Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorycle Wash

if anybody that has footage/pictures @nofrills & @actual wash that is willing to share, i would love to see them, thanks lol
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The look on those kids' faces... PRICELESS
pager77, I hope my kids get you as their teacher
When they reach high school. You're an awsome guy
Just got in from the ride after the car wash. What an amazing day (Minus one biker down{he is okay}) What a good turn out! hope everyone had a good day, and a good ride. Ill have some pictures up soon!!!

Another rider will have a video too!
Just got home, fun!

And Pan, wake up earlier lol.
Drat, I've seen it too late :(
Next time for sure.
lol yes PAN earlier next time lol and esther nice pic of the dummy in the monster helmet hahahhahahha geee i wonder who that is ?????? .....nice ride everyone ...hope we can do something soon again .
What happened? Everything was fine when I left the wash. So glad I was able to make it after all. Would love to see more pics.
What happened? Everything was fine when I left the wash. So glad I was able to make it after all. Would love to see more pics.
Not much, 11 or 12 of us went for a ride. there was a minor low side, rider is okay bike is a little rashed but shouldn't be too hard to fix up.
Not much, 11 or 12 of us went for a ride. there was a minor low side, rider is okay bike is a little rashed but shouldn't be too hard to fix up.

Fun ride today with you guys ... too bad I bailed before the forks :(

I'll keep an eye out for up coming rides :)

As for the flash mob, nice turn out :) lets see some pics
Videos are being uploaded atm. I'll probably post them in the morning.

After the car wash, a large group of us headed north to Vaughan/King then over to Forks. Great ride. Great people. Food could have been a little cheaper.


















Awesome pictures :D
As promised, here are some videos. I would have had better shots but I forgot to charge my GoPro :(

Walk Around @ No Frills

"You have included a total of 3 videos in your message. The maximum number that you may include is 1. Please correct the problem and then continue again.

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Exiting No Frills - [2 of 3]
pager doing his thing. [3 of 3]
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