The numbers are accurate. Rifles make up 4% of the KNOWN firearms used in homicides while handguns account for 90%. It stands to reason that this percentage carries over into the 1,959 unknown firearms used as well. Fine, I'll concede it. That would then be an additional 98 homicides by rifle to bring the total to roughly 350 people, instead of the 250 I quoted. Marginal and completely irrelevant to the point made.
Nobody is talking about banning shotguns. Obama wants to reinstate the AWB. If he was successful, and also magically able to snap his fingers and disappear the existing "assault weapons" in private hands, would at maximum account for 350 saved lives.... assuming that the people who would've used rifles to kill someone wouldn't then bother to use a different gun. The reality is different - the assault weapons ban wouldn't actually eliminate any guns, and wouldn't make a lick of difference in the already-low number of people killed by these rifles each year.
What do I suggest? Nothing. I don't care. I'm Canadian and it doesn't bother me if they wanna shoot eachother. What I can say with utmost confidence is that their problem is social, cultural, and economic. If you divvy up the homicides by race, for instance, you'll find that they're predominantly committed by minorities - this can further be expanded to encompass a largely low-income subset of Americans. But Obama isn't gonna talk about that, he wants to talk about some assault weapons ban to pacify the masses who need him to come out and "do something", which in reality will amount to nothing.