Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

What did you end up doing with that new dashcam setup you had?
I'm going to remove the cameras, and just install them in the Volt.

I'm not going to remove the wiring though as I don't think I'll have the time to do so and don't want to damage any trim in the meantime. They're giving me a good cash back cheque so that'll go towards installation.

EDIT: Actually may be worth to pull the wiring....I'll have to see if I can just slide it out, as it's usually just tucked in behind the rubber.
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interesting. all the regular car reviewers were not liking it for the price

Perhaps the earlier reviewers were looking at the ID's earlier software revisions. It's known that VW was late with getting the software sorted out on these.

There have been plenty of complaints online about how VW did the power window switches. There's only two of them, which operate the front windows by default, and a touch-button "rear" that you have to touch to switch them over to activate the rear windows. Odd? Yes. On another forum, a few people who have gotten their hands on these cars and actually had some time with them, have said that it doesn't take long to get used to.

Lots of the earlier reviewers of these cars were what I call the "EV nerds", who only care about EV things like how far it will go on the highway at whatever speed, and how one-pedal driving works (in the case of the VW - not well, because it's calibrated to work in a way that will be familiar to Tiguan, RAV4, and CR-V owners), and so on. Granted the EV stuff is important, but so is the "car" stuff - like steering response, and brake pedal feel (evidently the ID4 does a good job of blending regenerative and friction brakes - the Mach e does not!! - but the brake pedal feels mushy - and as a former VW owner, that's a VW thing, not an ID4 thing, every VW that I've driven has a soft-ish brake pedal)
@mimico_polak Just incase you want to avoid going back to them:

Very nice thanks! It's a trek...but I would def go back to that shop and get the camera installed again. I appreciate the recommendation as they were great to deal with. I'll actually shoot them a message to see if I need to pull the wires, or if they have them. They had the same model camera that I bought anyway.
The Bolt is indeed a riot to drive, the go cart analogy is spot on.

As for missing the rumble, remember I went from a Hemi Magnum with custom exhaust (that sounded every bit the V8 it was) to the Volt.

Do I miss the sound a little sometimes? Yes.

Do I miss the $250/month in gas I was putting in it for that privilege? Hell to the no.

The feeling fades, and the EV torque can put a smile on your face still. ?

This is how I feel, though I really do miss owning a fun, noisy car. Yeah the Volt is Torquey but still lacks IMO. You stamp your foot in sport mode and the Volt holds back some power until you're moving a bit. It's easy to see the power it's putting down (or not fully putting down) from the little power meter in the dashboard.

I don't miss the high gas, maintenance, and insurance bills my previous car was costing me, though in all honesty, if the insurance hadn't forced my hand by cranking up my premiums I never would have gone EV.

Now that I have one I do like it. I appreciate the money and time it saves me, but if I came into money tomorrow I'd get something fun and noisy in a heartbeat.
Perhaps the earlier reviewers were looking at the ID's earlier software revisions. It's known that VW was late with getting the software sorted out on these.

There have been plenty of complaints online about how VW did the power window switches. There's only two of them, which operate the front windows by default, and a touch-button "rear" that you have to touch to switch them over to activate the rear windows. Odd? Yes. On another forum, a few people who have gotten their hands on these cars and actually had some time with them, have said that it doesn't take long to get used to.

Lots of the earlier reviewers of these cars were what I call the "EV nerds", who only care about EV things like how far it will go on the highway at whatever speed, and how one-pedal driving works (in the case of the VW - not well, because it's calibrated to work in a way that will be familiar to Tiguan, RAV4, and CR-V owners), and so on. Granted the EV stuff is important, but so is the "car" stuff - like steering response, and brake pedal feel (evidently the ID4 does a good job of blending regenerative and friction brakes - the Mach e does not!! - but the brake pedal feels mushy - and as a former VW owner, that's a VW thing, not an ID4 thing, every VW that I've driven has a soft-ish brake pedal)

One of the main complaints that I was reading/hearing was the pricing and comparison to gas cars.
Interior quality, performance and handling was no better or in some cases, worse for the price premium over same class SUVs.
On paper, this does seem true looking at the numbers but this video shows there's more than just numbers.
That turning radius is awesome.
EVs at this point in time are all going to have a bigger price tag than same-segment gas cars (RAV4, CR-V, etc) but in the case of the ID4, when accounting for the US$7500 tax credit that VW is still eligible for, plus other local incentives that vary between regions, it is very competitively priced.
One of the main complaints that I was reading/hearing was the pricing and comparison to gas cars.
Interior quality, performance and handling was no better or in some cases, worse for the price premium over same class SUVs.
On paper, this does seem true looking at the numbers but this video shows there's more than just numbers.
That turning radius is awesome.
I was actually quite surprised with how well the Volt handles.

For a heavy vehicle with pretty much a solid rear-end it rides relatively comfortably.
The low center of gravity makes it handle pretty flat. I imagine with tires other than the Low Rolling Resistance tires it would ride and handle even better.
One of the main complaints that I was reading/hearing was the pricing and comparison to gas cars.

I've been making this case plenty of times in this thread several pages back. I still think Hybrids make more sense for now until Electrics come down in price and we have more market choices.

I'd still only look at a Tesla if I were in the market for a full Electric at this point.
@mimico_polak what year is the Volt? Nice choice.

Ironically, my youngest son bought a 2018 WRX last year and is complaining about the price of a fill-up on premium.
2018 with 70k on the odometer. Yes the WRX is expensive to fill up as it requires premium...last time I filled up from 1/8 - full was about $70-75 or so.

Did my first commute to new office today....401 isn't too bad at 6:40am (entering Mavis) but a few slow downs get annoying fast. Glad it was just a few hours so I could have free and clear road back home.

I'll be honest. I'm gonna miss that boxer rumble....but that's about it.
I've been making this case plenty of times in this thread several pages back. I still think Hybrids make more sense for now until Electrics come down in price and we have more market choices.

I'd still only look at a Tesla if I were in the market for a full Electric at this point.
I thought I was ready for the 100% EV...but after driving the Bolt...I couldn't make that final decision. Maybe it was THAT Bolt that didn't do it for me, but overall I felt the Volt was the better choice at this point in time.

Maybe I jumped the gun off the WRX too quick, but I know myself enough (and my previous experience) that driving in stupid heavy traffic will drive me nuts....1st 2nd...1st 2nd...1st 2nd 3rd 4th...1st...
The WRX doesn't have a rumble unless it's pre-2015 I believe it was when they had unequal length headers. The new WRX FA20 engines have equal length headers so no rumble ... I know as my son REALLY wanted an STI to get that rumble but it's too much more $. He still keeps playing YouTube videos on the smartTV.

Don't forget you can use the Volt on the HOV lanes (don't think there are any on the 401 mind you).
The WRX doesn't have a rumble unless it's pre-2015 I believe it was when they had unequal length headers. The new WRX FA20 engines have equal length headers so no rumble ... I know as my son REALLY wanted an STI to get that rumble but it's too much more $. He still keeps playing YouTube videos on the smartTV.

Don't forget you can use the Volt on the HOV lanes (don't think there are any on the 401 mind you).

STI drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks fuel.. Stay far away
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