30 is an extremely BORRING age to be, Marriage rant

Generally, if the weddings, friends and stuff are getting to you, it's because you're not spending enough time on the motorcycle.
lol this thread is ironic. I'm 30 and getting married this year well if you can call it a wedding as our friends have called it " a chance for them to buy us free booze and pay for our dinner". Been with her for almost 10 years and wouldn't change a thing. We both lead very different lives which I think makes a difference however we sometimes meet in the middle. We always said we would get married when we had nothing else to do well I guess that's this year in-between the new bikes, the major house renovations and career changes...lol.
If you don't have kids, you're likely going to miss out on a lot of things in life. I'm just a new dad yet, but for example:
- Seeing your baby smile at you for the first time
- Hearing your baby speak his first word ... and it's "Dada"
- Having your baby carefully ponder over a selection of books (by careful, I mean throws all undesirable books on the floor except one) and when he finds one, proudly brings it over and wants it read.
- Seeing a tiny head persistently watching though the kitchen window as machinery is moved from barn to barn.
- Hearing your baby scream with excitement and run over for a big hug as you come through the door.
- Attending your children's weddings
- Grand kids
- Someone to pass things down to when you die.
If you don't have kids, you're likely going to miss out on a lot of things in life. I'm just a new dad yet, but for example:
- Seeing your baby smile at you for the first time
- Hearing your baby speak his first word ... and it's "Dada"
- Having your baby carefully ponder over a selection of books (by careful, I mean throws all undesirable books on the floor except one) and when he finds one, proudly brings it over and wants it read.
- Seeing a tiny head persistently watching though the kitchen window as machinery is moved from barn to barn.
- Hearing your baby scream with excitement and run over for a big hug as you come through the door.
- Attending your children's weddings
- Grand kids
- Someone to pass things down to when you die.

You know i read your testosterone goes done 65 percent when your child is born....I believe it.
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As for testing your g/f...I think if you feel the need to test the one you love, like a boss might test an employee, then you might not have a very strong relationship to begin with.
I'm more talking about somebody new (not somebody I love), so let me re-phrase then... I love camping, portaging and four-wheeling and I'd love for my partner to join me. As I'm getting to know them, I'd (like everyone here would) observe how they deal with situations. How she deals with the "stress" in these (and certainly many many more) situations dictates whether or not she's a keeper.

And I wouldn't intentionally break my Jeep as a method to test her, it's just something that's most certainly going to come up since I push it hard when on the trails (that is, when it makes it to the trails).
But divorce is easy, fast, and in style now. Like a mariiage abortion, of sorts.

No, it's not. It had to be the hardest decision of my life and it drags on for what feels like forever. It was the right decision as we are both happier apart but it wasn't easy. With the mandatory year waiting period it's not fast either.
Ok here is a question

Que up "lovers in a dangerous time by bruce cockburn!" as the background music

You know how some get married just to get married and some have kids just to have kids....

Do some get divorced just to get divorced?
Ok here is a question

Que up "lovers in a dangerous time by bruce cockburn!" as the background music

You know how some get married just to get married and some have kids just to have kids....

Do some get divorced just to get divorced?

Interesting question ... I guess if someone got married for the sake of getting married then getting divorced for the sake of getting divorce is probable too. Who knows, with how many screwed up and fickle people there are I'm sure some have made the decision just because it's in Vogue. But then again, if the decision is made for that reason, more than likely they weren't happy in the relationship.

I never fell in love with the first girl I slept with...it was more phyiscal attraction. Sex and love are two different things.

Sure but it won't last if you don't have the sex part. Love is easy, staying hot for each other is more important
If you don't have kids, you're likely going to miss out on a lot of things in life. I'm just a new dad yet, but for example:
- Seeing your baby smile at you for the first time
- Hearing your baby speak his first word ... and it's "Dada"
- Having your baby carefully ponder over a selection of books (by careful, I mean throws all undesirable books on the floor except one) and when he finds one, proudly brings it over and wants it read.
- Seeing a tiny head persistently watching though the kitchen window as machinery is moved from barn to barn.
- Hearing your baby scream with excitement and run over for a big hug as you come through the door.
- Attending your children's weddings
- Grand kids
- Someone to pass things down to when you die.

kids are great for most people, but i've seen my share of real d-bags who should never have pro-created.

for every solid parent like yourself, there's a nightmare waiting to happen.

. . .we can only hope for everyone's sake they're smart enough not to have children.
Girls get married because they want the wedding. Guys get married because they give in to the constant nagging.
Now that you brought it up. I need to make a confession.

I like going to weddings..


In most case the reception is a buffet!! EAT EAT EAT who cares what anybody else thinks EAT!!

And the afterparty has booze and more food (desserts) none which you have to pay for!!

So when someone invites me for a wedding, I look at the benefits first.
As for testing your g/f...I think if you feel the need to test the one you love, like a boss might test an employee, then you might not have a very strong relationship to begin with.

Oops. I didn't intend for this to sound like you would be testing her. It is a test of both of you and your ability to communicate, resolve issues, deal with stressful situations and generally function as a team.

These can be learned. It's not like you have to dump her if you can't function together. Perhaps some more practice will give the two of you the skills that you need. But if one of you is not willing to grow and learn in this way... That's when you move on. (and that someone might be you). ;-)
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