.

Uh, I'm in a union.
Actually China is capable of making VERY high quality products that can rival US, Canada, Australia, German made etc.

I had a friend that moved his manufacturing there. The factories give you the options of making cheap crap or quality product. You can use cheap mild steel or medical grade stainless steel, you can use cheap bearings or top quality bearings, cheap metal or aircraft grade alloy stuff etc etc etc. They can reverse engineer a product down to the exact components, the exact amount of each and the manufacturing method used to create those be it metal or plastic etc.

The reason 99% of the stuff that comes from China is crap is because the Companies that set up there dont want to spend the extra $5/unit on stainless steel instead of mild steel or $0.50 on top quality composites or $0.05 on top quality fasteners etc. When your talking about an item that costs say $150/unit to mass produce the extra $7-10 to make sure its a great product seems too large of a hit for the "greedy" even though the retail price of the product may be up in the $500-$600 range.

This also comes down to the fact companies dont want their products to last forever anymore.

My point is, stuff that comes out of China isnt crap because the chinese dont know how to make good stuff, its crap because the multinational companies that set up there want maximum profit and dont want to make a great product.

I'm surprised how many people are against democracy in the workplace, and think, without the countervailing force of collective bargaining, they will continue to have the labour protections they have today.

One needs only to observe what the 40 year assault on unions in the US has done for American income disparity to conclude that it could easily happen here.

Cat knew they were closing the plant, so they low-balled the proposal and locked out the workers. For years, they've been raiding their pension for the benefit of its executives, all the while turning in record profits. One can only imagine how much worse things would look like down south without the UAW.

Like others have said, we are in a race to the bottom. When unions suffer, so do we all.

Except the 1%, of course.
The first commercially viable transistor radio was Regency Electronics, 1954, Indianna USA
Raytheon (british) was the closest competitor

Polaroid was a major exhibitor last month in Vegas at CES. They just launched the worlds first android smart camera.

Kodak invented the digital camera
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