In the grand scheme of things, and in this day and age ... not much.
As far as I can tell, Toronto wants at least a small amount of discretion to hire and fire. Businesses (and governments) NEED the ability to hire and fire. Good workers are kept, slackers have to go. It is unsustainable any other way. But unions fight for "jobs for life" tooth and nail. If you have job assurance for life, why show up for work any more than you have to, and why bother doing anything when you're there? Slackers like that need to GO.
I never knew there would be a strike in a recession. Most ppl losing their jobs and so forth, so some ppl are just striking asking for more.
What's unfortunate is that even in this day in age, there are a lot of companies that treat their blue-collar work-force like ****. Even with the MOL, these companies still get away with things that would disgust most of us. Nobody likes a greedy union, but greedy upper management is no better.
True, like everything, it has to be in moderation. Just like raising a child