30 is an extremely BORRING age to be, Marriage rant

I hate 'wedding' bulls*** and people's need to broadcast all their kids photos and house photos and wedding photos... stag parties, engagement parties, ridiculous invitations, etc etc.

Thankfully my wife hates all that **** too. :lol:
Hell yeah all that engagement, wedding busshlit is a drag. So choose well, and only do it once. I've been married about 23 years, parent for 19, and I can't imagine living a different life.
kgreen, good advice. I go camping / portaging / four-wheeling enough times throughout the year that some of those tests should be fairly easy to do. I'll likely even throw in a "broken-Jeep" test to see how well they handle the stress.

Roasted, I think I'm in the same boat... except I'm slightly older, still single and I have both friends and family getting married this year. I can deal with the friends and their "look at us, we're getting married" attitude, but the family members are worse. They have the same attitude, but you also get the "so when are you gonna find yourself a nice girl and get married" questions... then they start with this "I know they nice young lady..."

Edit: AF4iK took the thoughts right out of my head.
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I am the oldest of 8 siblings. I was the last to get married. I was always under pressure from relaives to get married. I dated a girl for almost 7 yrs, and I still never felt the right vibe to ask her to marry me. I simply told my family that I would get married when I felt it was right, not when they felt it was time for another wedding.
Funny thing is that all but one of my other siblings is now separated or divorced. Maybe becasue they let themselves be pressured into marrying too soon or the wrong person? We'll never really know.

As for testing your g/f...I think if you feel the need to test the one you love, like a boss might test an employee, then you might not have a very strong relationship to begin with.
Most of my friends got married for the purpose of getting married. Half wished they never got married and the other half got divorced.
Do what you want. Don’t EVER get pressured into getting married.
Most important thing is that your wife never learns about your girlfriend.

The rest will take care of itself.
"so when are you gonna find yourself a nice girl and get married" questions... then they start with this "I know they nice young lady..."

Edit: AF4iK took the thoughts right out of my head.

First mistake don't marry a nice girl,marry a slut who's nice.
Money, bah. You cant take it with you when you're gone..

No but you can buy the best food ,healthcare, fitness training and relaxation so you go a lot later and get to spend more time together with that family you love so much
I do not why people feel this need to get married. What is wrong with just being with the person that you want to be with. What does a piece of paper mean anyway? The first 6 months of any relationship is fun and exciting...what is the big rush? Take your time. Live together for at least 5 years. If you still feel the need for the piece of paper then go for it if that is what makes you happy. Do not get married because you think it is what you are supposed to do.
Most important thing is that your wife never learns about your girlfriend.

The rest will take care of itself.

Excellent advice. In addition if either of them find out about your mistress, then you'll have to go into hiding with your concubine, for at least a few months.
Hey, I haven't even gotten started on the ones who skew the stats, by going through 3 or 4 marriages. "More than half of all marriages end in divorce" doesn't take into account that only maybe a third of the people are responsible for it :lol:

Sometimes I think I live in the breeding ground for 2nd or 3rd marriages.
Was just thinking this the other day and I thought I'd share my thoughts to see if anyone can relate to this.

I'm 30 years old, unmarried, no kids,...I have a pretty decent job, make decent money though I'm not ballin' by any means. I have a gf but I'm not even thinking about marriage or kids. I'm just enjoying the company of another person and that's it for me. It seems like this is the age where everyone and their mother is starting to get married though. The prognosis seems like for the next bunch of years my social life will basically consist of engagement party this, wedding shower that, wedding that, wedding planning this, wedding this that, tara lala bing bong. People are getting engaged left right and centre and everyone acts like it's the best thing that has ever happened to them, and congratulating them like crazy. The girls are pissing themselves in excitement, etc. Meanwhile, like half of those people you know have been dating for like 6 months or less and some are even getting married cause someone got drunk and forgot to use a condom. Hell, some of the couples getting married I KNOW one of them have cheated on the other at some point. At least some of these people are clearly making a huge mistake and I can't possibly be the only person thinking this but of course no one is saying anything and everything is just happy happy joy joy. Seriously, the whole world deserves an oscar for the performance. Or are people really that naive?

On the other hand you've got the couples that have been together for a bazillion years. They are finally pulling the plug and getting hitched. Good for them and they will most likely be happy together as they have been for years already. Can't say anything negative there but this news is never really surprising, or particularly exciting. Just seems like a formality and one of their last name changes and that's about it. *yawn* Don't get me wrong, though, I think these people are doing it right but what are we really celebrating anyways? The fact that your buddy will dissapear off the face off the earth for the next 3-4 years while he's fixing the house and raising a baby?

Anyways, this whole wedding season business is only just starting for me and quite frankly I'm ALREADY sick of it. Honestly, i rather sit at home and watch tv than be dragged to another engagemnt party where we play another round of "let's make the single people feel like ****, and the guys in relationships like they've got a gun to their head" (seriously, i dunno what's worse, beign single at a wedding or being with a chick). Anyways, next weekend my gf's brother is getting married and I'm away on business so i can't attend. I will most likely be sitting by myself watching a seinfeld rerun in my underwear on the other side of the globe and honestly, I couldnt' be happier with the errangement. Almost wish I could sleep through the next 5 years so I could get to the part where eveyone is done with this silliness. Luckily I still have some younger friends I can hang out with to escape from this.


I have to resort to hanging out with 23 year olds nowadays.
Wow, a lot of strong views about marriage here.

I think marriage is easy when you really love the person you are getting or are married to.
I love my wife. Even all the annoying things she does I love.

I never ever had those kind of feelings about a girl till I met her. I was a "No thank you" to marriage kinda guy. I enjoying the crazy nights clubbing with the boys, picking up random girls at bars, no answering to anyone, no one to call into, no commitment at all. But that all changed when I met my wife.

Don't get me wrong, I took my time, really got to know her. But marriage was an easy decision when I had met the right person.

So fret not little grasshopper. If/When the time is right you feeling will change...

P.S. I strongly agree with people here that marriage should NOT be a "Thing to do"!! It's a serious commitment and should be made between two people who are in complete agreement and not doing it for the hell of it...
i was talking to this lady at the gym and she got divorce after 17 years and reason was that she fell out of love!!! I don't know if love exists after marriage.
funny, I was just talking about this over the weekend. I have same feelings as OP for the most part except that I'm currently single which means everyone I know is trying to set me up so that I can join the married-and-happy crew. Those who aren't trying to set me up talk my ear off about how great it is to be married, having kids, etc... on our guys' night outs (wtf!). Not that I don't want all of that some day but it gets a bit depressing sometimes when you feel like the social outcast and every social gathering turns into a "why aren't you married yet??" intervention. Thankfully I still have a few single friends to hang out with. Riding is a great escape.

Misery loves company!
Wow, a lot of strong views about marriage here.

I think marriage is easy when you really love the person you are getting or are married to.
I love my wife. Even all the annoying things she does I love.

I never ever had those kind of feelings about a girl till I met her. I was a "No thank you" to marriage kinda guy. I enjoying the crazy nights clubbing with the boys, picking up random girls at bars, no answering to anyone, no one to call into, no commitment at all. But that all changed when I met my wife.

Don't get me wrong, I took my time, really got to know her. But marriage was an easy decision when I had met the right person.

So fret not little grasshopper. If/When the time is right you feeling will change...

P.S. I strongly agree with people here that marriage should NOT be a "Thing to do"!! It's a serious commitment and should be made between two people who are in complete agreement and not doing it for the hell of it...

I felt like that for the first couple years too. People change it seems. Go figure.
i was talking to this lady at the gym and she got divorce after 17 years and reason was that she fell out of love!!! I don't know if love exists after marriage.

"Love" certainly does. Problem is that too many people have this unrealistic idea that the huge emotional surge of "being IN love" can last for more than a relatively short period of time. These people were raised on too many, "... and they lived happily ever after" fables.
Excellent advice. In addition if either of them find out about your mistress, then you'll have to go into hiding with your concubine, for at least a few months.

1. It is important to find a woman who cooks and cleans;
2. It is important to find a woman who makes good money;
3. It is important to find a woman who is a monster in the bedroom;
4. It is vital to your personal health that the above 3 women never meet...
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