LOL, he's changed alot...
Lol, I haven't changed much man. I just stopped posting dating stories for obvious reasons.
LOL, he's changed alot...
Thirties can be boring. I have watched all of my friends go through wedding planning and then having kids and I am sick to death of it. I'm not a very traditional person and although I did get married I managed to convince my italian in laws into having a small backyard wedding. It seems like everything now revolves around kids and home improvements. I honestly believe a lot of people get married and have kids because they are bored. Most of my friends are into the "mommy phase" and I find it irritating. They get short hair cuts and wear mom jeans, get fat, make crafts all day with their kids and plan what they will make in their crock pots for dinner. I couldn't be around it anymore and I have kids myself.
I a have friend from high school that just got married last weekend, She was 20 or 21 I think, a year ahead of me. My friend my age (19) already has a kid and is engaged, and my brother (23) is engaged and getting married in a year, so it's not just people in their 30's. Mind you though, I like going to weddings, I just like getting dressed up and seeing pretty dresses![]()
I used to say I'd never get married since my parents were always ripping each others heads off, and all my friends parents were getting divorced and now mine. But since meet my current BF, I've completely changed my mind, quite a bit has to do with the fact that his parents are still happily together after 36 years, so it gives me hope that not ever relationship with go up in flames.
If you don't have kids, you're likely going to miss out on a lot of things in life. I'm just a new dad yet, but for example:
- Seeing your baby smile at you for the first time
- Hearing your baby speak his first word ... and it's "Dada"
- Having your baby carefully ponder over a selection of books (by careful, I mean throws all undesirable books on the floor except one) and when he finds one, proudly brings it over and wants it read.
- Seeing a tiny head persistently watching though the kitchen window as machinery is moved from barn to barn.
- Hearing your baby scream with excitement and run over for a big hug as you come through the door.
- Attending your children's weddings
- Grand kids
- Someone to pass things down to when you die.
Talk yourself out of that. Wait until you are over 30
I'd wait until I'm done schooling for sure, but if I'm going to actually start a family, I don't really want to have kids in my 30's. Mind you though, I'm still not 100% sure whether I want my own spawns.
I love how you skipped the teenage years!
You being bored in your 30's has nothing to do with people around you getting married. Just saying...
People get married all the time; most of the time these days for the wrong reasons, maybe for the right reasons but then split up for the wrong reasons, I don't know. But there sure is a lot of splitting up happening in our society these days. Doesn't mean people shouldn't get married. But if you're cheating on each other even before marriage, why bother? I mean you might as well go out and spend the money on something that's going to bring you hapiness and stay single. I wonder if people just lived in misery before divorce was more fashionable?
I don't buy into the "there's so much pressure on us to get married". Only people putting that pressure on you is YOU! Those around you that aren't happy with the way you live your life should try to live their own instead!
My 30's have been the most eventful decade of my life so far and it doesn't appear to be slowing down as I approach the next decade. Oh and +1k on the destination wedding. Spending 20-50k on a one night drunk fest for 100 of your closest family and supposed friends wasn't our idea of a dream wedding, Maui and a secluded beach was.
OP, ask a married man why he got married. When he replies: "I love my wife, want life together, etc.", then ask him why marriage is necessary for any of these reasons. If people are committed, then they don't need marriage to bond it. It seems to me that people marry, because they're scared of losing one another. Some women lose interest in LTRs if marriage seems too unlikely, because they grow far less attractive when old than men do. Cha-ching! Two cents.
OP, ask a married man why he got married. When he replies: "I love my wife, want life together, etc.", then ask him why marriage is necessary for any of these reasons. If people are committed, then they don't need marriage to bond it. It seems to me that people marry, because they're scared of losing one another. Some women lose interest in LTRs if marriage seems too unlikely, because they grow far less attractive when old than men do. Cha-ching! Two cents.
if the relative attractiveness of the spouses, years down the road, is the reasoning for either getting married or not getting married, then don't get married. marriage has to be a lot more than just physical attraction.
I really believe the only reason people don't get divorced is because they choose to stay married.
i think many people who get divorced don't take the whole marriage thing seriously enough.
i'm not speaking of people who suffer abuse (psychological or physical)--they need to get out of the relationship, stat--but about those who think marriage doesn't take effort or work. . .those who got married on a whim, and now get divorced, seemingly on a whim.
i think the people who "choose" to stay married, and work at their marriage, and give it a good honest chance, are the ones we should seek as exemplars.
Lol, I haven't changed much man. I just stopped posting dating stories for obvious reasons.
My parents have been married for 40 yrs and my mother wishes my dad would disappear or have some kind of tragic farming accident. They have both been miserable since I can remember. They have chosen to stay married and miserable. No thanks.