Whenever these events happen, people always focus more on the tool than the motive.
Even if this guy was not able to get an AR-15 (and that's a laugh right there, even the shooters in Paris had AK47s despite being banned there)... then he just would have used something else.
He would have loaded a truck bomb outside the club, smuggled a pressure cooker in there, drove into a pride parade with a truck, or any other way he could think of to kill the people he feels his god is telling him to kill.
Far greater numbers were killed in similar events around the world and not a single gun was used -- just look at the bali bombings for example 202 people killed, 209 injured when a night club was blown up using a minivan loaded with a explosives: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_bombings
Those that want to kill will kill. The solution is not to try and remove all the tools, the solution is to remove the reason they want to kill -- sure, easier said than done -- but so is attempting to remove all tools that could be used to kill.
And the reason why switch button style knives are illegal are??? I mean it's just a knife right.
I did not say ban guns...I said reasonable application with rigorous testing, mental health check, criminal background check, and licensing.
It's odd because I am seeing a theme in this thread those pushing to have any gun they want seem to be the most paranoid of the govt taking over and most paranoid in general.
Let's keep the scenario simple...person goes off the deep end...you and your family are in the mall, shooter locked the door to the store you are now trapped in with 15 other guys (plus lots of kids and women)...
Now here are your choices:
1. shooter has an auto/semi with large magazine, sprays bullets like rain falling
2. shooter has a revolver with 6 bullets then they have to reload
Which once of those scenario's do you have a chance of surviving?
Don't evade, just reply with either 1 or 2