30 is an extremely BORRING age to be, Marriage rant

Meh, i dont do it all the time on occasion.

Besides if she wants a manly man, i run into ****ing buildings on fire. Top that mofos .. :)

True but you can still do that and be a puss in other ways. By the way how do you become an auxiliary firefighter? I would like to do that
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As far as the constant procession from wedding to wedding goes, tell your friends "Don't invite me to your wedding, and I'll put some thought into it and pick up something nice for you. Invite me to your wedding, and you get a refurb'd toaster from XS Cargo". Problem solved.
As far as the constant procession from wedding to wedding goes, tell your friends "Don't invite me to your wedding, and I'll put some thought into it and pick up something nice for you. Invite me to your wedding, and you get a refurb'd toaster from XS Cargo". Problem solved.

For real, i like that! My friend u might have just changed the game :)

On the other thing, the key is to not give all your attention to one thing and ignore your significant other. It could be video games, hell it could be a pomeranian(of which me and my wife enjoy both), but you can't let those things interfere with the connection between the two of you. It's why I can bounce around in the red light district in the 'dam and she can go to Vegas and have a good time with her girls. We invest enough into each other so we can enjoy life together without all the ridiculous paranoia suffered by other relationships. But it all has to be earned, my wife knows how much I care for her, i make it known, and when I do something that she don't like, she makes it even more well known, but she tells me! I find in my previous relationships, it was either difficult for a woman to tell me something was wrong, or they just didn't want to tell me, idk. But I find with us telling each other what sets us off we make an effort to avoid doing those things.....less to each other.
Remember, everything in moderation.

Not to say that men should be getting manicures or anything, but some guys gotta step their game up. My wife's got hot friends with pretty decent personalities who complain that good guys play the background too much, but ladies, coming from a guy who's wife made a play at the drive thru window at Tims, nothing sexier than a woman who makes a move for what she wants! So I think either way, go for it! U spot someone u think u can make music wit, don't wait, debate, hesitate or procrastinate, carpe diem mf's!!
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As far as the constant procession from wedding to wedding goes, tell your friends "Don't invite me to your wedding, and I'll put some thought into it and pick up something nice for you. Invite me to your wedding, and you get a refurb'd toaster from XS Cargo". Problem solved.

Good one.

Pet peeve: Getting invited to weddings when one doesn't even know the couple. The sole purpose is that you bring money so the couple can buy a house. If I'm going to drop several hundred I pick the menu and venue.
You want a woman who plays with dolls?

If by playing with dolls you mean collage age girls exploring their bisexuality and kinks then yes, yes I do, although she usually calls them "pets"...... :)

i run into ****ing buildings on fire. Top that mofos .. :icon_smile:

LOL dick swinging against you is too easy.

I'm my line of work smoke eaters worked the decon line and scrubbed our nuts when we came out of the hot zone. Clan labs, ships entering Canadian waters with unkown cargo, places rigged with explosives.....

Sarin, Soman, VX, Anthrax, Mustard gas, IEDs, radiological devices etc......

The **** you guys won't go within 1000M of. Not that you are ever invited anyway (we bring RCMP EOD teams and JTF) but if you do happen on it by accident you run and call real men.

Come back when you have game :)

^ just poking fun.
If by playing with dolls you mean collage age girls exploring their bisexuality and kinks then yes, yes I do, although she usually calls them "pets"...... :)

LOL dick swinging against you is too easy.

I'm my line of work smoke eaters worked the decon line and scrubbed our nuts when we came out of the hot zone. Clan labs, ships entering Canadian waters with unkown cargo, places rigged with explosives.....

Sarin, Soman, VX, Anthrax, Mustard gas, IEDs, radiological devices etc......

The **** you guys won't go within 1000M of. Not that you are ever invited anyway (we bring RCMP EOD teams and JTF) but if you do happen on it by accident you run and call real men.

Come back when you have game :)

^ just poking fun.


Ever been in a fire with a haz mat suit on ? Its called 'shrinkwrapping' ...

I made the mistake of letting my lip touch the inside of the firehawk mask in a controlled burn. But level A suit in a fire.... nope.

I don't even like being in that in the heat let alone a fire.
I made the mistake of letting my lip touch the inside of the firehawk mask in a controlled burn. But level A suit in a fire.... nope.

I don't even like being in that in the heat let alone a fire.

The pools of sweat in your gloves gets gross. First time i was in a level A suit it was 30+ out, think i sweat more in that then when I'm in the sauna.
We used those ice vests but they only made more humidity. Learned to hang a towel over the SCBA chest strap so you can pull your arm up, wipe the window and see what you are doing for another minute or so. I shot a movie poster because I thought it was a guy with a gun once. LOL
We used those ice vests but they only made more humidity. Learned to hang a towel over the SCBA chest strap so you can pull your arm up, wipe the window and see what you are doing for another minute or so. I shot a movie poster because I thought it was a guy with a gun once. LOL

We did the paper towel on the top of your scba face mask, so you could wipe the window with your forehead. For the cost of a suit you think they could install a windshield wiper on the inside lol...we could be rich!
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