Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle? | Page 409 |

Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

Obviously an a-hole move but I am a little entertained that you can buy fake charging sockets on amazon. The piece is theoretically to hold your cable when not in use. Obviously there is an easy solution to this and I am a little surprised that chargers don't have very obvious lights on them. Similar to an industrial environment, a pole with a green light for available, yellow for connected not charging and red for charging (or whatever colors they choose). Makes it easy for people to find available chargers and enforcement to know which vehicles need a closer look (and potential ticket).

Obviously an a-hole move but I am a little entertained that you can buy fake charging sockets on amazon. The piece is theoretically to hold your cable when not in use. Obviously there is an easy solution to this and I am a little surprised that chargers don't have very obvious lights on them. Similar to an industrial environment, a pole with a green light for available, yellow for connected not charging and red for charging (or whatever colors they choose). Makes it easy for people to find available chargers and enforcement to know which vehicles need a closer look (and potential ticket).

Here in Ontario there's actually HTA laws that will yield a big fine for this sort of childish nonsense (It's an actual "occupy EV spot with non EV" ticket), but as with many other HTA "bylaw" level offences, good luck getting anyone to come lay the charge - hell, last time I saw a perfectly able bodied 19-something year old kid park his ****** old riced out BMW with a fart can muffler in a handicapped parking spot out front of a Home Depot, I couldn't get anyone to come write a ticket. Worse yet I saw an *actual* handicapped older fellow have to park further away and walk in using his cane while it was all happening. So as long as people know they can do this **** with impunity it'll continue, and probably get worse.

As for big visible lights, some charging stations actually have this. The ones that don't have "big visible" ones have other methods of telling if the unit is actually being charged or not. But there's no standard.

Either way, this is childish nonsense, and is far more prevalent in the USA where penis size and mental age are inversely proportional to how big your bro-dozer truck is.
Here in Ontario there's actually HTA laws that will yield a big fine for this sort of childish nonsense (It's an actual "occupy EV spot with non EV" ticket), but as with many other HTA "bylaw" level offences, good luck getting anyone to come lay the charge - hell, last time I saw a perfectly able bodied 19-something year old kid park his ****** old riced out BMW with a fart can muffler in a handicapped parking spot out front of a Home Depot, I couldn't get anyone to come write a ticket. Worse yet I saw an *actual* handicapped older fellow have to park further away and walk in using his cane while it was all happening. So as long as people know they can do this **** with impunity it'll continue, and probably get worse.

As for big visible lights, some charging stations actually have this. The ones that don't have "big visible" ones have other methods of telling if the unit is actually being charged or not. But there's no standard.

Either way, this is childish nonsense, and is far more prevalent in the USA where penis size and mental age are inversely proportional to how big your bro-dozer truck is.
Interesting, thanks. I didn't know it was a ticketable offence as almost all EV spots are on private property. That being said, I have doubts that more than a handful of these tickets have been issued ever.
Interesting, thanks. I didn't know it was a ticketable offence as almost all EV spots are on private property. That being said, I have doubts that more than a handful of these tickets have been issued ever.

And I agree, I doubt many if any tickets have ever been issued. Like most of our other traffic laws, this also goes unenforced.
Here in Ontario there's actually HTA laws that will yield a big fine for this sort of childish nonsense (It's an actual "occupy EV spot with non EV" ticket), but as with many other HTA "bylaw" level offences, good luck getting anyone to come lay the charge - hell, last time I saw a perfectly able bodied 19-something year old kid park his ****** old riced out BMW with a fart can muffler in a handicapped parking spot out front of a Home Depot, I couldn't get anyone to come write a ticket. Worse yet I saw an *actual* handicapped older fellow have to park further away and walk in using his cane while it was all happening. So as long as people know they can do this **** with impunity it'll continue, and probably get worse.

As for big visible lights, some charging stations actually have this. The ones that don't have "big visible" ones have other methods of telling if the unit is actually being charged or not. But there's no standard.

Either way, this is childish nonsense, and is far more prevalent in the USA where penis size and mental age are inversely proportional to how big your bro-dozer truck is.
Careful with this one. I actually met a guy once on a flight that was 'perfectly able bodied mid-20s' and as we got to chatting, we ended up at the same resort.

Turns out the guy was missing a leg, and had a really good prosthetic. He said he's had people yell at him for taking a handicap spot...only to lift up his pant leg and them shutting up pretty quick and apologizing sheepishly. He doesn't bother with handicap spots 'because really not a huge deal. But sometimes I need to.'

And I agree, I doubt many if any tickets have ever been issued. Like most of our other traffic laws, this also goes unenforced.
While annoying to have an ICE car parked in an EV spot. I'm actually more frustrated when I drive up to a spot, and an EV is parked there...but not actually connected or charging. Just using the spot for closer access to the store.

Guess that's not my problem anymore. Can I identify my GTI as an e-Golf?
While annoying to have an ICE car parked in an EV spot. I'm actually more frustrated when I drive up to a spot, and an EV is parked there...but not actually connected or charging. Just using the spot for closer access to the store.

Guess that's not my problem anymore. Can I identify my GTI as an e-Golf?
The unplugged ev is eligible for the same ticket. It wont get it either but it could.
Careful with this one. I actually met a guy once on a flight that was 'perfectly able bodied mid-20s' and as we got to chatting, we ended up at the same resort.

Turns out the guy was missing a leg, and had a really good prosthetic. He said he's had people yell at him for taking a handicap spot...only to lift up his pant leg and them shutting up pretty quick and apologizing sheepishly. He doesn't bother with handicap spots 'because really not a huge deal. But sometimes I need to.'
There's a young woman I'm guessing in her late 20's that parks her decked out SRT Grand Cherokee in the handicapped parking spot at the gym. And yep she's in there working out like the rest of us. Has a sticker too but I swear she parks it there only to keep an eye on it through the windows of the gym.

Maybe it's someone else's car who truly is handicapped but does that still give her the right? Don't think so.
There's a young woman I'm guessing in her late 20's that parks her decked out SRT Grand Cherokee in the handicapped parking spot at the gym. And yep she's in there working out like the rest of us. Has a sticker too but I swear she parks it there only to keep an eye on it through the windows of the gym.

Maybe it's someone else's car who truly is handicapped but does that still give her the right? Don't think so.
The placard is tied to the disabled person. My dad has one. My mom can use it if he is in their vehicle. I can use it in my car if I have my dad. Without him, nobody is allowed to use it regardless of the vehicle.
The placard is tied to the disabled person. My dad has one. My mom can use it if he is in their vehicle. I can use it in my car if I have my dad. Without him, nobody is allowed to use it regardless of the vehicle.
Dated a girl once that snapped her leg skiing. It was great. Best parking spots in the lot, and good seats in the theatre with no issue.

I take my kid to scouts during the week, and sure as day all the rich kids’ dads park in the handicap spots at the church like clockwork. Almost wondering I should call Peel to set up there on Monday nights…
Careful with this one. I actually met a guy once on a flight that was 'perfectly able bodied mid-20s' and as we got to chatting, we ended up at the same resort.

I'm cognizant of the hidden disability thing, but I checked, and he neither had a wheelchair pass in his vehicle, nor seemed to have any physical indication he might even be slightly disabled - ie, he bounded out of his car and basically jogged into the store.

There are actually limitations on the justification of obtaining a handcap parking pass - just having any sort of disability that doesn't significantly impact your mobility isn't a free pass - heck, if it was, I'd have had a pass for a 5-10 years now lol. The rules state:

Maybe it's someone else's car who truly is handicapped but does that still give her the right? Don't think so.

Using someone elses pass for your own personal use is indeed not allowed, and a ticketable offence, but once again, good luck getting that enforced unless you can get someone from bylaw to show up literally 5-10 minutes after you call.

Some people are just ******* shameless and will do this. Heck, we have my wife's grandmothers handicap parking pass in our car all the time as we're her primary transportation, but we'd never think of using it to park in a handicap spot just for our own convenience, we only use it when she's with us.

A gym-goer in probably better fitness than most people is especially low doing this.
Dated a girl once that snapped her leg skiing. It was great. Best parking spots in the lot, and good seats in the theatre with no issue.

I take my kid to scouts during the week, and sure as day all the rich kids’ dads park in the handicap spots at the church like clockwork. Almost wondering I should call Peel to set up there on Monday nights…
I probably could have gotten a temp for my leg but didn't want to as I figured others had it worse.

Let's be honest, some of the rules are ridiculous. Wonderland has something like 20+ handicap spots. It's nice that you're close to the gate, but then what? Car to gate is a small percentage of the movement required for a day there. Cops were handing out tickets like candy as half of the spots were filled with vehicles without a placard. VIP parking near the handicap spots is something like $50 a day extra. If you're lazy, do you roll the dice and take a handicap spot? Do you get caught less than 1/7 of the days you do it?
I'm cognizant of the hidden disability thing, but I checked, and he neither had a wheelchair pass in his vehicle, nor seemed to have any physical indication he might even be slightly disabled - ie, he bounded out of his car and basically jogged into the store.

There are actually limitations on the justification of obtaining a handcap parking pass - just having any sort of disability that doesn't significantly impact your mobility isn't a free pass - heck, if it was, I'd have had a pass for a 5-10 years now lol. The rules state:

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The glasses one is interesting. Maybe gym chick pretended to be blind. Now, there is a very reasonable question about both being blind and having a drivers license but entitled pricks don't worry about things like that.
We had a permit for my father starting in his 80s. My mother (in her 70s) was picking him up from his barber and parked with the permit in the handicap spot near the door.

A women (old timey Karen I guess) comes over and confronts her. First thing out of the women's mouth is "That is a pretty fancy car for a handicap person." My mother just ignored her and went to get my father.

The car BTW, a 1992 four door base model Pontiac Sunbird. I would guess four or five years old at the time.
And then there's twits like this guy a few weeks ago. Gold chains, wife beater.


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Lambo owners are "speshul", they don't have to follow the rules of society.
Guy on the Vstrom forum just got this :eek: Damn 100kph!!!
Just got this yesterday. The sticker on it says class2 1000watts. I don’t think it fits class 2 at all the top speed can be adjusted to 61 mph. I’ll report back on top speed. Needs a few adjustments and I’ll take it on a long ride this weekend.
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