Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

That is only for the vehicles with the original-design (and original-capacity, 58 kWh) battery pack (2017-2018 and first part of 2019). The ones built later in 2019 and onward with the 66 kWh battery aren't under that recall.
Would be nice to have the larger battery but that’s out of price range.
The bolt drivetrain is already last gen tech. Obviously it wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Gm aint pouring any more money into developing it.

You won't see this series in any other car or in The future. It's already dead tech...
The bolt drivetrain is already last gen tech. Obviously it wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Gm aint pouring any more money into developing it.

You won't see this series in any other car or in The future. It's already dead tech...

They could continue to use the platform for their hydrogen car.
Hey, how's the Honda Clarity EV doing? Oh yeah, it got tossed into the graveyard.

The fuel cell Clarity? They're not selling, and the ones that Honda gets back from lease, they crush. ?

Sure seems like they're all in on Hydrogen, that's for sure.

While everyone else is moving to EV's, Honda, well....

... Honda is missing the mark. Hydrogen is, and always will be, the fuel of the future. The MDX Sport Hybrid was stupidly expensive, and didn't sell. The Clarity EV, aside from being ugly, only had a 25.5 kWh battery ... outdated when it was introduced, and didn't sell. The Honda e is cute, but a Renault Zoe is a better car, and if you want a minicar, the new Fiat 500e is a better car. Now, they're letting GM do the heavy lifting.
Hydrogen is, and always will be, the fuel of the future

Until such time that it’s produced 100% by renewable energy, it’s just taking one form of energy and converting it to another before converting it back again.

Using nuclear or fossil fuel generation to do this is just adding an unnecessary step vs a direct BEV and is lossy and wasteful.

My bets are that the holy grail hydrogen filling stations that do exist are not fueled by renewables.
Even if hydrogen IS produced by renewable energy ... the "number of kilometres down the road per square metre of solar panels" is going to be three times better for a BEV than for a FCEV.

On VW's "battery day" recently, VW is saying that their next generation of batteries (coming in 2023) will have grid-storage capability built in (bidirectional power at the charge port) and I'm aware of others wanting to do this as well. When you're not using your car, the power grid can use it for storage. Scheduled (overnight) recharging kinda starts to address this, but having your car know when you'll next need it fully charged and let it do whatever the power grid wants to do in the meantime, takes it to the next level. The lumpy nature of solar and wind power is less of an issue when there is enough storage capacity around. While theoretically you can use excess power to electrolyze water and get electricity back using a fuel cell ... the round-trip efficiency by using batteries is much, much higher.
Drove the Volt and Bolt. Tough call.

Volt is nice and low and more comfortable seats, plus the lack of range anxiety.

Bolt has a nice and high seating position, horrible seats, but drives like a go cart on steroids. I basically hit HTA172 on the highway with a quick flick of my right foot. Regen is very strong once in L.

decisions decisions. Going to try and see another Volt today. But that WRX rumble....
The Bolt is indeed a riot to drive, the go cart analogy is spot on.

As for missing the rumble, remember I went from a Hemi Magnum with custom exhaust (that sounded every bit the V8 it was) to the Volt.

Do I miss the sound a little sometimes? Yes.

Do I miss the $250/month in gas I was putting in it for that privilege? Hell to the no.

The feeling fades, and the EV torque can put a smile on your face still. ?
Yes agreed. The torque was good on the Bolt. But they wanted my car plus 5k. If I could do a straight swap I may pull that trigger.

Or I may just end up keeping the WRX and see what the 401 will actually be like and how bad it’ll be with the clutch. Drove out to Scarborough to check something out and it’s great when free flowing. But still a ***** of a commute.
Bolts are still in pretty high demand on the resale market, especially with the price of gas going up and up and up.
Make sure you give the wrx a good workout before you lose it. The sound will be a significant downgrade. Congrats on the new car. Heat score is definitely much lower.
Oh I chirped those tires well out of there.

Honestly I’m not that sad. While the car is effing awesome. The thought of shifting on the 401 boils my blood.

I’ve no regrets about the WRX it’s a hell of a car. But I barely touched 40-50% of its capabilities before I entered H172 territory.
Best review I've seen yet of the VW ID4 that goes beyond the EV-nerd stuff and talks about how it actually is to drive ... and, it appears, it's really good.

interesting. all the regular car reviewers were not liking it for the price
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