30 is an extremely BORRING age to be, Marriage rant

BY the way, just to clear the air I've only been dating my chick for like 6 months and no one, including her, is putting any pressure on me to get married at this point. Not even my parents. I'll admit that with all the wedding junk her friends and family are going through, I'm a little scared she might start getting ideas, but so far so good. I'm also enjoying my life and to be honest, outside of the actual wedding events I occasionally have to attend, my life can be pretty entertaining. The thread was more of a general observation about what I see other people I know around my age doing.

Ok ok...the truth is that I made the thread after I found out that a chick I went on a couple dates with about a year ago just got engaged (obviously not to me lol....I still talk to her from time to time though). The ironic part is that she claimed I was "pushing for commitment" which was one of the reasons things didn't work out between us yet here she is engaged like a year later. In fact, this is a recurring theme in my life as there have been quite a few women who I've dated, some even claimed to be "scared of commitment", that got engaged less than a year after we stopped talking. Some even got MARRIED less than a year after! In fact, I honestly don't think I have ANY exes that are NOT married. After seeing this I basically think that every chick 25-35 is secretly dreaming about that ring even if the crap coming out of her mouth, is the complete opposite (or maybe they're just saying what they think I want to hear). My girl right now doesn't seem the marriage type either but I bet if I got down on one knee tomorrow, she'd be jumping for joy and saying 'yes'.

And yes, I still occasionally go clubbing with my buddies.

Perhaps you have to think you didn't cut the mustard? What I mean, when you weren't around they were routing through your stuff to figure out if you had any wealth, potential wealth via inheritence, or at least a well paying job and so on. The fact is some women are shopping guys to fulfill their biological clock and they want you to foot the bill. Your GF is bringing you to weddings as a hint or to guage your reaction. Based on this thread, I will bet you will be left to heed my earlier post: Buy a doll and get a dog as your GF will be doing what all your other GFs have done after they moved on from you.
My mother just tried to set me up a min ago lol. Apparently my brother's in-laws are also concerned that I'm not married :rolleyes:
Bah ha ha Roasted not just you with the exes soon getting married after. I'm a chick so how does you explanation work for a dude...they too are secretly waiting to be asked. lol Kidding:)
Not every girl is just waiting to be asked... My ex is avoiding a trip with her current bf to Cuba. She saw a ring, and this trip is his spontaneous idea, so she knows it's coming... And she doesn't want to marry the guy. He knows we've been hanging out for the past couple months so we think he's trying to secure his position.
However, I think if she and I got together again, it wouldn't be long before she would be bugging me for the ring I got her back when we were together.
Not every girl is just waiting to be asked... My ex is avoiding a trip with her current bf to Cuba. She saw a ring, and this trip is his spontaneous idea, so she knows it's coming... And she doesn't want to marry the guy. He knows we've been hanging out for the past couple months so we think he's trying to secure his position.
However, I think if she and I got together again, it wouldn't be long before she would be bugging me for the ring I got her back when we were together.

LOL That's funny. That's the beauty of being a man. Us guys don't have to worry about chicks proposing to us and have to awkwardly reject the proposal and possibly ruin a decent, comfortable relationship.

Instead we can play dumb and keep ignoring all the hints she's dropping and drag a relationship out indefinitely until the chick realized that it's never going to happen and dumps us. LOL
Not every girl is just waiting to be asked... My ex is avoiding a trip with her current bf to Cuba. She saw a ring, and this trip is his spontaneous idea, so she knows it's coming... And she doesn't want to marry the guy. He knows we've been hanging out for the past couple months so we think he's trying to secure his position.
However, I think if she and I got together again, it wouldn't be long before she would be bugging me for the ring I got her back when we were together.

Dude...isn't that the one you said was ho'ing around on you so you broke up? Steer clear.
My family is the absolute best thing I have. Stuff doesn't mean a thing to me. I could live happily in a trailer park with my family. Money, bah. You cant take it with you when you're gone. I love my wife and kids, and nothing is as fulfilling as they are. Even my pets affection mean more to me than riches........ to me, my legacy is far important than the nest egg that gets taxed to oblivion by the gov't when I die.

Pretty much agree.

Re leaving stuff for the kids:
If you live to see them into their 30s you'll know how money savy they are. If they are spendthrifts they'll waste anything you leave them so spend it yourself. If they are good with money they won't need it so spend it on yourself.

The pill changed history and economics. Thousands of years or millions of years (Depending on your religious views) of marriage based on reproduction, hormones etc and over the last 50 years it's been replaced by consumerism. Two people working so more to spend etc.

Security used be big family and now it's the bank accounts. Money is nice but with family you don't have to worry about identity theft.
No, you just had to worry about them killing each other over inheritance.

ThInK OuTsDe ThE bOx. I knew an architect who while not too old and still healthy gave the cottage to the kids saying "Now I can come up, drink your beer, eat your food and use your boat."
LOL That's funny. That's the beauty of being a man. Us guys don't have to worry about chicks proposing to us and have to awkwardly reject the proposal and possibly ruin a decent, comfortable relationship.

Instead we can play dumb and keep ignoring all the hints she's dropping and drag a relationship out indefinitely until the chick realized that it's never going to happen and dumps us. LOL

Apparently her current relationship isn't doing it for her... But it would make it really awkward after he asks her and she says no... Especially since he knows I'm in her mind now.

Dude...isn't that the one you said was ho'ing around on you so you broke up? Steer clear.
Yep, that's the girl... Crap happened when I was on tour, came home and **** was all messed up. Didn't talk to her for quite a while, figured she was all set with this guy (he's got money, and pretty much everything else) so when I got a random text a few weeks ago and it turns out she thinks she made a huge mistake, I was rather surprised.
I haven't committed a single thing to her. All we are doing is being friendly, and she knows I'm still out dating chicks and doing whatever... I tell her what I'm up to as any friend would, and I think on the inside it really gets to her... And I hope it sort of bothers her.

This dude knows where she is and who she's with and what we're up to. There is no inappropriate touching, no "I miss you" said or anything like that... Won't cross the lines!
Not to mention what a nightmare the rest of that trip would be. Awkward ...

Such trips don't always work out the way that you want them too, either. Years ago, roughly when I was the age of the OP, a friend of mine took his girl to Ha-va-ii to propose. Before he could do it she had hooked up with another guy, leaving him in the dust. She then had the nerve to ask him to extend her return flight time, so that she could spend some more time with this prince. B's be crazy.
Pretty much agree.

Re leaving stuff for the kids:
If you live to see them into their 30s you'll know how money savy they are. If they are spendthrifts they'll waste anything you leave them so spend it yourself. If they are good with money they won't need it so spend it on yourself.

The pill changed history and economics. Thousands of years or millions of years (Depending on your religious views) of marriage based on reproduction, hormones etc and over the last 50 years it's been replaced by consumerism. Two people working so more to spend etc.

Security used be big family and now it's the bank accounts. Money is nice but with family you don't have to worry about identity theft.

Have to disagree with this. I just saw too many friends lives turned around, and not for the better, by having kids. We decided it wasn't for us end of story. I'm happy not to have sleepless nights or change diapers or save for RESPs or have to call around for babysitters if I want to go out, or think about kids school if I even want to leave a town or city and say go to another country, or not do things in the prime of my health and active life because I needed to look after kids etc.

Each to their own and I respect everyone's decision to have kids if they want. We just don't want.
Have to disagree with this. I just saw too many friends lives turned around, and not for the better, by having kids. We decided it wasn't for us end of story. I'm happy not to have sleepless nights or change diapers or save for RESPs or have to call around for babysitters if I want to go out, or think about kids school if I even want to leave a town or city and say go to another country, or not do things in the prime of my health and active life because I needed to look after kids etc.

Each to their own and I respect everyone's decision to have kids if they want. We just don't want.

Some people have kids for the same bad reason they got married. They envision some biological clock is ruling their life and they're behind in the score count if they aren't married by XX, had kids by XX+5. Not good.

I would never push anyone towards having kids. If asked I would say how much I benefited from the experience but the benefits are mostly intangible so we would end up discussing various leaps of faith.
Is it me, but I find some couples have kids just as a way to tie someone down in the relationship, like they wasn't having a good relationship and for some reason they deduce a child will somehow make things better or the other person will feel obligated to stay.
Apparently her current relationship isn't doing it for her... But it would make it really awkward after he asks her and she says no... Especially since he knows I'm in her mind now.

Yep, that's the girl... Crap happened when I was on tour, came home and **** was all messed up. Didn't talk to her for quite a while, figured she was all set with this guy (he's got money, and pretty much everything else) so when I got a random text a few weeks ago and it turns out she thinks she made a huge mistake, I was rather surprised.
I haven't committed a single thing to her. All we are doing is being friendly, and she knows I'm still out dating chicks and doing whatever... I tell her what I'm up to as any friend would, and I think on the inside it really gets to her... And I hope it sort of bothers her.

This dude knows where she is and who she's with and what we're up to. There is no inappropriate touching, no "I miss you" said or anything like that... Won't cross the lines!

Your vagina sounds like it has sand in it
Is it me, but I find some couples have kids just as a way to tie someone down in the relationship, like they wasn't having a good relationship and for some reason they deduce a child will somehow make things better or the other person will feel obligated to stay.

I've seen people get pulled into marriage with a kid and I've seen couples have a kid in an effort to save a failing marriage, which just results in one more person who gets worked over when it fails.
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