50 shot dead - Orlando shooting

I guess he's making the parallel with the current situation in a bunch of states.

That what you want (gun in the attic), is not always what is happening in the US of A.

still waiting for him to reply to me, lol

but you made an abstract pointI
f his rifle and ammo are in the attic then the bad guy breaks into his house, is he going to ask for a time out while he climbs up into attic to get gun and ammo:lmao:
still waiting for him to reply to me, lol

but you made an abstract pointI
f his rifle and ammo are in the attic then the bad guy breaks into his house, is he going to ask for a time out while he climbs up into attic to get gun and ammo:lmao:
Mine are in a safe. I follow the rules.
and you want us to trust you with a gun and you can't follow basic sentences especially to a question you posed and I replied to awaiting your response, lol
Post 120 keep up bro.
I don't need guns I just want guns. Given the choice its a no brainer. Why wouldn't you wanna tuck a rifle and some ammo away in your attic just in case? An adult man can't trust himself with a gun? THATS scary, lol

I agree with this whole hearttiddly. Seriously. I have considered this scenario for myself. I think thats miles away from all the other goofyness. Miles!

^ well said
I agree with this whole hearttiddly. Seriously. I have considered this scenario for myself. I think thats miles away from all the other goofyness. Miles!

^ well said
You and me buddy, we're smart doods.
I'm not getting involved, gonna go talk hairstyles for a while.
Sorry I am late. Every mass shooting was carried out with black guns. BAN BLACK GUNS.

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I prefer tan guns. Tan is nice, goes well with the brass colour of the ammo.
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