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  1. warp speed

    Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorycle Wash

    Put me down for $60 with or without a dozen bikes. My boys and I will be rolling in around 10:30 Breakdown is $50 from me and my boys And a $10 donation by Jesse Frayna
  2. warp speed

    Where are all the 2011/2012 FZ8 owners? Are you out there?

    that's 1-sexy bike. If I were to cross over to nakeds, that would be the bike of choice for me too.
  3. warp speed

    Port Dover Riders - be aware

    +1 it's gonna be this friday. Nice n easy boys n girls. Get there in 1 piece. To OP, thanks for the heads up
  4. warp speed

    Best Way to Sell Bikes in GTA?

    how much for the 1098?
  5. warp speed

    Telescopic H4 HIDs

    Do HID's use up a lot of electricity?
  6. warp speed

    500 cc cruiser to a 500 cc sportbike

    Keep your current bike and just change your boyfriend. Much cheaper alternative.
  7. warp speed

    got a new ride today

    Congrats... what's the OTD price? Nice colors
  8. warp speed

    2007 Ducati S4RS - Buy or not?

    maybe you're talking about a power commander? As for the bike purchase, DO IT ALREADY !!! The monster is a sexy bike imho :)
  9. warp speed

    Christmas Ideas for the Wife

    how bout those new fangled coffee makers that makes cappuccino and other special coffee.
  10. warp speed

    6 AM and its 11 degrees, going up to 16....

    took the bike to work too... left a few min. early so I can rack up a few kms on my way to work. homebound is a different story... hehehe... it was a nice day kids... tomorrow again :)
  11. warp speed

    Rider Down - Central Parkway W S/Burnhamthorpe

    that's my route to and from work. what kinda bike? GWS Rider
  12. warp speed

    OPP cop tasers another cop

    I saw that in the movie Exit Wounds
  13. warp speed

    Next bike...

    I got the opposite from my insurance co. (state farm) my 05 zx10r costs $25 more a month than an 09 848. Granted the 848 is a smaller displacement bike, but it costs a whole lot more than my 10r
  14. warp speed

    something that ****** me off!!!

    they're bad drivers and even worse in parking... D I C K S !!! and that goes for the girls too
  15. warp speed

    Price check: 97 916, 3000 miles

    That wouldn't be insulting would it?
  16. warp speed

    Price check: 97 916, 3000 miles

    A friend's cousin in new jersey who's a ducati enthusiast has a mint one. I expressed interest and was gonna offer $5G's USD. He has 1-1198, 1-1098 xerox, an 848 and a 749. Would $5,000 be a fair price for such a low mileage 916? Thanks in advance
  17. warp speed

    Rider down on Bayview

    Glad you walked away with just minor injuries. hmmm.... not a bad idea... hmmm....
  18. warp speed

    403 / hwy 10 mississauga west bound ramp

    wow... that is sooo close to home. I'm praying that the rider walks away from this one. I wouldn't be surprised if there was gravel on the ramps as construction crews have all exits on and off the 403 are closed every night.
  19. warp speed

    RIP Metalicaboi, Danny S.

    +1 :( He was just starting to live life... RIP Danny
  20. warp speed

    wtb: akrapovic decal (mississauga)

    if you have one lying around, please let me know.
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