Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorycle Wash


Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorcycle Wash - May 26

From the top to the bottom of my heart, thank you. The athletes at Applewood were completed blown away by the sense of community that everyone brought to the car wash. You should have seen the looks on their faces!!! PRICELESS!!! I'm sure that there are times when they feel that the world hates them because there are teenagers but you proved them wrong!!!!

Because of your generosity and kind hearts, we were able to raise $1100 dollars that day!! AMAZING!!! The money will go to the athletes and the school so that they can continue to work hard to represent Applewood and develop important life skills. It's a day that I hope they will never forget because I won't. Maybe we can do this next year and we'll have a BBQ going. :)

You guys are all amazing and I'm proud to be a part of such a caring and awesome community. As for the rider that went down that day, it's so hard to hear. I told the students and they were shocked. They told me to tell you that bikes can be repaired and they're glad to hear that you're ok!!!


See you guys out there!!!

Update: The weather looks like its going to give us a window to clean motorcycles on Saturday. It's a go!!!!!

OK! Here's the plan: We are going to surprise them at 11am. It gives everyone an opportunity to go riding afterwards with clean bikes. Let's try to meet at the No Frills plaza at the corner of Tomken and Rathburn by 10:45.

The school is located at 945 Bloor St E., Mississauga, L4Y2M8

Hi Everyone,

I'm a teacher at Applewood Heights Secondary School in Mississauga. I use to ride but I sold my gixxer to make time for family. On May 26 (Sat) my highschool is having a car wash to raise money for the athletic department. The highschool sport teams will be out there working hard to find extra funds for the school. Of course weather permitting, I'm making a personal request to put a smile on their faces by having a whack load of bikes roll in. In other words, let's flash mob them! They have no idea that Im trying to organize this. They will wash your bikes if you want them to but they are justing looking for a small monetary donation. $5 perhaps. Could you imagine the look on their faces if a huge pack of bikes rolled in.

The car wash runs from 9am-4pm. If you're interested please post your desire to be part of something special. Also a preferred time for showing up.

The school is located at 945 Bloor St E. Its at the corner of Bloor St and Tomken Rd. The car wash will happen in the parking lot off of Tomken Rd.

Thank you and I hope the weather works out for them and I definitely hope to see lots of bikes out there.
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Put me down for $60 with or without a dozen bikes.
My boys and I will be rolling in around 10:30

Breakdown is $50 from me and my boys
And a $10 donation by Jesse Frayna
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Maybe we can all meet up somewhere else, and all roll in at one time to surprise them? hows that sound?
This sounds awesome! Count me in! Where are you guys meeting up?
Shoy, great idea!!! There's a place I can think of: there's a plaza at Rathburn and Tomken with a No Frills.
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I am so in!!!

I don't want my bike washed, but I'm down for donating money!

Shoy, great idea!!! There's a place I can think of: there's a plaza at Rathburn and Tomken with a No Frills.
Perfect, so what time should we meet there??

I think you should edit your top post so anyone that wants to come doesn't have to read the thread. They can see it in the first post!
I applaud your plan to make this happen. This is an effort that is definitley worth supporting.
i would love to give back to the school, i attended it for one year- i can probably join if we can make this a somewhat morningish thing i will be working form noon and on.
my old stomping grounds..GO Axemen GO...wish my bike was done and ready to ride.....but I will try to go out and support the school, even if I have to show up in a cage.....

now if I only hadn't given my football jacket to the then girlfriend.....but then again, the damn thing probably wouldn't fit me now anyways.....LOL
a heck, I'll tag along for the ride and the donation, I dunno about the car wash.

If anyone is leaving from the KC area let me know...
I'll definitely go and donate some.
this i like, ill be coming from waterloo that friday or sat morning so if anyone wants to tag along, let me know!
I'm close by, so I can come, as long as we got a time setup... 10:30 at No Frills? Kinda early, but I'll try to make it out.

Let's see how big of a mob we can get!
Wow! I always knew this community of bikers were the best!! I'm actually very very excited to see what will happen on May 26. I've updated the plan. Everything is confirmed. See you guys there. I'm praying that it doesn't rain!!
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