Same position... 29 in a few months, been single for quite a while and see all my friends/family getting married and having kids... A few of the married ones I'll hang out with, but it's usually a BBQ at home or something like that.
The people I actually ride with and get along with, are almost all younger, early 20s.
I've had a pretty rough go with relationships. Growing up I was exposed to nothing but marriage as being a horrible thing, and dealing with the BS chicks dish out (I've heard every line out there, and I've had some pretty crazy stunts pulled on me), including a fiance leaving while I was on tour, only for a year and a half later to decide she wants me back, while she's still with a guy who is raising her kid, and she's basically using him until she finishes school, he has no clue and is trying to propose to her (she found the ring).
I hear people ***** and moan about all the crap their other half pulls, and my friends who are just dating someone usually have some BS going on. Add in all my nasty experiences, and I wonder why on earth do people even date?
Sure, I have a "lonely" life but it's damn uncomplicated, the only person I rely on is myself (and that's all you can EVER rely on). My money is my money, my time is my time, my space is my space, and I don't have to wonder where she is and who she's doing while I'm out working somewhere. Plus, this area is HORRIBLE for meeting a half decent girl with a job and no kids...
I see people getting married, and just think it's a mistake.
Would I like to meet someone and get married, have kids etc? Sure would... But do I want to risk what I have for when she decides she needs something new? Nope.
I can understand the excitement, but I just don't think the new has worn off yet... The wedding buzz will last a bit, then they'll need to have a kid or two to keep that feeling going... And then what?