Rider down on Bayview


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Rider was myself, a cyclist swerved in front of me, managed to avoid hitting them dead on, bike is scratched but otherwise fine, I'm fine.

Edit: Cyclist is also alright.
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Happy everything worked out and you and the cyclist are ok. Seasons almost over so everyone be extra carefull out there.
My only injury.

Some more detail on what happened, the cyclist looked back, didn't see me, started to move across the lane, looked again, froze and stopped directly in my path. I was already on the brakes at this point, went into a bit of a rolling endo, nicked the cyclists rear tire and then I fell, rolled... jumped back up and ran over to the cyclist to make sure they were ok.

Entire left side of my bike is scuffed up, left mirror snapped off, currently waiting for the JB Weld to set on it.

Otherwise, I rode the bike home after grabbing some food to calm my nerves.
Good to hear that both of you made it out okay. Poor bike took some damage, but you'll have her fixed up in no time.

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Good ol Bayview, where you have to watch out for cars parking unexpectedly, pedestrians walking through parked cars and out on to the street with out looking, cars coming out of parking spots with out looking, drivers opening car doors with out looking, slow drivers looking at everything but the road, and now retard cyclist that jolt out in front of you...

Glad the two of you are ok and the gf didn't end up going down too.
Glad everyone was ok, but tell the cyclist to pay for your broken fairings. Did you get his info?
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stupid cyclists... most of them dont even know the way of the road and they ride in the middle of the street!
sometimes i feel like riding in the bike lane beside one of them for intemindation
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