What about the British India Company? We already have examples from history of corporations ruling entire countries and manipulating public policy in order to squeeze more money out of those people and their land. Then there's the was in Iraq.. Huge waste of taxpayer dollars and lives in order to make money for a small oligarchy. In the US, corporate interests already trump citizens' interests. You can be kicked off your land for private enterprise projects like building a motel due to the changes in their eminent domain laws. Our entire society is geared towards making a small group of very powerful people even more powerful and I'm accused of overestimating the power of money? Big money is our new aristocracy and most of us are rabidly defending their servitude to them. It takes a lot of power to engineer that sort of a mind-****.
The point is not that money is not powerful. The point is that people also have power, which you don't seem to recogize because your posts exposes a world view that the public are powerless and its a bunch of Mr. Burns looking old guys control the world.
I gave examples of movements that are not based on money because they demonstrate that people can achieve great change simply because they have power as a people, and not because they have a lot of money. I know that you will not be able to demonstrate how the Arab spring, Tiananmen square, the civil rights movement, or the end of apartheid are a example of corporate or wealthy interests, because they simply are not.
In the end, its what you see...
I see Suncor pull out of syria and I see the Keystone pipeline being delayed as victories for ethics, humanitarianism, the power of people.
While I personally don't agree that the keystone pipeline should be delayed, I think that its admirable that people can get together and be heard and make things happen. That is what democracy is about, it isn't perfect, but it is far more equitable than the societies before it.
If money is new artistocracy, it is the lesser of many evils. I am far more open to that idea that money is power rather than the idea that power is based on other things, such as blood and race.